9 research outputs found

    Physical activity of young people 16-17 years old and its knowledge in regard to the role of physical preparedness in the prophylaxis of illnesses of civilization

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    An evaluation of the state of knowledge about diseases associated with the progress of civilization of young people was a purpose of this study, as well as confrontation them with physical activity undertaken by them. Totally 122 persons participated in examination (77 women and 45 men) in the age of 16-17 years. The examination was conducted with the authorship questionnaire with 22 questions and of IPAQ questionnaire. The examined group at the age of 16-17 years old demonstrated low level of knowledge about civilization diseases, even though according to teaching programs they should be acquainted with these topics. Higher level of knowledge was stated about the role of physical activity in the health prevention. This knowledge didn't determine prohealthy behaviors of respondents. There were no statistically essential influence of the knowledge about civilization diseases on prohealthy behaviors and the activity of examined group. Almost half of examined group is physically inactive apart from school activities. Respondents expressed desire for supplementing the education in this matter. It can be a new direction for the researches which perhaps would let for describing the reasons for such dissonance and in the end let take effective actions aiming the change of this adverse state

    Life hazard ratio – a new scale for assessing the severity of injury in the populetionalstud

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    The heterogeneous population of patients affected by trauma is extremely difficult to systematize. This is due to the diversity of mechanisms of injury, the nature and severity of the injury and the population, which relate to injuries, diverse in terms of gender, age, presence of comorbidities that make up the final severity of the injury and a certain degree of danger to life. The aim of the study was to develop a universal method to assess the severity of injury and loss of life resulting from their consequences, using the parameters available in the Polish administrative databases, a similar diagnostic efficacy as other used scales to assess the severity of damage. Material and methods. The study analyzed a group of 92 463 patients hospitalized due to injuries sustained as a result of injuries in all hospitals of the Lublin region in 2003-2005. Developed catalogs risk factors, reference to the population of the Lublin province. Results. Developed five models predictive of injury severity scale counterparts, which include different combinations of risk factors associated with the type of injury, age of the patient and the mechanism of injury that have been evaluated for their diagnostic efficacy in differentiating the expected outcomes. Prediction model have the best diagnostic efficacy AUROC 0.9615, SE 0.0025 and 95% CI 0,9565-0,9665, hereinafter referred to as Life Hazard Ratio (LHR), which has a similarly high diagnostic efficacy as the other, examined in the work of the rock assess the severity of damage AUROC 0.9585, SE 0.0368, 95% CI0 0.8849-1. Conclusions. 1. The proposed method of use of the International Classification ICD-10 allows the use of regional administrative databases to conduct detailed analyzes of population and monitor trends in the epidemiology of injuries. 2. Developed Life Hazard Ratio (LHR)is a universal method for the objective evaluation of the severity of injuries and the associated risk of life-threatening, can also conduct population studies. 3. LHR has a comparable rate of diagnostic efficacy as other commonly used scales assessing the severity of the injury

    Functional assessment of children practicing ice hockey through Functional Movement Screen test

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    Introduction. The high requirements in terms of physical fitness of hockey players may be a factor predisposing to injuries. The purpose of the study was to determine the functional limitations of the locomotor system of children practicing ice hockey. Materials and met hods. 104 children took part in the study, including 16 girls and 88 boys, divided into two groups. The first group consisted of children practicing hockey (n=38). The second group consisted of children who do not practice hockey (n=66). The research tool was the FMS test consisting of seven movement activities graded on a 0 - 3 scale. The Mann - Whitney U test was used to evaluate the differences between particular groups, and the Wilcoxon’s test was used to evaluate the differences between the sides. The rela tionships between the variables were established based on the rho Spearmann correlation. The minimal statistical significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. Results. The boys practicing hockey obtained a significantly higher total result than the boys who are not hock ey players (p=0.008). The girls practicing hockey obtained a result close to their peers who do not play hockey. A significant positive correlation was observed between the age of the players and the result obtained in the FMS test in the group of hockey p layers (r=0.77; p<0.001), and between the training experience and the result of the test (r=0.49; p<0.01). Conclusion. The players obtained a significantly statistically higher result in the FMS test, which may indicate a higher level of functional fitness , resulting from a rational training and the acceleration of motor development

    Aktywność fizyczna studentów kierunku fizjoterapia Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego

