17 research outputs found

    Laser-heated capillary discharge plasma waveguides for electron acceleration to 8 GeV

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    A plasma channel created by the combination of a capillary discharge and inverse Bremsstrahlung laser heating enabled the generation of electron bunches with energy up to 7.8 GeV in a laser-driven plasma accelerator. The capillary discharge created an initial plasma channel and was used to tune the plasma temperature, which optimized laser heating. Although optimized colder initial plasma temperatures reduced the ionization degree, subsequent ionization from the heater pulse created a fully ionized plasma on-axis. The heater pulse duration was chosen to be longer than the hydrodynamic timescale of ≈ 1 ns, such that later temporal slices were more efficiently guided by the channel created by the front of the pulse. Simulations are presented which show that this thermal self-guiding of the heater pulse enabled channel formation over 20 cm. The post-heated channel had lower on-axis density and increased focusing strength compared to relying on the discharge alone, which allowed for guiding of relativistically intense laser pulses with a peak power of 0.85 PW and wakefield acceleration over 15 diffraction lengths. Electrons were injected into the wake in multiple buckets and times, leading to several electron bunches with different peak energies. To create single electron bunches with low energy spread, experiments using localized ionization injection inside a capillary discharge waveguide were performed. A single injected bunch with energy 1.6 GeV, charge 38 pC, divergence 1 mrad, and relative energy spread below 2% full-width half-maximum was produced in a 3.3 cm-long capillary discharge waveguide. This development shows promise for mitigation of energy spread and future high efficiency staged acceleration experiments

    Carbon nanotube substrates enhance SARS-CoV-2 spike protein ion yields in matrix assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry

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    Nanostructured surfaces enhance ion yields in matrix assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). The spike protein complex, S1, is one fingerprint signature of Sars-CoV-2 with a mass of 75 kDa. Here, we show that MALDI-MS yields of Sars-CoV-2 spike protein ions in the 100 kDa range are enhanced 50-fold when the matrix-analyte solution is placed on substrates that are coated with a dense forest of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, compared to yields from uncoated substrates. Nanostructured substrates can support the development of mass spectrometry techniques for sensitive pathogen detection and environmental monitoring

    A Novel Platform for Evaluating Dose Rate Effects on Oxidative Damage to Peptides: Toward a High-Throughput Method to Characterize the Mechanisms Underlying the FLASH Effect.

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    High dose rate radiation has gained considerable interest recently as a possible avenue for increasing the therapeutic window in cancer radiation treatment. The sparing of healthy tissue at high dose rates relative to conventional dose rates, while maintaining tumor control, has been termed the FLASH effect. Although the effect has been validated in animal models using multiple radiation sources, it is not yet well understood. Here, we demonstrate a new experimental platform for quantifying oxidative damage to protein sidechains in solution as a function of radiation dose rate and oxygen availability using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Using this reductionist approach, we show that for both X-ray and electron sources, isolated peptides in solution are oxidatively modified to different extents as a function of both dose rate and oxygen availability. Our method provides an experimental platform for exploring the parameter space of the dose rate effect on oxidative changes to proteins in solution

    Laser-heated capillary discharge plasma waveguides for electron acceleration to 8 GeV

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    A plasma channel created by the combination of a capillary discharge and inverse Bremsstrahlung laser heating enabled the generation of electron bunches with energy up to 7.8 GeV in a laser-driven plasma accelerator. The capillary discharge created an initial plasma channel and was used to tune the plasma temperature, which optimized laser heating. Although optimized colder initial plasma temperatures reduced the ionization degree, subsequent ionization from the heater pulse created a fully ionized plasma on-axis. The heater pulse duration was chosen to be longer than the hydrodynamic timescale of ≈ 1 ns, such that later temporal slices were more efficiently guided by the channel created by the front of the pulse. Simulations are presented which show that this thermal self-guiding of the heater pulse enabled channel formation over 20 cm. The post-heated channel had lower on-axis density and increased focusing strength compared to relying on the discharge alone, which allowed for guiding of relativistically intense laser pulses with a peak power of 0.85 PW and wakefield acceleration over 15 diffraction lengths. Electrons were injected into the wake in multiple buckets and times, leading to several electron bunches with different peak energies. To create single electron bunches with low energy spread, experiments using localized ionization injection inside a capillary discharge waveguide were performed. A single injected bunch with energy 1.6 GeV, charge 38 pC, divergence 1 mrad, and relative energy spread below 2% full-width half-maximum was produced in a 3.3 cm-long capillary discharge waveguide. This development shows promise for mitigation of energy spread and future high efficiency staged acceleration experiments

    Long-term, non-invasive FTIR detection of low-dose ionizing radiation exposure

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    Abstract Non-invasive methods of detecting radiation exposure show promise to improve upon current approaches to biological dosimetry in ease, speed, and accuracy. Here we developed a pipeline that employs Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in the mid-infrared spectrum to identify a signature of low dose ionizing radiation exposure in mouse ear pinnae over time. Mice exposed to 0.1 to 2 Gy total body irradiation were repeatedly measured by FTIR at the stratum corneum of the ear pinnae. We found significant discriminative power for all doses and time-points out to 90 days after exposure. Classification accuracy was maximized when testing 14 days after exposure (specificity > 0.9 with a sensitivity threshold of 0.9) and dropped by roughly 30% sensitivity at 90 days. Infrared frequencies point towards biological changes in DNA conformation, lipid oxidation and accumulation and shifts in protein secondary structure. Since only hundreds of samples were used to learn the highly discriminative signature, developing human-relevant diagnostic capabilities is likely feasible and this non-invasive procedure points toward rapid, non-invasive, and reagent-free biodosimetry applications at population scales

    Proton beam quality enhancement by spectral phase control of a PW‑class laser system

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    We report on experimental investigations of proton acceleration from solid foils irradiated withPW-class laser-pulses, where highest proton cut-off energies were achieved for temporal pulseparameters that varied significantly from those of an ideally Fourier transform limited (FTL) pulse.Controlled spectral phase modulation of the driver laser by means of an acousto-optic programmabledispersive filter enabled us to manipulate the temporal shape of the last picoseconds around themain pulse and to study the effect on proton acceleration from thin foil targets. The results show thatapplying positive third order dispersion values to short pulses is favourable for proton accelerationand can lead to maximum energies of 70 MeV in target normal direction at 18 J laser energy for thinplastic foils, significantly enhancing the maximum energy compared to ideally compressed FTL pulses.The paper further proves the robustness and applicability of this enhancement effect for the use ofdifferent target materials and thicknesses as well as laser energy and temporal intensity contrastsettings. We demonstrate that application relevant proton beam quality was reliably achievedover many months of operation with appropriate control of spectral phase and temporal contrastconditions using a state-of-the-art high-repetition rate PW laser system