6 research outputs found

    A geochemical appraisal of some marble physiques in Ubo area and environs, southwestern Nigeria

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    Twenty (20) marble samples from Ubo and environs were analyzed both geochemically and statistically with the aim of determining their industrial applicability. The samples were subjected to AAS analysis. Findings revealed a fairly high - very high values of CaO (52.98wt% - 82.18wt %) and low values of MgO (1.64wt%–6.95wt %). Other major oxide such as SiO2, FeO/Fe2O3, Na2O, K2O, Al2O3 and MnO2 had values below 2wt%. The multivariate analysis employed revealed a high correlation between CaO/Fe2O3, MgO/Al2O3 and FeO/CaO which is an indication of their fairly similar valencies and ionic values. The high lime content is connected to the shallow marine environment during deposition prior to metamorphism. The marbles are classified as the high calcite group and their industrial use range from the production of Portland cement to their use for ceramics.Keywords: Marble, Chemical-composition, Metamorphism, Correlatio

    Direct assay of monosodium glutamatein multi-sourced bouillon cubes by first derivative potentiometric titration

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    In this study, a simple, cheap and accurate analytical method was developed for the direct assay of monosodium glutamate (MSG). First derivative potentiometric assay was adopted in the determination of MSG content in ten brands of Bouillon cubes (coded P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 and P10) sourced from different local markets.Formic acid extract of MSG was used for the determination. The result obtained for MSG standard using this method gave 99.40% which agrees with 99.94% also obtained for the non-extracted method. Results for all the coded samples show that sample P8 (75.14%) gave the highest value of MSG content while sample P6 (55.96%) gave the lowest value. Though, the World Health Organization (WHO) requirement for MSG consumption per day is 0.12g, the values obtained in this study cannot be related to daily consumption because the amounts of bouillon cubes and consequently the amount of MSG used by consumers differ from one individual to another. However, the result obtained for the estimation of MSG in bouillons cubes can be adoptedby regulatory agencies such as National Agency for Food, Drugs and Administration Control (NAFDAC) and International Standard Organization (ISO).Keywords: Derivative, Extract, Potentiometric, Bouillon, Consumer

    Geochemical Approach and Industrial Utilization of Some Marble Bodies from Ubo River Area and Environs, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Marble bodies occur in Ubo River Area as lenses of rocks. Seven (07) marble samples were obtained, analyzed and subjected to X-Ray Flourescence (XRF) analysis to determine both the major and trace elemental composition of the samples. The analysis revealed high CaO values (52.23-58.10 wt. %) and moderate values for SiO2 (7.50-10.43wt. %), fairly low values for Al2O3 (2.30 – 4.21 wt. %), Fe2O3 (2.62 – 5.15 wt. %), MgO (0.42 – 0.7 wt. %), MnO (0.01 – 0.06 wt. %), K2O (0.32 – 1.55 wt. %) and Na2O (0.01 – 0.03 wt. %), respectively. Variation plots involving Na2O/Al2O3 vs K2O/Al2O3 reveal sedimentary progenitors for the rocks. The fairly high SiO2 and low K2O content is an indication of the environment of deposition and may have been in a shallow marine environment with fair input of classic sediments into the system. The relatively high CaO content, moderate SiO2content and fairly low Al2O3 and Fe2O3 values indicates a fair degree of purity of the parent rock, hence its suitability as a raw material in the industrial sector. Keywords: Clastic, Deposition, Environment, Progenitor, Marble, Chemica

    Geochemical consideration of some granitoids around Ojirami-Ogbo and environs, southwestern Nigeria

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    Five (5) granitoid samples from Ojirami-Ogbo and Environs in Akoko-Edo area of southwestern Nigeria were obtained with the aim of determining their geochemical properties using the XRF and Xrd techniques. Results from the analysis revealed the presence of SiO2 (51.41-64.84%), Al2O3 (21.37-36.25%), Fe2O3 (5.89-8.02%), MgO (0.98-2.11%), K2O (0.02-0.97%) and Na2O (0.04-0.08%) all in wt%. Using the Al2O3 and SiO2 saturation schemes in classifying igneous rocks, sample two, three, four and five gave Al2O3 wt% values of 33.30%, 32.00%, 23.20%, 21.37% greater than the molars proportions of (Al2O3/CaO+Na2O+K2O) with values 22.54, 30.06, 22.10 and 14.07, and are peraluminous rocks while sample one had 36.25% and 43.10, respectively and is considered to be metaluminous. The SiO2 composition of the rocks ranges from 51.41-66.40% hence reveals a mafic to intermediate composition. The main felsic minerals from XrD analysis revealed the presence of quartz, alkali and plagioclase feldspars. Using the QAP diagram, the rocks fall within the granitoidal class.Keywords: geochemical, silica-saturation, alumina-saturation, major oxide

    Amplitude variation with offset modelling and crossplot analysis for reservoir characterization in Montero field, central swamp depobelt, onshore Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria

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    The study area is a partially appraised green field with few well counts. The recent drive to minimize the number of appraisal to save cost and still fully understand the subsurface geology underlying the field for proper characterization lead to the application and advancement of quantitative seismic interpretation techniques for field appraisals. In this study, well based Rock physics Crossplot Analysis and Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) forward modelling feasibility were carried out in Montero Field to assess the applicability of the techniques for characterization and prospectivity of undrilled areas. Results from two conventional cross plot techniques (Vp/Vs ratio against Acoustic impedance and Lambda-Mu-Rho) gave very good lithology and fluid discrimination (that can be relied on in the absence of neutron log for fluid typing and contact definition). AVO modelling results reveals the presence of type I,II,III and IV AVO  gas sand classes for sands B, B2, A2 and A respectively. &nbsp