31 research outputs found

    Austauschprozesse zwischen den Dorschbeständen der westlichen und östlichen Ostsee

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    Quantitative proofs for the occurrence of juvenile cods in the Bornholm Sea, which had been spawned in Kiel Bay or Mecklenburg Bay, were the staring point to develop a method, which makes quantitative estimates possible. From these analyses it could be estimated that 20 to 50 % of the cods in the area of the eastern Baltic stock had been spawned in the western Baltic Sea. This expansion in eastern direction was determined partly by passive transport of pelagic cod stages. The main factor was an active migration of cod in the first year of their life. These analyses suggest the necessity to reassess the actual model of the relations between the Baltic cod stocks

    Die Reproduktion von Dorschen (Gadus morhua L. und Gadus morhua callarias L. ) in der Ostsee unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Arkonasee. Teil I: Allgemeiner Verlauf des jährlichen Reifeprozesses und der Laichaktivitäten in den verschiedenen Gebieten

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    From 1993 to 2003 special surveys were conducted to analyse temporal and spatial aspects of the spawning activities of cod in the Baltic Sea. The ICES advice for cod in the Baltic Sea is based on yearly stock assessments of two separate stocks the western (SD 22 – 24) and the eastern stock (SD 25 – 32). Both stocks are characterized by different spawning seasons. The general progression of the maturity suggests that two types of development can be distinguished. In the western Baltic Sea (SD 22) the maturity development is temporal stable, with a relative short, main spawning period from March to April - spring spawner. In the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin the main spawning season starts in June and probably finishes in September - summer spawner. The proportion of spawners in summer is significantly higher than in spring in the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin. This again underlines the importance of the Arkona Sea for the reproduction success of the eastern Baltic cod stock. The analysis furthermore show, that the proportion of male spawners was significantly higher than the proportion of female spawners in all areas and the investigated months. This observation suggests that the reproductive success is only limited by the number of female cod which participates in the spawning process

    Laichgebiete des Dorschs in der westlichen Ostsee

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    Analyses of the previous years showed that the reproduction of the Belt Sea cod stock (Gadus morhua morhua) is also very important for the cod stock of the central Baltic Sea (Gadus morhua calarias). Oeberst (1999, 2000) proved, that between 20 % and 50 % of the cods caught in the Bornholm Sea at the age of 2 or 3 years between 1994 and 1998, were spawned in the Belt Sea. On account of this large significance of the Belt Sea cod stock, information regarding the reproduction process are important. The goal of the article presented is the description of the actual spawning areas of the Belt Sea cod stock by means of the spatial distribution of the spawners based on characteristic parameters as the maturity stages and the proportion of the sexes. The basis for these analyses are data sampled between 1992 and 1999. The analyses showed that the actual main spawning areas in the western Baltic Sea were the deeper regions of the Kiel Bay, of the Fehmarn Bay and of the western Mecklenburg Bay. In these regions spawning cods were regularly observed with high intensity. Furthermore, the deeper basin of the Arkona Sea is an important spawning area

    Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Stärke der Dorsch-Jahresklassen?

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    In the previous years extensive investigations were carried out concerning the reproduction biology of cod in the Baltic Sea. The analyses showed that the year class strength of the eastern Baltic cod stock is decisively determined by the bad oxygen conditions during the spawning season in the summer and by sprat as predator of the cod eggs. In the western Baltic Sea these factors have no importance. The year classes are mainly determined by the strong variations of the portions of female cods, which participated in the spawning activities in the region. The individuals within the length range from 35 cm to 45 cm have a special importance at this time, caused by the actual age structure of the cod stock

    Laichen von Dorschen in Gefangenschaft. Teil 1: Verlauf der Laichaktivitäten

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    Individuals of the western stock of Baltic cod were kept at captivity with different temperatures and salinities until natural spawning. Spawning activities up to 16 weeks were observed between February and June. This time interval agrees weIl with the spawning season of the wild cod stock. Also as in in-situ observations larger individuals started earlier with the spawning process than smaller ones and had significantly larger periods of spawning. Larger cods produced more batches and more eggs than smaller cods within this time interval. The comparison between the actual and potential absolut fecundity showed large differences. Only apart of the potential absolut fecundity, estimated in the phase of prespawning development of ovaries, was developed until their release. These analyses showed that larger cod were able to develop a larger part of the eggs within the ovaries up to the complete development. This result should be considered in the future during estimations of the population fecundity of the western Baltic spawning stock

    Erste Ergebnisse zum Verlauf der Laichsaison von Dorschen in der westlichen Ostsee 1997

