653 research outputs found

    Balanced Boolean functions that can be evaluated so that every input bit is unlikely to be read

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    A Boolean function of n bits is balanced if it takes the value 1 with probability 1/2. We exhibit a balanced Boolean function with a randomized evaluation procedure (with probability 0 of making a mistake) so that on uniformly random inputs, no input bit is read with probability more than Theta(n^{-1/2} sqrt{log n}). We give a balanced monotone Boolean function for which the corresponding probability is Theta(n^{-1/3} log n). We then show that for any randomized algorithm for evaluating a balanced Boolean function, when the input bits are uniformly random, there is some input bit that is read with probability at least Theta(n^{-1/2}). For balanced monotone Boolean functions, there is some input bit that is read with probability at least Theta(n^{-1/3}).Comment: 11 page

    Egyptian References to the Edomite Diety Quas

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    Tug-of-war and the infinity Laplacian

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    We prove that every bounded Lipschitz function F on a subset Y of a length space X admits a tautest extension to X, i.e., a unique Lipschitz extension u for which Lip_U u = Lip_{boundary of U} u for all open subsets U of X that do not intersect Y. This was previously known only for bounded domains R^n, in which case u is infinity harmonic, that is, a viscosity solution to Delta_infty u = 0. We also prove the first general uniqueness results for Delta_infty u = g on bounded subsets of R^n (when g is uniformly continuous and bounded away from zero), and analogous results for bounded length spaces. The proofs rely on a new game-theoretic description of u. Let u^epsilon(x) be the value of the following two-player zero-sum game, called tug-of-war: fix x_0=x \in X minus Y. At the kth turn, the players toss a coin and the winner chooses an x_k with d(x_k, x_{k-1})< epsilon. The game ends when x_k is in Y, and player one's payoff is F(x_k) - (epsilon^2/2) sum_{i=0}^{k-1} g(x_i) We show that the u^\epsilon converge uniformly to u as epsilon tends to zero. Even for bounded domains in R^n, the game theoretic description of infinity-harmonic functions yields new intuition and estimates; for instance, we prove power law bounds for infinity-harmonic functions in the unit disk with boundary values supported in a delta-neighborhood of a Cantor set on the unit circle.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figure

    Purine metabolism in cultured endothelial cells

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