46 research outputs found

    Vision zero: from accident prevention to the promotion of health, safety and well-being at work

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    There is growing attention in industry for the Vision Zero strategy, which in terms of work-related health and safety is often labelled as Zero Accident Vision or Zero Harm. The consequences of a genuine commitment to Vision Zero for addressing health, safety and well-being and their synergies are discussed. The Vision Zero for work-related health, safety and well-being is based on the assumption that all accidents, harm and work-related diseases are preventable. Vision Zero for health, safety and well-being is then the ambition and commitment to create and ensure safe and healthy work and to prevent all accidents, harm and work-related diseases in order to achieve excellence in health, safety and well-being. Implementation of Vision Zero is a process – rather than a target, and healthy organizations make use of a wide range of options to facilitate this process. There is sufficient evidence that fatigue, stress and work organization factors are important determinants of safety behaviour and safety performance. Even with a focus on preventing accidents these additional factors should also be addressed. A relevant challenge is the integration of the Vision Zero into broader business policy and practice. There is a continued need more empirical research in this area

    Innovation Leadership in Innovation Projects: The Application of the Reflective Practitioner Model

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    In 1982 Donald Schön wrote the Reflective Practitioner which implicitly but never explicitly contains a model of steps what it is to act as a reflective practitioner in real life. In this paper we apply that model and try to make this latent (tacit) model into a manifest (explicit) model. Project leaders of innovation teams were studied via in-depth interviewing to assess how they dealt with critical incidents in their projects. Some of these project leaders were able to set in motion actions of recovery which led the project back to the track into which the chances improved to achieve a desired result. Without being aware of it, they applied the steps of Schön’s model. These steps are roughly: recognize a problem, research the problem, develop solutions, test solutions and alternatives on their validity, try and experiment with solutions, select and apply a solution, evaluate the process. The results of the study can help innovation leadership in practice

    Het belang van de psychologie van de kwartseconde om niet te falen: Teamontwikkeling (9)

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    Innovatieteams worden onder druk risicomijdend en dat is funest: de innovatie dreigt te mislukken. Wat hiertegen helpt is een opmerkzame werkomgeving scheppen, waarin veerkrachtig innovatiegedrag kan ontstaan. HRDexperts kunnen teams hiermee steunen om hun faalkansen te verkleinen

    Combating stress risks with the job stress self diagnostic method: paper XV World Congress of Sociology 2002

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    In this paper of the World Congress of Sociology 2002 of ISA (International Sociological Association), the content and uses of the Job Stress Self Diagnostic Method (JSSDM) are described. The JSSDM aim is (a) to diagnose work processes to determine the presence of conditions for control problems and stress risks, and (b) to develop solutions to combat stress risks on organisational level. The method is based on three theories of job and organisation design and on the insight to combine viewpoints from sociology, management science, and psychology. The method provides measures of (a) job design, ergonomics and working conditions, (b) group behaviour and individual behaviour, (c) organisational and human resources management, (d) extra-organisational factors, and (e) personal factors. Evaluation data are presented for six organisations who have tested the method on its utility. Consequences for the sociology of work and organisation are glanced at

    From automated defensive behaviour to innovation resilience behaviour: Improving the management of R&D and innovation projects (presentation)

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    Teams responsible for innovation can benefit from concepts from crisis management and safety science. So called mindful infrastructures are helpful for teams in overcoming critical incidents because such mindful infrastructures enable a resilient type of problem solving behaviour in these teams called ‘innovation resilience behaviour’. The presentation will discuss findings of a research among 18 project teams responsible for innovation projects from the Netherlands. Illustrations and examples will be given about what teams do in overcoming critical incidents and how this can be understood in terms of innovation resilience behaviour. Finally a tool will be presented that companies can apply themselves in strengthening team resilience. Topics: 1.) What is mindful infrastructure in project teams and what is innovation resilience behaviour? 2.)What do teams do to overcome critical incidents? 3.) What are concrete examples of innovation resilience behaviour? 4.)A tool that you can apply in your organisation to strengthen team resilience

