21 research outputs found

    Sustain GEOBIM – a new method to simulate sustainable development scenarios for urban areas

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    In 2015, 193 member states of the United Nations (UN) signed the 2030 Agenda, entitled “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,”. The planned implementation by 2030, leaves only a decade to realize the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Municipalities and cities constitute important stakeholders, who are obliged under SDG 11, to find ways to develop realistic solutions. Implementation and strategic planning require, among other things, new instruments to digitally model various sustainable development scenarios. Currently, however, it is still unclear what has to be modelled and how. What is clear is that sustainability and digitalization have to come together to deliver results. Several key challenges need to be overcome. First, is the heterogeneity of existing data and documents used in the built environment. Future solutions will depend on a combination of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Geographic Information System (GIS). Second, is the merging of different existing data on an adequate level of abstraction which allows practical use of GIS and BIM data in a common model. Third, is the development of functioning, cost-effective workflows that will enable broad applications which adequately simulate specific sustainability aspects using spatial and temporal scenarios. This paper shows how these challenges can be systematically addressed in practice. It demonstrates which aspects of sustainability can be made visible and comprehensible for all stakeholders using only one single BIM- and GIS based data model. The proposed workflow could thus be considered as the basis for planning the next generation of smart and sustainable cities

    A new method combining BIM and GIS data to optimise the sustainability of new construction projects in Switzerland

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    Dieses Papier präsentiert erste Erkenntnisse aus dem GEOBIM-Projekt. Ziel war es zu untersuchen und aufzuzeigen, inwieweit es möglich ist, die Optimierung der Nachhaltigkeit von Bauprojekten durch den Einsatz von BIM- und GIS-Daten zu unterstützen. Die Erkenntnisse werden genutzt, um eine neue Methode zu entwickeln, die eine systematische Analyse und Nutzung vorhandener BIM- und GIS-Daten zur Optimierung der Nachhaltigkeit von Bauprojekten ermöglicht. Eine der wichtigsten Erkenntnisse aus der Kombination bestehender BIM- und GIS-Daten ist, dass eine Vielzahl von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten einfacher visualisiert und verstanden werden konnten. So können Bauherren frühzeitig prüfen und kontrollieren, ob das geplante Gebäude wirklich ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse unterstützt und Nachhaltigkeits- und andere Nutzeranforderungen erfüllt. Die Ergebnisse veranschaulichen die Nutzung von BIM- und GIS-Daten zur Optimierung und Visualisierung der Nachhaltigkeit von Gebäuden im Rahmen von Zertifizierungsprozessen, die die digitale Planung langfristig wertvoll machen. Um eine multifaktorielle Optimierung der Nachhaltigkeit von Immobilien zu erreichen, bedarf es auch eines hohen Verständnisses für die Komplexität in den planungsbegleitenden Prozessen. Das Projekt zeigt konkret, wie eine effiziente und nachhaltige Kombination der beiden Methoden im Rahmen von Lean Planning and Construction Management möglich ist. Dies ist von hoher Relevanz und zukünftig zwingend erforderlich, um durch den intelligenten Einsatz dieser neuen Methoden und die daraus resultierenden Synergien die volkswirtschaftlichen Kosten einer Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierung deutlich reduzieren zu können

    Smart sustainable cities of the new millennium : towards design for nature

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    Urban environments consist of a mosaic of natural fragments, planned and unintentional habitats hosting both introduced and spontaneous species. The latter group exploits abandoned and degraded urban niches which, in the case of plants, forms what is called the Third Landscape. In the Anthropocene, cities, open spaces and buildings must be planned and designed considering not only human needs but also those of other living organisms. The scientific approach of habitat sharing is defined as Reconciliation Ecology, whilst the action of implementing the ecosystem services and functioning of such anthropogenic habitats is called Urban Rehabilitation. However, urban development still represents the main cause of biodiversity loss worldwide. Yet, the approach of planners and landscape architects highly diverges from that of ecologists and scientists on how to perceive, define and design urban green and blue infrastructure. For instance, designers focus on the positive impact that Nature (generally associated with indoor and outdoor greeneries) has on human well-being, often neglecting ecosystems’ health. Instead, considering the negative impact of any form of development and to achieve the No Net Loss Aichi’s objectives, conservationists apply mitigation hierarchy policies to avoid or reduce the impact and to offset biodiversity. The rationale of this review paper is to set the fundamentals for a multidisciplinary design framework tackling the issue of biodiversity loss in the urban environment by design for Nature. The method focuses on the building/city/landscape scales and is enabled by emerging digital technologies, i.e. Geographic Information Systems, Building Information Modelling, ecological simulation and computational design

