7 research outputs found

    Modelado mediante tomografías de volúmenes de estructuras óseas para la simulación numérica bajo la acción de cargas y/o agentes externos.

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    Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería Mecánica), Instituto Politécnico Nacional, SEPI, ESIME Zacatenco, 2016, 1 archivo PDF, (125 páginas). tesis.ipn.m

    Comparative Numerical Analysis between Two Types of Orthodontic Wire for the Lingual Technique, Using the Finite Element Method

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    In the lingual orthodontic technique, there are two paradigms regarding the type of wire used. Regardless of the material or gauge, some orthodontists choose to use the straight wire and resin and bond it to the surface of the tooth; they call it compensations. Other orthodontists prefer to bend the wire, giving it a mushroom shape. There is no specific indication for the use of each type of wire, so orthodontists use them according to their criteria. The present study establishes the bases so that it is possible to find the indications for each type of wire. A clinical trial of a lingual orthodontic patient was used. To carry out the comparative study, a straight arch was placed in his right arch and a mushroom arch in the left arch. Using 3D imaging, a high-biofidelity biomodel of the patient’s mandible was generated, with which the FEM analysis was performed, which allowed comparing the reactions of the mandibular bone and appliances with the different arches. It was found that, on the side with the straight arch, there were greater deformations, and in the mushroom arch, there were greater stresses. With this, it is possible to find which clinical cases in each type of wire are indicated

    High Biofidelity 3D Biomodel Reconstruction from Soft and Hard Tissues (Knee), FEM, and 3D Printing: A Three-Dimensional Methodological Proposal

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    The modelling of biological structures has allowed great advances in Engineering, Biology, and Medicine. In turn, these advances are seen from the design of footwear and sports accessories, to the design of prostheses, accessories and rehabilitation treatments. The reproduction of the various tissues has gone through an important evolution thanks to the development of computer systems and programs. However, knowledge of the medical-biological and engineering areas continues to be required, and it involves a considerable investment of time and resources. The resulting biomodels still require great precision. The present work shows a methodology that allows to optimize computational resources and reduce elaboration time of biomodels. Through this methodology, it is possible to generate a biomodel of high biofidelity of a human knee. This biomodel is constituted by hard tissues (cortical and trabecular bones) and soft tissues (ligaments and meniscus) resulting in the modelling of the lower third of the femur, the tibial plateaus, the anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament, external lateral ligament, interior lateral ligaments, and the meniscus. With this model and methodology, it is possible to perform numerical analyses that will provide results very similar to those of real life. As, the methodology allows to assign the mechanical properties to each tissue and the anatomical structure

    High-Biofidelity Biomodel Generated from Three-Dimensional Imaging (Cone-Beam Computed Tomography): A Methodological Proposal

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    Experimental research on living beings faces several obstacles, which are more than ethical and moral issues. One of the proposed solutions to these situations is the computational modelling of anatomical structures. The present study shows a methodology for obtaining high-biofidelity biomodels, where a novel imagenological technique is used, which applies several CAM/CAD computer programs that allow a better precision for obtaining a biomodel, with highly accurate morphological specifications of the molar and tissues that shape the biomodel. The biomodel developed is the first lower molar subjected to a basic chewing simulation through the application of the finite element method, resulting in a viable model, able to be subjected to various simulations to analyse molar biomechanical characteristics, as well as pathological conditions to evaluate restorative materials and develop treatment plans. When research is focused in medical and dental investigation aspects, numerical analyses could allow the implementation of several tools commonly used by mechanical engineers to provide new answers to old problems in these areas. With this methodology, it is possible to perform high-fidelity models no matter the size of the anatomical structure, nor the complexity of its structure and internal tissues. So, it can be used in any area of medicine

    Numerical Analysis of a Dental Zirconium Restoration and the Stresses That Occur in Dental Tissues

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    When it is about restorative dental materials, aesthetics is traditionally preferred. This has led to the selection of materials very visually similar to the enamel, but unfortunately, their mechanical properties are not similar. This often translates into disadvantages than advantages. In the present work, a comparison is made of the stresses that occur during dental occlusion (dental bit) in a healthy dental organ and those that are generated in a dental organ with a dental zirconium restoration. Numerical simulation was carried out by means of the Finite Element Method, in computational biomodels, from Cone-Beam Tomography, to obtain the stresses generated during dental occlusion. It was found that the normal and von Mises stresses generated are substantially greater in the molar with restoration compared to those produced in the healthy molar. In addition, the normal function of the enamel and dentin to disperse these stresses to prevent them from reaching the pulp is altered. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the indiscriminate use of this restoration material and consider other aspects, in addition to aesthetics and biocompatibility for the choice of restorative materials such as biomechanical compatibility