    Innovation resilience in team work: antecedents and results from a study of innovation teams in the Netherlands: paper and presentation

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    Organising in a mindful way is key to helping innovation teams become more resilient and thereby increase the chances of innovation success. Organising as such, called mindful infrastructure, implies creating the right conditions for teams to excel. To this end, four elements are crucial. When teams are 1) feeling psychologically safe, 2) experience a learning environment, 3) have a say in decision-making, and 4) see that leadership creates synergy, the foundation is laid for resilient team behaviour. In turn, this team innovation resilience behaviour enables teams to successfully deal with critical incidents, which, otherwise, could lead to innovation failure. Resilient innovation teams are extremely alert to small things that can become big problems, hate to jump to conclusions, link management goals with operational practice, value expertise stronger than rank, and can radically change course if required. This helps them keep their innovation projects on track and thus improve the chances of innovation success. This study first transfers insights of crisis and safety management to that of innovation management; second, it has sought to investigate the scientific underpinnings of mindful infrastructure and team innovation resilience behaviour. Third, it provides practical guidelines for building a Resilient Innovation Team

    Hoe werknemers onderhandelen : taakautonomie en self-efficacy bij integratief onderhandelen en onderhandelingsuitkomsten in arbeidsrelaties

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    In het kader van de studie Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie aan de Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen van de Open Universiteit Nederland te Heerlen is onderzoek gedaan naar de vraag of het voor de tevredenheid over de arbeidsrelatie belangrijker om goed te kunnen onderhandelen of om een goed ontworpen functie te hebben? Onderzocht werd in hoeverre taakautonomie en onderhandelings-self-efficacy (het zelfoordeel over onderhandelingsvaardigheden) van invloed zijn op onderhandelen dat is gericht op samenwerking (integratief onderhandelen). Daarna werd bekeken of integratief onderhandelen samenhangt met oordelen over de uitkomst van onderhandelingen over de arbeidsrelatie (uitkomstrechtvaardigheid) en met het ervaren van psychologische contractbreuk. Tenslotte werd bestudeerd of er een rechtstreekse relatie is tussen taakautonomie en onderhandelings-self-efficacy aan de ene kant en uitkomstrechtvaardigheid en psychologische contractbreuk aan de andere kant. Er werd een 'survey' gehouden bij werknemers van een telecombedrijf. Zowel persoonlijk gedragskenmerken als situationele kenmerken, zoals taakautonomie, kunnen van betekenis te kunnen zijn bij het verbeteren van arbeidsrelaties

    Randvoorwaarden bij de implementatie van Slimmer Werken in de publieke dienstverlening

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    Slimmer Werken is het economisch efficiënt produceren van producten of diensten én duurzaam omgaan met belangen van de organisatie en de medewerkers. Efficiënt wil zeggen met een minimum aan inspanning een maximum aan resultaat behalen. Duurzaam betekent oog hebben voor het langere termijnperspectief van de ontwikkeling en gezonde inzet van medewerkers en de continuïteit van de organisatie. Slimmer Werken integreert het economische en het sociale aspect. Gesproken is over waarmee veranderaars rekening zouden kunnen houden bij het implementeren van interventies. Ofschoon deze onderwerpen niet in het bijzonder gelden voor publieke instellingen zijn deze evengoed op dergelijke instellingen toepasbaar. Daarnaast zijn er op deze plaats twee opmerkingen te maken over interventies met Slimmer Werken en over interventies in de publieke dienstverlening. In de publieke dienstverlening of het (semi) publieke domein is Slimmer Werken met name een kwestie van kwaliteit, naast het vergroten van doelmatigheid en efficiëntie. Uit oogpunt van het lange termijn perspectief en van duurzame arbeidsverhoudingen is aan te bevelen dat met het implementeren van interventies op het terrein van Slimmer Werken wordt aangestuurd op een koppeling van beter presteren van de overheid en het versterken van de professionaliteit van de medewerker: kwaliteit van de dienstverlening en kwaliteit van de arbeid tegelijkertijd nastreven