1 research outputs found

    Impact of environmental auditing on environmental pollution, sustainable development and healthy environment of some organizations in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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    The aim of this paper was to examine the impact of environmental auditing on seven (7) organizations companies in Port Harcourt using a randomized questionnaire survey system of 235 employees in these organizations and the results were analyzed by spearman’s rank order coefficient. The data obtained revealed that the environmental auditing wereA:15.4%, B:15.2%, C:14.0%, D:15.1%, E:14.1%, F:13.4%, and G:12.8%; environmental pollution wereA:15.0%, B:14.9%, C:14.2%, D:14.6%, E:14.9%, F:13.3% and G:13.3%, while sustainable development and healthy environment were A:15.1%, B:15.3%, C:13.9%, D:14.7%, E:13.9%,F:14.0%, G:13.8% and A:15.2%, B:15.3%, C:14.2%, D:14.0%, E:13.8%, F:13.8%, G:13.7% respectively. The findings revealed significant relationships between environmental auditing and sustainable development, environmental pollution and healthy environment. To achieve the desired sustainable development through environmental auditing, companies, government and stakeholders could embark on environmental enlightenment and awareness campaign to let citizens know the consequences of environmental neglect and pollution.Keywords: Environmental auditing; sustainable development; environmental pollution; healthy environmen