254 research outputs found

    Identifying Indigenous Health Technologies Used by Women in a Rural Community in Nigeria on the Cord Stumps of Newborns: A Decrease in Cord Infections and Neonatal Tetanus?

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    About two-thirds of births in developing countries take place outside health facilities and almost half of the women are delivered by untrained traditional birth attendants (TBAs), family members or deliver on their own. A wide variety of traditional practices and beliefs are associated with care of the umbilical cord. This paper attempts to identify indigenous health technologies used by women in a rural community – Oregbeni – in Edo State, Nigeria on the cord stumps of newborns, to describe their preparations and applications and also to link these traditional practices with the relevant scientific information to determine the validity of such practices. It also tries to ascertain whether these practices have led to a decrease in cord infections and neonatal tetanus amongst newborns in the locality. About 300 women aged between 29 and 70 years of age of whom 280 (93.3%) had used traditional substances on the cord stumps of their newborns were used as respondents. These substances included white native chalk (calcium carbonate) with salt – 46.7%; leaves of Bryophyllum pinnatum – 66.7%; clean hot sand – 20%; leaves of Occimium gratissimum – 6.7%; expressed breast milk (colostrum) – 6.7% and palm oil with hen’s feather – 6.7%. These substances were either applied directly on the cord stump – 73.3%; put on fire and water squeezed out from leaves before application – 60%; mixed with other substances (salt) and warmed in local pots – 53.4% and applied with hen’s feather – 6.7%. The cord stumps fell within 3-4 days when these traditional substances were applied, while for those who used conventional (Western) methods it took between 7-14 days for the cord stumps to fall off. There were very many positive views on the use of these traditional substances in the treatment of cord stumps, to conventional methods. These included very effective – 86.7%; stump fell within 3-4 days of application of substance – 73.3%; quick relief – 73.3%. There are a wide variety of practices for cord care at birth and until the separation of the stump. Some are clearly harmful (use of sand and herbs and unclean tools) and should be eliminated or replaced with safer alternatives, others are beneficial (use of expressed breast milk and passing knives through the flame) and should be encouraged. Teaching traditional birth attendants (TBAs) and families about clean cord care and the risks of cord infections, neonatal tetanus and the provision of disposable delivery kits should be complemented by increased coverage of women of childbearing age with tetanus toxoid immunization. This study strongly recommends that the efficacy and safety of these medicinal plants be evaluated, and the correct dosage used established. Traditional practices are de facto sources of primary healthcare in Africa. Complementary work between traditional practice and modern science is essential for the progress of medical sciences

    Pattern of cleft lip and palate in Benin City, Nigeria

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    A CAJM article on the pattern of cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) in Benin City, Nigeria.Objective: To study the pattern of cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) in Benin City, Nigeria and to compare the findings with reports from other parts of the world. The results of this study may be used to improve the welfare of affected patients. Design: A descriptive study. Setting: The University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. Subjects: 103 ethnic Nigerian patients with cleft lip and/or palate. Main Outcome Measures: Consecutive ethnic Nigerian patients presenting with CL/P were studied. Patients’ data collected included age, sex, ethnic group, type of CL/P and the laterality pattern. Descriptive statistics were generated for all the variables recorded. Results: There were 49.5% females and 50.5 % males; 95.1% were children and 4.9% were adults. The ethnic groups most often affected were Urhobo 29.1%, Bini 27.1% and Ibo 17.4%. The combined cleft lip and palate 60.2% was the commonest type of cleft. There were 28.2% patients with cleft lip only. More (7.8%) females were affected by the isolated cleft palate deformity. Twenty five patients had exceeded the time of repair. Their reasons were ignorance (36%) and financial constraints (64%) Conclusion: The data from this study is consistent with studies from other parts of the world. However, a high proportion of patients did not have access to early treatment due to ignorance and financial constraints. Public enlightenment and financial assistance for the indigent patient is recommended

    Examining Online Social Networks (OSNs) Adoption and Use within Older Adults: A Facebook and Twitter, Hertfordshire Study (16)