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    Background. Regular physical activity allows maintenance of physical fitness at an optimal level and also contributes to greater care for other elements of a healthy lifestyle. The promotion of physical activity should be one of the tasks of health professionals, including physiotherapists. The aim of this study was to assess physical activity levels of physiotherapy students. Material and methods. This study involved 853 students (634 women and 219 men) of the Faculty of Physiotherapy of the Medical University of Warsaw (444 first-year students and 409 second-year students). The research tools were the International Physical Activity Questionnaire – short version (IPAQ-SF) and the author’s own survey to obtain information on the type of physical activity and reasons for taking it up or not.Results. Men had significantly higher levels of physical activity than women (p<0.001). The physical activity levels of second-year female students were higher than those of first-year female students (p=0.026). Among men, there was no significant difference between first and second-year students. Conclusions. More than half of those surveyed do not engage in any physical activity outside of curriculum activities. The results obtained in this study may form the basis for continuing research with the participation of various groups of subjects and using more advanced technologies and research tools.Wprowadzenie. Regularna aktywność fizyczna pozwala na utrzymanie wydolności fizycznej na optymalnym poziomie, a ponadto przyczynia się do większej dbałości o inne elementy zdrowego stylu życia. Propagowanie aktywności fizycznej powinno być jednym z zadań pracowników służby zdrowia, w tym fizjoterapeutów. Celem badania była ocena poziomu aktywności fizycznej studentów fizjoterapii. Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 853 studentów (634 kobiet i 219 mężczyzn) kierunku fizjoterapia Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego (444 studentów pierwszego roku oraz 409 studentów drugiego roku). Narzędziami badawczymi były Międzynarodowy Kwestionariusz Aktywności Fizycznej – wersja krótka (IPAQ-SF) oraz autorska ankieta służąca uzyskaniu informacji dotyczącej rodzaju aktywności fizycznej oraz motywów jej podejmowania lub niepodejmowania. Wyniki. Mężczyźni charakteryzowali się istotnie wyższym poziomem aktywności fizycznej niż kobiety (p<0,001). Poziom aktywności fizycznej studentek drugiego roku był wyższy niż u studentek pierwszego roku (p=0,026). Wśród mężczyzn nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic między studentami pierwszego i drugiego roku. Wnioski. Ponad połowa badanych nie podejmuje żadnej aktywności fizycznej poza zajęciami programowymi. Uzyskane w niniejszej pracy wyniki mogą stanowić podstawę kontynuowania badań z udziałem różnych grup badanych oraz z wykorzystaniem bardziej zaawansowanych technologii i narzędzi badawczych

    Circulating cytokeratin-18 and tumour necrosis factor-α in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis

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    Aims. The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness of TNF-α and CK-18 as diagnostic markers of alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Additionally, the effects of the stage of liver cirrhosis on concentrations of TNF-α and CK-18, as well as their correlation, were evaluated. Materials and method. Sixty-two patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis treated in various hospitals were randomly enrolled. The stage of cirrhosis was assessed according to the Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system. The control group consisted of 31 healthy people without liver disease. Concentrations of TNF-α and cytokeratin-18 in blood plasma of patients and controls were measured using the sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique, with commercially available quantitative ELISA test kits. Results. The concentration of CK-18 was statistically higher in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, compared to the control group. The concentration of TNF-α was significantly higher in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, compared to the control group. Higher concentrations of TNF-α were found only in patients with stage C and B alcoholic liver cirrhosis, compared to healthy persons. Conclusions. The levels of TNF-α and total CK-18 were higher in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis than in healthy individuals. No correlation was found between the level of CK-18 and stage of liver cirrhosis

    Circulating cytokeratin-18 and tumour necrosis factor-α in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis

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    Aims. The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness of TNF-α and CK-18 as diagnostic markers of alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Additionally, the effects of the stage of liver cirrhosis on concentrations of TNF-α and CK-18, as well as their correlation, were evaluated. Materials and method. Sixty-two patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis treated in various hospitals were randomly enrolled. The stage of cirrhosis was assessed according to the Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system. The control group consisted of 31 healthy people without liver disease. Concentrations of TNF-α and cytokeratin-18 in blood plasma of patients and controls were measured using the sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique, with commercially available quantitative ELISA test kits. Results. The concentration of CK-18 was statistically higher in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, compared to the control group. The concentration of TNF-α was significantly higher in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, compared to the control group. Higher concentrations of TNF-α were found only in patients with stage C and B alcoholic liver cirrhosis, compared to healthy persons. Conclusions. The levels of TNF-α and total CK-18 were higher in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis than in healthy individuals. No correlation was found between the level of CK-18 and stage of liver cirrhosis

    Association between Serum Selenium Concentrations and Levels of Proinflammatory and Profibrotic Cytokines—Interleukin-6 and Growth Differentiation Factor-15, in Patients with Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis

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    According to some authors, serum selenium levels are strongly associated with the severity of liver diseases, including liver cirrhosis. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the concentration of selenium and pro-inflammatory and profibrotic cytokines—interleukin-6 (IL-6) and growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15) in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. The parameters studied were determined in the serum of 99 patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis divided based on the severity of disease according to the Child-Turcotte-Pugh criteria. In patients with liver cirrhosis, the serum selenium concentration was statistically lower, whereas serum IL-6 and GDF-15 concentrations were higher than those in the control group. Moreover, the concentration of selenium negatively correlated with the levels of GDF-15 and IL-6. The above results may indicate a role of selenium deficiency in the pathogenesis and progression of alcoholic liver disease

    The effect of ethyl alcohol on the severity of injuries in fatal pedestrian victims of traffic crashes.

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    IntroductionA substantial percentage of traffic crashes involve people under the influence of ethyl alcohol. In such circumstances, we speak of the possible effect of ethanol upon trauma outcomes. The present research aimed to assess the state of sobriety fatal pedestrian victims and the correlation between the level of sobriety and the severity of injuries.Research material and methodThe data was obtained from the Warsaw Medical University's Department of Forensic Medicine. The analysis covered the data for the period of 2009-2013; it encompassed 158 fatal pedestrian victims hit by passenger cars. The appropriate methods of statistical analysis were applied.ResultsThe majority of the fatal pedestrian victims were individuals under the influence of ethyl alcohol (72.15%). Significant correlations were observed between the concentration of ethyl alcohol and the victims' gender (pConclusionsPedestrians under the influence of ethyl alcohol are a significant group of victims of traffic crashes. Ethyl alcohol is not an independent factor affecting the severity of injuries. A higher percentage of pedestrian victims die on the scene, especially in rural areas