5 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Pemesanan Tiket Bus Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus pada PO. Harapan Jaya)

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    Konsumen sulit mendapatkan informasi reservasi tiket bus di PO.Harapan Jaya serta kurang efesien nya dalam waktu dan biaya karena konsumen harus datang langsung ke PO.harapan jaya. Web adalah salah satu layanan yang didapat oleh pemakai komputer yang terhubung ke internet. web ini menyediakan informasi bagi pemakai komputer yang terhubung ke internet website atau situs dapat diartikan sebagai kumpulan halaman-halaman yang digunakan untuk menampilkan informasi teks, gambar diam atau gerak, animasi, suara, dan atau gabungan dari semuanya itu baik yang bersifat statis maupun dinamis yang membentuk satu rangkaian bangunan yang saling terkait dimana masing-masing dihubungkan dengan jaringan internet.Manfaat menggunakan internet dapat mempromosikan keberadaan nama instansi/Perusahaan kepada masyarakat dunia umumnya serta masyarakat Indonesia khususnya yang mengakses internet.Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pemesanan yang tadinya manual menjadi lebih efektif dalam pencarian informasi untuk melakukan reservasi tiket di po.harapan jaya, aplikasi ini dibuat dengan tujuan mempermudah konsumen dalam menghemat waktu maupun biaya

    Penerapan Augmented Reality Berbasis Android sebagai Bahan Ajar untuk Pemodelan Mesin Injection

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    The value obtained by Fadilah Vocational School students about motorcycle injection systems is still below the value of mastery learning. Many factors cause students to get low scores in the competence to understand the gasoline fuel system, especially the Honda motorcycle injection system. One of the factors that makes it difficult for students to understand injection material is the unavailability of Honda PGM-FI system props. The limited number of teaching aids is a shortage of private schools in general due to the limited costs of procuring teaching aids for the PGM-FI system. Less interesting learning model is also a factor in the low value of students in certain subjects. Augmented Reality is a developing technology in the world, combining two-dimensional or three-dimensional virtual objects into a real three-dimensional environment and then projecting these virtual objects in real time. Three dimensions commonly abbreviated as 3D, or space, are forms of objects that have length, width, and height. This term is usually used in the fields of art, animation, computers and mathematics. The application of Augmented Reality is not like virtual reality that completely replaces reality, but only adds or completes reality by using libraryVuforia, the image in the form of three dimensions will appear on the screen of the Android smartphone assisted by the rear camera. The application of Augmented Reality in learning is more interesting because this technology provides real visualization. So that learning in the field of education is more interesting and uses the latest technology so that students are more interested in learning

    Penerapan Aplikasi Markerless Augment Reality untuk Pemodelan Mesin Injection

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    The limited number of teaching aids is the general shortage of private schools due to the limited cost of procuring props for the PGM-FI sistem. The less interesting learning model is also a factor in the low value of students in certain subjects. Augmented Reality is a technology that develops in the world, combining two-dimensional or three-dimensional virtual objects into a real three-dimensional environment and then projecting these virtual objects in real time. in previous studies have introduced Augmented Reality Applications that still use markers. But the application still has limitations. The need for paper printing and sticking to the object to be studied. Through markerless technology other than without the need for paper printing and pasting. This application can further adjust the appearance of injection machine

    Design Of Computer Repair Services Application Android-based

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    Computers are one form of advances in electronic and informatics technology; the function of the computer itself serves as a tool for writing, drawing, editing images or photographs, or as a means of storage. Android, a Linux-based operating system, is a smart operating system that can compete with operating systems on a computer. Some of the problems identified include user difficulties in overcoming computer damage to determine whether to repair or buy a new unit, difficulty in reaching authorized service providers, risks when deciding to repair at a public service place, and limited access to information and costs repairing computer damage. This research specifically designs an Android application-based computer service application that makes it easier for people to get service services. The above research results formulate computer repair services using an Android-based platform with Android Studio and MySQL as the database for this study. This application is expected to be useful for customers in terms of time and cost