15 research outputs found

    Anyonic interference and braiding phase in a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

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    The fractional quantum Hall states have long been predicted to be a testing ground of fractional (anyonic) exchange statistics. These topological states harbor quasiparticles with fractional charges of both abelian and non-abelian characters. The quasiparticles' charge is commonly determined by shot noise measurements (1, 2), and states' statistics can be revealed by appropriately interfering the quasiparticles. While the multipath Fabry-Perot electronic interferometer (FPI) is easier to fabricate, it is often plagued by Coulomb interactions (3), its area breathes with the magnetic field (4), and its bulk's charges tend to fluctuate (5). Recent FPI experiments employing adequate screening allowed an observation of Aharonov-Bohm (AB) interference at bulk filling ν\nu=1/3 (6). In the current work, we chose to employ an interaction-free, two-path, Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), tuned to bulk filling ν\nu=2/5. Interfering the outer ν\nu=1/3 mode (with the inner ν\nu=1/15 mode screening out the bulk), we observed a 'dressed AB' periodicity, with a combined 'bare AB' flux periodicity of three flux-quanta (3ϕ0\phi_0) and the 'braiding phase' 2π\pi/3. This unique interference resulted with an AB periodicity of a single flux-quantum. Moreover, the visibility of the interference, ve/3v_{e/3}, deviated markedly from that of the electronic one ve\it{v}_{e}, agreeing with the theoretically expected visibility, ve/3ve3\it{v}_{e/3} \sim {\it{v}_e}^3. With the two non-equivalent drains of the MZI, the fractional visibility peaked away from the ubiquitous transmission-half of the MZI. We provide simple theoretical arguments that support our results. The MZI proves to be a powerful tool that can be used to probe further the statistics of more complex anyonic quasiparticles

    Comparing and combining measurement-based and driven-dissipative entanglement stabilization

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    We demonstrate and contrast two approaches to the stabilization of qubit entanglement by feedback. Our demonstration is built on a feedback platform consisting of two superconducting qubits coupled to a cavity which are measured by a nearly-quantum-limited measurement chain and controlled by high-speed classical logic circuits. This platform is used to stabilize entanglement by two nominally distinct schemes: a "passive" reservoir engineering method and an "active" correction based on conditional parity measurements. In view of the instrumental roles that these two feedback paradigms play in quantum error-correction and quantum control, we directly compare them on the same experimental setup. Further, we show that a second layer of feedback can be added to each of these schemes, which heralds the presence of a high-fidelity entangled state in realtime. This "nested" feedback brings about a marked entanglement fidelity improvement without sacrificing success probability.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figure

    Demonstrating Quantum Error Correction that Extends the Lifetime of Quantum Information

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    The remarkable discovery of Quantum Error Correction (QEC), which can overcome the errors experienced by a bit of quantum information (qubit), was a critical advance that gives hope for eventually realizing practical quantum computers. In principle, a system that implements QEC can actually pass a "break-even" point and preserve quantum information for longer than the lifetime of its constituent parts. Reaching the break-even point, however, has thus far remained an outstanding and challenging goal. Several previous works have demonstrated elements of QEC in NMR, ions, nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers, photons, and superconducting transmons. However, these works primarily illustrate the signatures or scaling properties of QEC codes rather than test the capacity of the system to extend the lifetime of quantum information over time. Here we demonstrate a QEC system that reaches the break-even point by suppressing the natural errors due to energy loss for a qubit logically encoded in superpositions of coherent states, or cat states of a superconducting resonator. Moreover, the experiment implements a full QEC protocol by using real-time feedback to encode, monitor naturally occurring errors, decode, and correct. As measured by full process tomography, the enhanced lifetime of the encoded information is 320 microseconds without any post-selection. This is 20 times greater than that of the system's transmon, over twice as long as an uncorrected logical encoding, and 10% longer than the highest quality element of the system (the resonator's 0, 1 Fock states). Our results illustrate the power of novel, hardware efficient qubit encodings over traditional QEC schemes. Furthermore, they advance the field of experimental error correction from confirming the basic concepts to exploring the metrics that drive system performance and the challenges in implementing a fault-tolerant system

    Quantum-classical processing and benchmarking at the pulse-level

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    Towards the practical use of quantum computers in the NISQ era, as well as the realization of fault-tolerant quantum computers that utilize quantum error correction codes, pressing needs have emerged for the control hardware and software platforms. In particular, a clear demand has arisen for platforms that allow classical processing to be integrated with quantum processing. While recent works discuss the requirements for such quantum-classical processing integration that is formulated at the gate-level, pulse-level discussions are lacking and are critically important. Moreover, defining concrete performance benchmarks for the control system at the pulse-level is key to the necessary quantum-classical integration. In this work, we categorize the requirements for quantum-classical processing at the pulse-level, demonstrate these requirements with a variety of use cases, including recently published works, and propose well-defined performance benchmarks for quantum control systems. We utilize a comprehensive pulse-level language that allows embedding universal classical processing in the quantum program and hence allows for a general formulation of benchmarks. We expect the metrics defined in this work to form a solid basis to continue to push the boundaries of quantum computing via control systems, bridging the gap between low-level and application-level implementations with relevant metrics.Comment: 22 page

    Quantum bits with Josephson junctions

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    Already in the first edition of this book (Barone and Paterno, "Fundamentals and Physics and Applications of the Josephson Effect", Wiley 1982), a great number of interesting and important applications for Josephson junctions were discussed. In the decades that have passed since then, several new applications have emerged. This chapter treats one such new class of applications: quantum optics and quantum information processing (QIP) based on superconducting circuits with Josephson junctions. In this chapter, we aim to explain the basics of superconducting quantum circuits with Josephson junctions and demonstrate how these systems open up new prospects, both for QIP and for the study of quantum optics and atomic physics.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures. Book chapter for a new edition of Barone and Paterno's "Fundamentals and Physics and Applications of the Josephson Effect". Final versio

    The topological in-equivalence of Hall bar and Corbino geometries in coordinate space: Screening theory and direct transport experiments

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    Here we discuss the effect of topology on the quantum Hall effect taking into account the direct Coulomb interactions, considering two distinct geometries, namely the Hall bar and the Corbino disc. The consequences of interactions are underestimated in the standard approaches to explain the quantized Hall effect. However, the local distributions of the electron number density, the electrochemical potential, and current distributions depend on electron–electron interactions. Accounting for the direct Coulomb interaction and realistic boundary conditions results in local variations of compressibility—namely metal-like compressible and (topological) insulator-like incompressible regions. Within the framework of the screening theory, we show in the coordinate space that for both geometries, the bulk is compressible within most of the magnetic field interval corresponding to a quantized Hall plateau. The non-incompressible bulk throughout the plateau directly contrasts the standard explanation of the quantized Hall effect but is confirmed by our transport experiments. Our experimental results with two inner contacts within the Hall bar imply that the QHE plateaus scattering free transport along the sample edges even if the bulk of the sample is clearly in a compressible state. The scattering free transport is thereby supported by incompressible stripes. Our results confirm that the often promoted analogy in coordinate space between the quantized Hall effect and topological insulators is invalid throughout the entire plateau. We conclude that the equivalence of Hall and Corbino geometries is questionable. In addition, family relations of quantized Hall effect and topological insulators are doubtful. Finally, we propose experiments which will enable us to distinguish the topological properties of the two geometries in the coordinate space