3 research outputs found

    Use of Digital Elevation Models to Map Out The Groundwater Resources Base Of Kuje Area to Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria

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    This research work examined the use of digital elevation model in the evaluation of groundwater resources in Kuje Area, Nigeria. This was achieved through the acquisition of topographic maps, Digitization of the topographic maps which were glued and interpolated to generate Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and Mapping of groundwater potential areas using ArcGIS 9.2 and ArcView 3.2a software. Findings from this research show that the study area have elevations ranging from 333 m to 429 m above sea level with a moderate groundwater potential in areas with elevation ranging from 286 m and 333 m above sea level. Some areas also have ground water problem, these areas were classified as mountainous areas and are located at very high elevations. The rocky nature of the high elevated environment makes these areas have very little hope of assessing groundwater. It was suggested that government should properly monitor groundwater, inhabitants should be made to accept laws which will help them in the conservation of ground water resources and efforts should also be made by the government towards creating incentives that will encourage people to obey these laws, Conservation methods such as retardation of surface runoff, control of vegetation and groundwater withdrawal rates should be employed

    Analysing the characteristic-sequence of rainfall amounts in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Rainfall varies from year to year and over decades, and changes in rainfall amounts affect the environment and society. Steady moderate rains penetrate into the soil and benefit plants, while the same amounts of rainfall in a short period of time may cause local flooding and runoff. Ibadanhas been experiencing yearly severe flooding within and around the metropolis with substantial costs. Despite research endeavours by numerousresearchers, there is limited studies on the analysis of the characteristics of rainfall. This study, therefore analysed the sequence of rainfall amounts in Ibadan. Rainfall data from 1989 to 2018 were retrieved from the archive of the Nigeria Meteorological Agency and Forest Research Institute ofNigeria meteorological station, Ibadan to examine the dynamics of rainfall amounts. The data were analysed using descriptive and inferential  statistics, at p≤0.05. The result showed that there was no significant relationship between the annual rainfall totals and time in years (-0.119). The study also revealed that there was no significant difference in the mean rainfall amounts between the Nimet and the FRIN stations, with the calculated T-value of 0.89, which was less than the T-critical value of 2.04 at 0.05 confidence level. This indicates that the difference in the mean annual rainfall at the two stations is not significant. The result showed that the Nimet station is not significantly wetter than FRIN station. The results will be used in establishing guidelines for the use of rainwater in agriculture, and the prevention of flooding, runoff and soil erosion in Ibadan. Keywords: Temporal pattern, Variability, Amount, Decadal rainfall, Perio

    Distribution and Perception of Open Grown Trees (OGTs) on Farmlands in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    The study investigated the distribution of tree species, usefulness and perception of farmers on retention of open grown trees (OGTs) on their farmlands in Oyo State. OGTs are tree species located outside the designated forest reserves. Three stage sampling design was adopted in the selection of 80 farmers from Ibadan and Saki zones of Agricultural Development Programme of Oyo State (OYSADEP). Through field observation and questionnaire sampling, information collected were level of awareness of trees on farmlands, retention of trees during land preparation, farm size, type of farming system and tree species growing of farmlands. The result of the descriptive and inferential test statistics indicated that there are variations in farmers’ perceptions towards the usefulness of trees on their farmlands. In Ibadan Zone, 77.5% of farmers do use and collect products from the trees on their farmlands, while 22.5% do not. In Saki zone, 50% of the farmers were aware of the usefulness of trees growing on their farmlands. Chi-square test of statistics revealed that some socio-economic characteristics of the farmers were significant when tested at α0.05, indicating that they do have influence over retention of trees on farmland. Gmelina arborea Roxb and Terminalia superba Engl. and Diels were the most species identified in Ibadan and Shaki agricultural Zones respectively. The existing forest management regimes will be more significant if trees on farm landscape are also put on board by being given a strong support both politically and financially to reduce over burden of illegal removal of trees from the reserves