46 research outputs found

    A Periglacial Analog for Landforms in Gale Crater, Mars

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    Several features in a high thermal inertia (TI) unit at Gale crater can be interpreted within a periglacial framework. These features include polygonally fractured terrain (cf. ice-wedge polygons), circumferential patterns of polygonal fractures (cf. relict pingos with ice-wedge polygons on their surfaces), irregularly-shaped and clustered depressions (cf. remnants of collapsed pingos and ephemeral lakes), and a general hummocky topography (cf. thermokarst). This interpretation would imply a major history of water and ice in Gale crater, involving permafrost, freeze-thaw cycles, and perhaps ponded surface water

    Methane Seepage on Mars: Where to Look and Why

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    Methane on Mars is a topic of special interest because of its potential association with microbial life. The variable detections of methane by the Curiosity rover, orbiters, and terrestrial telescopes, coupled with methane's short lifetime in the martian atmosphere, may imply an active gas source in the planet's subsurface, with migration and surface emission processes similar to those known on Earth as “gas seepage.” Here, we review the variety of subsurface processes that could result in methane seepage on Mars. Such methane could originate from abiotic chemical reactions, thermogenic alteration of abiotic or biotic organic matter, and ancient or extant microbial metabolism. These processes can occur over a wide range of temperatures, in both sedimentary and igneous rocks, and together they enhance the possibility that significant amounts of methane could have formed on early Mars. Methane seepage to the surface would occur preferentially along faults and fractures, through focused macro-seeps and/or diffuse microseepage exhalations. Our work highlights the types of features on Mars that could be associated with methane release, including mud-volcano-like mounds in Acidalia or Utopia; proposed ancient springs in Gusev Crater, Arabia Terra, and Valles Marineris; and rims of large impact craters. These could have been locations of past macro-seeps and may still emit methane today. Microseepage could occur through faults along the dichotomy or fractures such as those at Nili Fossae, Cerberus Fossae, the Argyre impact, and those produced in serpentinized rocks. Martian microseepage would be extremely difficult to detect remotely yet could constitute a significant gas source. We emphasize that the most definitive detection of methane seepage from different release candidates would be best provided by measurements performed in the ground or at the ground-atmosphere interface by landers or rovers and that the technology for such detection is currently available

    Fluid Expulsion, Habitability, and the Search for Life on Mars

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    Habitability assessments are critical for identifying settings in which potential biosignatures could exist in quantities large enough to be detected by rovers. Habitability depends on 1) the potential for long-lived liquid water, 2) conditions affording protection from surface processes destructive to organic biomolecules, and 3) a source of renewing nutrients and energy. Of these criteria, the latter is often overlooked. Here we present an analysis of a large "ghost" crater in northern Chryse Planitia [1] that appears to have satisfied each of these requirements, with several processes providing potential sources of nutrient/energy renewal [1-2]. This analysis can serve as a model for identifying other localities that could provide similarly favorable settings in which to seek evidence of life on Mars

    Vernal Crater, SW Arabia Terra: MSL Candidate with Extensively Layered Sediments, Possible Lake Deposits, and a Long History of Subsurface Ice

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    Vernal Crater is a Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) landing site candidate providing relatively easy access to extensively layered sediments as well as potential lake deposits. Sediments of Vernal Crater are 400-1200 m below those being investigated by Opportunity in Meridiani Planum, and as such would allow study of significantly older geologic units, if Vernal Crater were selected for MSL. The location of Vernal Crater in SW Arabia Terra provides exceptional scientific interest, as rampart craters and gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS) data from the region suggest a long history of ice/fluids in the subsurface. The potential value of this MSL candidate is further enhanced by reports of atmospheric methane over Arabia, as any insight into the source of that methane would significantly increase our understanding of Mars. Finally, should MSL survive beyond its prime mission, the gentle slope within Vernal Crater would provide a route out of the crater for study of the once ice/fluid-rich plains