    Business Ethics: The Promise of Neuroscience

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    Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience research portend well for furthering understanding of many of the fundamental questions in the field of business ethics, both normative and empirical. This article provides an overview of neuroscience methodology and brain structures, and explores the areas in which neuroscience research has contributed findings of value to business ethics, as well as suggesting areas for future research. Neuroscience research is especially capable of providing insight into individual reactions to ethical issues, while also raising challenging normative questions about the nature of moral responsibility, autonomy, intent, and free will. This article also provides a brief summary of the papers included in this special issue, attesting to the richness of scholarly inquiry linking neuroscience and business ethics. We conclude that neuroscience offers considerable promise to the field of business ethics, but we caution against overpromise

    Die Erdoberfläche in Pixeln : Potentiale kostengünstiger Fernerkundungsdrohnen in den Umweltwissenschaften

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    Im Sommer 2013 begannen die Forschungsgruppen Geoinformatik und Umweltplanung der ZHAW mit dem Aufbau eines Schwerpunktes zur Fernerkundung mit Drohnen. In einem ersten Schritt werden die Potentiale und Grenzen kostengünstiger Fernerkundungsdrohnen anhand ausgewählter Einsatzbereiche im Umweltbereich diskutiert und im Hinblick auf Umsetzung, Machbarkeit, Qualitätsanforderungen und Kosten eingeordnet

    A match made in heaven : a hands-on GIS pipeline unlocks the potential of budget remote sensing

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    In this paper we present a hand-on data processing pipeline for enriching budget remote sensing data. The pipeline assembles and adapts classic GIS concepts and methods related to uncertainty, scale, and error propagation. The workflow is exemplified in an applied monitoring project studying the ecohydrology of a floodplain in the Swiss Alps. Given the promising results we argue that such workflows encapsulating the theory of GIScience present a timely and profitable application field for the discipline

    Hilfe von oben : Erfassung von Adlerfarnbeständen mit Drohnen

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    Der invasive Adlerfarn bedroht am Zielhang Calanda bei Chur nicht nur die einheimische Vegetation, sondern stellt auch ein Brandrisiko dar. Ein neues Verfahren erlaubt es nun, die Verbreitung dieser Pflanze effizient und kostengünstig zu übermachen

    Innovative Fernerkundungslösungen im Umweltmonitoring

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    Umweltmonitoring hat die Erfassung sich verändernder Umweltbedingungen auf allen Raum- und Zeitskalen zum Ziel. Im Rahmen einer übergreifenden Zusammenarbeit von zwei Forschungsgruppen wird derzeit der Einsatz kostengünstiger Fernerkundungsdrohnen zum Monitoring ökologisch wertvoller Auengebiete erprobt. Die Auswertung von Luftbildern unterschiedlicher Zeitpunkte gewährt wertvolle Einblicke in die raumzeitliche Dynamik der ökologischen Prozesse

    Suitability evaluation system for the production and sourcing of agricultural commodities

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    This article presents CONSUS (Connecting for Sustainable Sourcing), a modular GIS-based decision-support system for producing and sourcing agricultural commodities. The system extends the classic FAO land evaluation approaches in three specific dimensions: (i) the sustainability dimension: the extended suitability analysis reaches beyond purely biophysical suitability and integrates ecological, economic and social suitability; (ii) the value chain dimension: the focus of suitability analysis includes further upstream activities relevant for product trading; (iii) the spatio-temporal dimension: the inclusion of an adaptive global crop cycle model and scale-specific suitability modules allow for multi-scale suitability evaluation that considers cropping seasons; The system was implemented as a flexible tool set, featuring knowledge databases, GIS toolboxes, and supporting data processing modules. CONSUS emerged from a series of third party funded applied research projects. Two of these serve in this article as case studies illustrating the capabilities of the system: one global case study on the sourcing of hazelnuts, and one regional case study on suitability of soybean production in Rwanda