344 research outputs found

    Nested Dynamics of Metropolitan Processes and Policies: Turin

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    BACKGROUND PAPERS FOR THE METROPOLITAN STUDY: 3 -- The project "Nested Dynamics of Metropolitan Processes and Policies" was initiated by the Regional and urban Development Group at IIASA in 1983 and work on this collaborative study started the same year. This Series of contributions represents "entry tickets" to the Project, i.e., initial statements by authors from individual metropolitan regions that are participating in the Project's network. The aim of these papers is threefold. First, to provide some background information describing the processes of change within four principal subsystems: population, housing, economy, and transportation. Second, to identify major trends and crucial policy issues which are to constitute a focus for the subsequent analytical and modeling work. Third, to facilitate comparative studies of development paths among these regions and the dynamic interdependencies between the above subsystems. The background information contained in this paper pertains to the Turin metropolitan region

    Torino, via Maria Vittoria 7c. Oratorio di S. Filippo Neri. Strutture di età romana e impianti ottocenteschi

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    Nell'ambito del cantiere archeologico che ha interessato l'Isolato S. Filippo in Torino, prestigiosa isola che comprende la nota omonima chiesa con oratorio, sono state rinvenute strutture che, a fronte di indagini bibliografiche e di archivio, sono state identificate come segni di impianti utili al fabbricato prospiciente via Carlo Alberto, nell'Ottocento sede centrale delle Poste e Telegrafi e del Ministero dei Lavori pubblici. Raro riferimento per una cosiddetta "storia dell'impiantistica", il testo, oltre a introdurre le principali vicende che hanno accompagnato le trasformazioni del luogo, propone una disamina dettagliata dei materiali ritrovati

    Impact of a comprehensive prevention programme aimed at reducing incivility and verbal violence against healthcare workers in a French ophthalmic emergency department: an interrupted time-series study.

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    Primary prevention, comprising patient-oriented and environmental interventions, is considered to be one of the best ways to reduce violence in the emergency department (ED). We assessed the impact of a comprehensive prevention programme aimed at preventing incivility and verbal violence against healthcare professionals working in the ophthalmology ED (OED) of a university hospital. The programme was designed to address long waiting times and lack of information. It combined a computerised triage algorithm linked to a waiting room patient call system, signage to assist patients to navigate in the OED, educational messages broadcast in the waiting room, presence of a mediator and video surveillance. All patients admitted to the OED and those accompanying them. Single-centre prospective interrupted time-series study conducted over 18 months. Violent acts self-reported by healthcare workers committed by patients or those accompanying them against healthcare workers. Waiting time and length of stay. There were a total of 22 107 admissions, including 272 (1.4%) with at least one act of violence reported by the healthcare workers. Almost all acts of violence were incivility or verbal harassment. The rate of violence significantly decreased from the pre-intervention to the intervention period (24.8, 95% CI 20.0 to 29.5, to 9.5, 95% CI 8.0 to 10.9, acts per 1000 admissions, p<0.001). An immediate 53% decrease in the violence rate (incidence rate ratio=0.47, 95% CI 0.27 to 0.82, p=0.0121) was observed in the first month of the intervention period, after implementation of the triage algorithm. A comprehensive prevention programme targeting patients and environment can reduce self-reported incivility and verbal violence against healthcare workers in an OED. NCT02015884

    A Non-Equilibrium Defect-Unbinding Transition: Defect Trajectories and Loop Statistics

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    In a Ginzburg-Landau model for parametrically driven waves a transition between a state of ordered and one of disordered spatio-temporal defect chaos is found. To characterize the two different chaotic states and to get insight into the break-down of the order, the trajectories of the defects are tracked in detail. Since the defects are always created and annihilated in pairs the trajectories form loops in space time. The probability distribution functions for the size of the loops and the number of defects involved in them undergo a transition from exponential decay in the ordered regime to a power-law decay in the disordered regime. These power laws are also found in a simple lattice model of randomly created defect pairs that diffuse and annihilate upon collision.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    Isostructural Phase Transition of TiN Under High Pressure

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    In situ high-pressure energy dispersive x-ray diffraction experiments on polycrystalline powder TiN with NaCl-type structure have been conducted with the pressure up to 30.1 GPa by using the diamond anvil cell instrument with synchrotron radiation at room tempearture. The experimental results suggested that an isostructural phase transition might exist at about 7 GPa as revealed by the discontinuity of V/V0 with pressure.Comment: submitte

    Equation of state and phonon frequency calculations of diamond at high pressures

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    The pressure-volume relationship and the zone-center optical phonon frequency of cubic diamond at pressures up to 600 GPa have been calculated based on Density Functional Theory within the Local Density Approximation and the Generalized Gradient Approximation. Three different approaches, viz. a pseudopotential method applied in the basis of plane waves, an all-electron method relying on Augmented Plane Waves plus Local Orbitals, and an intermediate approach implemented in the basis of Projector Augmented Waves have been used. All these methods and approximations yield consistent results for the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus and the volume dependence of the mode Grueneisen parameter of diamond. The results are at variance with recent precise measurements up to 140 GPa. Possible implications for the experimental pressure determination based on the ruby luminescence method are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure