11 research outputs found


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    O biogás é uma importante fonte renovável de energia devido à sua composição básica ser o gás metano (CH4). Entre as fontes de biogás estão os lodos originários de estações de tratamento de efluentes e resíduos da indústria alimentícia. Este estudo objetiva a determinação da potencialidade de geração de biogás a partir do uso de lodo biológico oriundo de estação de tratamento de efluentes de fabricação de proteína isolada de soja, com o uso de bagaço de malte formado no beneficiamento da cevada como substrato secundário. A metodologia adotada foi a quantificação de biogás em escala laboratorial, através do uso de um sistema de medição automatizado. Os resultados apresentaram-se satisfatórios no que se refere à potencialidade de geração de biogás, já que o volume de metano correspondeu a 57,7% do volume total de biogás. O processo de biorreação anaeróbia mostrou ótimo desempenho quanto ao tratamento do substrato utilizado, com eficiência de remoção de DBO de 89,1%, confirmando assim a sua viabilidade no tratamento desse tipo de resíduo com vistas a geração de biogás. Palavras-chave: Biogás; Metano; Lodo; Energias renováveis. ABSTRACT The biogas is an important renewable energy source because of its basic composition, the methane gas (CH4). Sources of biogas are the sludge originated in wastewater treatment plants and wastes from the food industry. The study aims to determine the potential for biogas generation using the biological sludge from wastewater treatment plant from an industry which produces soybean protein isolate, with the use of marc of malt, which is formed from the barley processing, as a secondary substrate. The biogas was quantified in a laboratory scale through the use of an automated measurement system. Regarding the potential for biogas generation, the results were satisfactory since the volume of methane corresponded of 57.7% of the total biogas volume. The process showed an excellent performance for the treatment of the substrate, with 89.1% efficiency for BOD removal of, in this way confirming its viability for the treatment of such kinds of wastes for biogas generation. Keywords: Biogas; Methane; Sludge; Renewable energy. </div

    Multimorbid outpatients: A high frequency of FP appointments and/or family difficulties, should alert FPs to the possibility of death or acute hospitalization occurring within six months; A primary care feasibility study.

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    The European General Practitioners Research Network (EGPRN) designed and validated a comprehensive definition of multimorbidity using a systematic literature review and qualitative research throughout Europe. This definition was tested as a model to assess death or acute hospitalization in multimorbid outpatients.To assess which criteria in the EGPRN concept of multimorbidity could detect outpatients at risk of death or acute hospitalization in a primary care cohort at a 6-month follow-up and to assess whether a large scale cohort with FPs would be feasible.Family Physicians included a random sample of multimorbid patients who attended appointments in their offices from July to December 2014. Inclusion criteria were those of the EGPRN definition of Multimorbidity. Exclusion criteria were patients under legal protection and those unable to complete the 2-year follow-up. Statistical analysis was undertaken with uni- and multivariate analysis at a 6-month follow-up using a combination of approaches including both automatic classification and expert decision making. A Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) completed the process with a projection of illustrative variables. A logistic regression was finally performed in order to identify and quantify risk factors for decompensation.19 FPs participated in the study. 96 patients were analyzed. 3 different clusters were identified. MCA showed the central function of psychosocial factors and peaceful versus conflictual relationships with relatives in all clusters. While taking into account the limit of a small cohort, age, frequency of family physician visits and extent of family difficulties were the factors which predicted death or acute hospitalization.A large scale cohort seems feasible in primary care. A sense of alarm should be triggered to prevent death or acute hospitalization in multimorbid older outpatients who have frequent family physician visits and who experience family difficulties