    New Support for Hypotheses of an Ancient Ocean on Mars

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    A new analog for the giant polygons in the Chryse-Acidalia area suggests that those features may have formed in a major body of water - likely a Late Hesperian to Early Amazonian ocean. This analog -terrestrial polygons in subsea, passive margin basins derives from 3D seismic data that show similar-scale, polygonal fault systems in the subsurface of more than 50 terrestrial offshore basins. The terrestrial and martian polygons share similar sizes, basin-wide distributions, tectonic settings, and association with expected fine-grained sediments. Late Hesperian deposition from outflow floods may have triggered formation of these polygons, by providing thick, rapidly-deposited, fine-grained sediments necessary for polygonal fracturing. The restriction of densely occurring polygons to elevations below approx. -4000 m to -4100 m supports inferences that a body of water controlled their formation. Those same elevations appear to restrict occurrence of polygons in Utopia Planitia, suggesting that this analog may apply also to Utopia and that similar processes may have occurred across the martian lowlands

    Mud Volcanoes in the Martian Lowlands: Potential Windows to Fluid-Rich Samples from Depth

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    The regional setting of the Chryse-Acidalia area augurs well for a fluid-rich subsurface, accumulation of diverse rock types reflecting the wide catchment area, astrobiological prospectivity, and mud volcanism. This latter provides a mechanism for transporting samples from relatively great depth to the surface. Since mud volcanoes are not associated with extreme heat or shock pressures, materials they transport to the surface are likely to be relatively unaltered; thus such materials could contain interpretable remnants of potential martian life (e.g., organic chemical biomarkers, mineral biosignatures, or structural remains) as well as unmetamorphosed rock samples. None of the previous landings on Mars was located in an area with features identified as potential mud volcanoes (Fig. 3), but some of these features may offer targets for future missions aimed at sampling deep fluid-rich strata with potential habitable zones

    Ancient Hydrothermal Springs in Arabia Terra, Mars

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    Hydrothermal springs are important astrobiological sites for several reasons: 1) On Earth, molecular phylogeny suggests that many of the most primitive organisms are hyperthermophiles, implying that life on this planet may have arisen in hydrothermal settings; 2) on Mars, similar settings would have supplied energy- and nutrient-rich waters in which early martian life may have evolved; 3) such regions on Mars would have constituted oases of continued habitability providing warm, liquid water to primitive life forms as the planet became colder and drier; and 4) mineralization associated with hydrothermal settings could have preserved biosignatures from those martian life forms. Accordingly, if life ever developed on Mars, then hydrothermal spring deposits would be excellent localities in which to search for morphological or chemical remnants of that life. Previous attempts to identify martian spring deposits from orbit have been general or limited by resolution of available data. However, new satellite imagery from HiRISE has a resolution of 28 cm/pixel which allows detailed analysis of geologic structure and geomorphology. Based on these new data, we report several features in Vernal Crater, Arabia Terra that we interpret as ancient hydrothermal springs

    Searching for Martian Bio-Indicators and Extant Life Using Spacecraft

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    Current environmental conditions at the surface of Mars are hostile to life as we know it, but the near subsurface may well provide sufficient shielding to harbor simple life forms. This discussion focuses on methane which can be produced either abiotically or by microbial life and possible geological or biological sources for that methane in the subsurface

    Martian Oceans: Old Debate - New Insights

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    The possibility of an ancient ocean in the northern lowlands of Mars has been discussed for decades [1-14], but the subject remains controversial [15-20]. Among the many unique features of the northern lowlands is the extensive development of "giant polygons" - polygonal landforms that range from 1 to 20 km across. The kilometer-scale size of these features distinguishes them from a variety of smaller polygons (usually < 250 m) on Mars that have been compared to terrestrial analogs such as ice-wedge and desiccation features. However, until recently, geologists were aware of no examples of polygons on Earth comparable in scale to the giant polygons of Mars, so there were no good analogs from which to draw interpretations. That picture has changed with 3D seismic data acquired by the petroleum industry in exploration of offshore basins. The new data reveal kilometer-scale polygonal features in more than 50 offshore basins on Earth]. These features provide a credible analog for the giant polygons of Mars

    Evidence for Basinwide Mud Volcanism in Acidalia Planitia, Mars

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    High-albedo mounds in Acidalia Planitia occur in enormous numbers. They have been variously interpreted as pseudocraters, cinder cones, tuff cones, pingos, ice disintegration features, or mud volcanoes. Our work uses regional mapping, basin analysis, and new data from the Context Camera (CTX), High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE), and Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) to re-assess the origin and significance of these structures