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    Investigations concerning the intensity and duration of spawning seasons of cod stocks are parts of the work of the reproductions ecology of commercial fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. The Institute of Baltic Fisheries Rostock has sampled and analysed data for this goal since 1992. The first data analyses for the spawning season 1997, sampled in the areas Kiel Bay, Mecklenburg Bay and Arkona Sea showed that the process of the spawning season is different compared to the years before. The spawning process starts earlier than the other years in Kiel Bay and Mecklenburg Bay. The results show that a high proportion of the spawning stock was part of the spawning process in this area. The Arkona Sea cod are regarded by ICES definition as belonging to the western cod stock. In this ICES sub-division only a low number of spawned cod was observed in March, the main spawning time of the western cod stock. Opposite to the theory of the stock units intensive spawning activities were observed in June as in the years before in the Arkona Sea

    Die Fruchtbarkeit von Dorschen in der Ostsee - was verrät sie uns?

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    About 1500 ovaries of Baltic cod were prepared for estimating the potential absolute and relative individual fecundity. The female cod were sampled in the Belt Sea, ICES Subdivision (SD) 22, in the Arkona Sea, SD 24, and in the Bornholm Sea, SD 25. The investigations started in1992 and until 1999 cruises were carried out to catch female cod in the different sub-divisions every year. The results shows that the potential fecundity is not a stable biological parameter, and that significant changes are possible within a relative short period. It was demonstrated that the developments of the potential individual fecundity of the western (Gadus morhua morhua) and eastern Baltic cod stocks (Gadus morhua callarias) were different. In contrast to the stable individual fecundity of the western cod the absolute and relative fecundity of the eastern repeat spawners increased from 1993 to 1999, significantly. The reason of this development seems to be the dramatic decrease of the eastern cod stock and the more successful reproduction of individuals that produce oocytes with a lower dry weight in combination with a higher relative fecundity

    10 Jahre Untersuchungen zur Reproduktionsbiologie des Dorsches im Institut fĂĽr Ostseefischerei

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    The reproduction biology of cod is one of the main re-search topics of the Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries at Rostock. It was defined 10 years ago when the Institute was formed. Since then results have been published in a number of publications. This paper summarizes the main results of the past decade ant outlines necessities for future research in cod reproduction biology in the Baltic Sea

    Die Reproduktion von Dorschen (Gadus morhua L. und Gadus morhua callarias L.) in der Ostsee unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Arkonasee. Teil II: Statistische Analysen zum Anteil reproduktiv aktiver Dorsche in Bezug auf gebietsspezifische Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten, sowie deren mögliche Ursachen.

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    Surveys were conducted to analyse temporal and spatial aspects of the spawning activities of cod in the Baltic Sea from 1993 to 2003. Part I of the article describes the general maturity development and the spawning activities in the western Baltic Sea, the Arkona Sea and the Bornholm Sea. The studies suggest that two types of spawner can be distinguished, the spring spawner in the western Baltic Sea and the summer spawner in the Arkona Sea and the Bornholm Basin. The descriptive analysis is supported by statistical studies presented in this article. It is shown, that the proportion of spawning individuals is significantly higher in summer than in spring in the ArkonaSea and the Bornholm Sea. Furthermore, it is shown that reproductive mixing of both types of spawner is possible in the Arkona Sea in May/June due to the hydrographical conditions in the Arkona Sea which were suitable in 8 of 10 years for successful reproduction of both Baltic cod stocks, and that spatial expansion of spawning activities of the eastern Baltic cod stock into the Arkona Sea is positive correlated with the size of spawning stock in the Bornholm Sea

    Ungewohnliche Gewichsabnahme von Dorsch im 2. Jahresquartal in Bornholm Becken (ICES-Gebeit 25) und der Arkonasee (ICES-Gebiet 24)

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    Cod captured by commercial fi shery in the Bornholm Basin in quarter 2 of 2001 were not suitable for the mechanical processing due to low condition and weight. The absolute mean weight of cod captured by the commercial fishery in the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin in the same quarter during the last fi ve years was studied to describe its development. The results of a GLM (Generalized Linear Model) analysis showed similar development of body weight in the Bornholm Basin and in the Arkona Sea between 2007 and 2011. The mean weight of cod in the Bornholm Basin increased from 2007 to 2008 in both areas followed by a relative stable weight until 2009 and a decrease until 2011. In the Arkona Sea the mean weight of cod 2009 has decreased in comparison to 2008, then have increased 2010 slightly and last have decreased in 2011. The analyses showed that the weight of cod is signifi cantly infl uenced by length, age and maturity of individuals