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    As the quality of life improves, an ageing population is the outcome. This group of society is also a low adopting and use group of Online Social Networks that are proliferating daily lives. Therefore, this research in progress paper formed the aim: To identify, understand and explain the adoption, use and diffusion of OSN within the older adult population residing in Hertfordshire households of the UK. This paper provides the theoretical foundations and hypothesis of this study. It also explains how it will provide contributions for academia, policy makers and industrial sectors and offers a conclusion to this paper

    An Epidemiological Survey on the Presence of Toxic Chemicals in Soaps and Cosmetics Used by Adolescent Female Students from a Nigerian University

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    An epidemiological survey was conducted into the presence of toxic chemicals in soaps and cosmetics used by 200 adolescent female students between 17 and 26 years of age from a Nigerian university, The University of Benin, Benin City. Most of these cosmetics, which included creams, lotions and soaps, were imported from Europe. 20% of these young girls had used cosmetics to lighten their skin for between two months to two years and claimed that they had some irritations. Another 40% used a mixture of cosmetics and soaps in combination and their skins were burnt during the period. Over 66% used medicated soaps which they claimed were very good on their skin, but 17% of these cosmetics contain hydroquinone while 14% and 35% of the soaps contain potassium mercuric iodide. The presence of these chemicals, (hydroquinone and mercuric iodide), which had already been banned worldwide in cosmetics and soaps must be viewed with serious concern, especially when most of the users claimed that they were ignorant of the health implications involved. Government agencies controlling the regulations and importation of these pharmaceutical products should ensure that Nigeria does not become a dumping ground for such undesirable products, which can become carcinogenic on the skin after long-term use. Follow-up action on educating these young girls on the health implications involved in the use of these pharmaceutical products is highly recommended

    Public Health Implications of the Declining Calcium Intake in Female Adolescents from a Nigerian University

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    The importance of calcium for strong bones has long been recognized. It is now also known that adequate calcium intake helps reduce high blood pressure and lessens the symptoms of premenstrual tension as well as possibly protecting against bowel cancer. Over the last several decades, researchers have learnt a great deal about how a nutritionally balanced diet during childhood and adolescence works to prevent the onset of damaging adult diseases. One long – lasting effect of nutritional imbalance during adolescence is osteoporosis, a bone-crippling disease characterized by low bone mass and an increased bone fragility. Once recognized primarily as an elderly woman’s disease, osteoporosis is now being acknowledged as a partially preventable ‘adolescent’ disease because the occurrence of osteoporosis is influenced by bone mass attained during the first three decades of life, as well as the amount of bone lost after menopause. An optimal calcium intake during adolescence, when 50 percent of adult skeletal mass is formed decreases the risk of the crippling fractures caused by osteoporosis. This study examines the health implications on the declining calcium intake in female adolescents from the University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. Well-structured, in-depth questionnaires were distributed to 500 adolescent female students to access their calcium intake from the foods they eat. The results showed that many adolescent females avoid dairy products, the best source of calcium, because of the perception that all dairy products are fat – laden foods. Others replace milk with regular or diet soda, unconcerned about the “empty calories” or limited nutritional value of soda. Some are not aware of the serious, long –lasting health implications of inadequate calcium consumption. Most do not think they will ever become one of the 26 million women that suffer from osteoporosis today. Though the threat of osteoporosis may be in the far – off future for many female teens, this study recognizes the immediate need to reverse their inadequate calcium intake. A public health campaign geared toward increasing their calcium consumption by encouraging them to consume nature’s most calcium rich food: milk, is highly recommended

    Comparative study of analgesic effectiveness of single doses of paracetamol and ibuprofen in a dental pain model

