1 research outputs found

    Does mindfulness increase weight loss when treating overweight or obesity?

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    Bakgrund: Övervikt och fetma Ă€r en av dagens ledande orsaker till ökad morbiditet och mortalitet. Över hĂ€lften av den svenska vuxna befolkningen har övervikt eller fetma, vilket stĂ€ller stora krav pĂ„ sjukvĂ„rden. Övervikt och fetma kan orsaka psykiskt lidande som depression, Ă„ngest och stigma. Behandlingen behöver dĂ€rför Ă€ven ett psykologiskt perspektiv, dĂ€r mindfulness skulle kunna minska de psykiska problemen och stĂ€rka förmĂ„gan till sjĂ€lvreglering och bibehĂ„llande av nya vanor. Detta skulle potentiellt kunna leda till ökad viktminskning och bibehĂ„llande av en viktnedgĂ„ng över tid. Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturöversikt Ă€r att utvĂ€rdera om tillĂ€gg av mindfulness till kostbehandling av övervikt eller fetma ger större viktminskningseffekt Ă€n traditionell behandling i Sverige. SökvĂ€g: Litteratursökning gjordes i databaserna PubMed och Scopus. Sökord var obesity, overweight, weight gain, weight loss, weight reduction, body mass index, body weight maintenance, obese, overweight, Quetelet index, BMI>30, mindfulness, conscious presence, attentive presence, mindful eating, mindful behaviour, mindful behavior, mindful meditation, random*, blind*. Urvalskriterier: Inklusionskriterier var RCT, vuxna >18 Ă„r, BMI>25 kg/m2, samma kost- och trĂ€ningsprogram hos interventions- och kontrollgrupp. Intervention med en av följande: MBSR, MB-EAT, Self-Acceptance and Loving Kindness Practices. Kontrollbehandling i form av annan relevant behandling i tidsmĂ€ssigt likartad omfattning. Exklusionskriterierna var graviditet, amning, bulimi, anorexi, lĂ€kemedel för viktnedgĂ„ng. Datainsamling och analys: Sökning gjordes 2019-01-29. Artiklarna granskades av tvĂ„ oberoende granskare utifrĂ„n title/abstract. Inkluderade artiklar lĂ€stes i fulltext. Kvalitetsgranskning utfördes enligt SBU’s ”Mall för kvalitetsgranskning av randomiserade studier”. Separata evidensgraderingar gjordes enligt GRADE. Meningskiljaktigheter löstes med konsensus. Resultat: TvĂ„ studier mötte inklusionskriterierna; en högkvalitativ studie med ett viktminskningsprogram med traditionella fysiska möten och en studie av medelhög kvalitet med ett telefonbaserat koncept. Ingen av de tvĂ„ interventionsmodellerna visade en statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan interventions- och kontrollgruppens effekt pĂ„ viktminskning. DĂ€remot fick den ena studien statistiskt signifikant förbĂ€ttrat resultat i binge-eating hos interventionsgruppen. Slutsats: Det finns mĂ„ttligt stark evidens för att effekten av mindfulnessbaserad fetmabehandling Ă€r jĂ€mförbar med effekten som erhĂ„lls med traditionell behandling av fetma (+++). Mindfulness som beteendeterapi istĂ€llet för KBT, vid en telefonbaserad traditionell behandling av övervikt eller fetma, tycks inte ge nĂ„gon ökad viktminskningseffekt (++). Det gĂ„r inte att dra nĂ„gra slutsatser nĂ€r det gĂ€ller effekten bland mĂ€n, dĂ„ det saknas tillrĂ€ckligt underlag. Background: Overweight and obesity are one of the leading causes of increased morbidity and mortality. Over 50% of the Swedish adult population are overweight or obese, which places great demands on health care. Overweight and obesity can cause mental illness such as depression, anxiety and stigma. The treatment therefore also needs a psychological perspective, where mindfulness could reduce the psychological problems and strengthen the ability to selfregulate and maintain new habits. This could potentially lead to increased weight loss and maintenance of a weight loss over time. Objective: The purpose of this systematic literature review is to evaluate whether the addition of mindfulness to dietary treatment of overweight or obesity has a greater weight loss effect than traditional treatment in Sweden. Search strategy: A literature search was made in the databases PubMed and Scopus. Keywords were obesity, overweight, weight gain, weight loss, weight reduction, body mass index, body weight maintenance, obese, overweight, Quetelet index, BMI>30, mindfulness, conscious presence, attentive presence, mindful eating, mindful behavior, mindful behavior, mindful meditation, random*, blind*. Selection criteria: Inclusion criteria were RCT, adults >18 years, BMI>25 kg/m2, the same diet and exercise program in the intervention and control group. Intervention with one of the following: MBSR, MB-EAT, Self-Acceptance and Loving Kindness Practices. Control treatment in the form of other relevant treatment in a time-like extent. The exclusion criteria were pregnancy, breastfeeding, bulimia, anorexia, weight loss drugs. Data collection and analysis: Search was made January 29, 2019. The articles were reviewed by two independent reviewers based on title/abstract. Included articles were read in full text. Quality review was carried out according to SBU’s “Template for quality review of randomized studies”. Separate evidence ratings were made according to GRADE. Disagreements were resolved by consensus. Main results: Two studies met the inclusion criteria; a high quality study with a weight loss program with traditional physical meetings and a study of medium quality with a telephonebased concept. None of the two intervention models showed a statistically significant difference between the effect of the intervention and the control group on weight loss. However, the highquality study obtained a statistically significant improvement in binge eating among the participants in the intervention group. Conclusions: There is moderately strong evidence that the effect of mindfulness-based obesity treatment is comparable to the effect obtained with traditional treatment of obesity (+++). Mindfulness as behavioral therapy instead of CBT, in a telephone-based traditional treatment of obesity or obesity, does not appear to give any increased weight loss effect (++). It is not possible to draw any conclusions regarding the effect among men, because of insufficient data