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    Objective: The overall aim of this study is to evaluate the analgesic effectiveness of paracetamol and ibuprofen in the pharmacologic management of acute post-operative dental pain.Method: This study employed the visual analogue scale to measure the effectiveness of single doses of ibuprofen and paracetamol over a six-hour period, following a third molar surgery in a homogenous study population, matched for age, body mass index (BMI) and gender. Alarms were set to remind patients to score pain intensity at time point 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 hours, post-dosing. A measure of the difference between the pain scores at the various time interval and that at the basal level (time 0) is the pain intensity difference (PID) at the various time intervals. Data obtained were analysed, using the SPSS version 16.0. (Chicago, IL, USA). Inferential statistics used include Chi squared test and a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). P<0.05 was considered  significant.Result: Ibuprofen showed a statistically significant superiority over paracetamol from time 2.5 hours to the sixth hour (P<0.05). There is no significant difference between paracetamol and placebo (P>0.05). The difference per dose prices of ibuprofen and paracetamol is negligible. Probability of developing significant pain following use of paracetamol is greater than 0.9, the relative risk is 1.10 and the odds 10.3, C.I. 95%.Conclusion: This study concludes that ibuprofen is significantly more efficacious than paracetamol in the management of post-surgical dental pain and suggests that paracetamol should not be prescribed as a sole agent for analgesia after a third molar surgery.Key words: Analgesic effectiveness, dental pain, pharmacologic managemen

    Effect of Plant Extract Combinations on Some Bacterial Pathogens

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    Increase in antimicrobial resistance coupled with successful treatment of various diseases with herbal medications has triggered the upsurge in research geared towards harnessing the medicinal potentials of various plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the phytochemical composition of Bryophyllum pinnatum, Ocimum gratissimum, Jatropha curcas and Ficus exasperata and their combined antibacterial activity on Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella pneumonia. Plant leaves were air–dried, extracted with ethyl-acetate and water with subsequent qualitative analyses for phytochemical compounds. Bacterial pathogens were obtained from University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), confirmed, and their zones of inhibition studied at 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 mg/ml of extract combinations. The presence of phenols, tannins and saponins were confirmed in all extracts while alkaloids were present in all ethyl acetate extracts and terpenoids in all aqueous extracts. Different zones of inhibition were measured with the different extract combinations with E. coli having its highest zone of inhibition with the combination of Bryophyllum pinnatum and Ocimum gratissimum in 30 mg/ml (27.25 ± 1.70 mm). However, the highest zone of inhibition observed in the study was with S. aureus in 10 mg/ml concentration of ethyl acetate plant extracts of Ocimum gratissimum and Ficus exasperata (31.75 ± 3.07 mm). The Gram positive cell wall of S. aureus is less complex and therefore, more susceptible to bio-agents. Antibacterial activities of these extracts are attributed to the presence of secondary metabolites that make them good bio-agents for production of antibacterial drugs. Keywords: Plant extracts, Inhibition zones, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureu

    Gender and Oral Manifestations of HIV Infection Among Adult Nigerians

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    Oral manifestations were studied in 305 adult Nigerians with HIV infection. Data collected were demographic (age, sex, marital status, educational status and occupation) and clinical (mode of transmission, general manifestations and oral manifestations of HIV infection). The chi- square test was used in test for significance between variables and p values less than 0.05 were regarded as significant. A total of 47.5% patients had oral manifestations. There were 67.6% females and 32.4% males (p 0.05). The study concluded that similar demographic and clinical characteristics were observed in the occurrence of oral manifestations of HIV infection in both male and female Nigerians. African Journal of Reproductive Health Vol. 10 (2) 2006: pp. 81-8

    Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistant Gene in Abattoir Environment

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous gram-negative pathogen with susceptibility to cause opportunistic infections in humans. Among the total of 75 isolated presumptive Pseudomonas aeruginosa, by cultural and morphology characteristic, 55 were identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa by the specie-specific primer employing PCR assay which was more sensitive for confirmation of the isolates. Fifty-five Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were screened using PCR for the presence of integrons and associated resistance gene cassette. Thirty-four isolates harbored class 1 integrons (61.8%), of which 27 isolates (79.4%) carried gene cassettes. PCR was performed targeting the presence of these genes:- blaOXA 11(32.4%); blaIMP 5(14.7%); blaAMPC 5(14.7%); blaTEM 4(11.8%); and TetC 2(5.8%). Some of these genes were only recently described from clinical isolates, demonstrating genetic exchange between clinical and environmental Pseudomonas aeruginosa stains. Multiresistance was observed in the isolates, revealing strong correlation between integron presence and multi-resistance. These results demonstrate that abattoir milieu is potential reservoirs of various antibiotics resistance genes, thus constituting a serious health risk to the communities dependent on the receiving water bodies.Keywords: Abattoir, Class 1 integron, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Multi-resistance, Gene cassett