28 research outputs found


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    The paper presents the results studies on the intensity of water erosion processes in the road gully in Gorzków on the Lublin Upland. The study program was based mainly on field determinations including the intensity of water erosion processes, taking into account the types and size of erosion damage. During the studies, three surface washouts that led to erosion damage were registered. Erosion damage in a form of rills on the bottom of gully, during the studies, amounted to 64.2 m3, and the volume of precipitated soil material on the bottom of gully and the roadside ditch was 70 m3

    Change management in the outsourcing company providing financial services

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    Praca zawiera teoretyczne rozważania nad procesem wdrażania zmiany w dużych firmach o charakterze międzynarodowym. Koncentruje się przede wszystkim na opisie specyfiki funkcjonowania organizacji korzystających z outsourcingu usług finansowych. Ponadto posiada analizę porównawczą metodologii wprowadzania zmian w firmach o powyżej opisanym charakterze. Podkreśla i opisuje rolę człowieka i różnic kulturowych w procesie zarządzania wiedzą oraz zmianą w organizacjach. Praca stara się odpowiedzieć na pytania o najważniejsze elementy niezbędne do sukcesywnego przeprowadzenia zmiany oraz o przeszkody których powinien unikać każdy menadżer przystępujący do jej wdrożenia. Celem poniższych rozważań jest również ocena roli lidera, pracownika oraz wartości wiedzy przechowywanej w firmie. Ostatnia część pracy stanowi praktyczny przykład wdrożenia zmiany w firmie międzynarodowej zajmującej się outsourcingiem usług finansowych. Narzędzia wchodzące w skład metodologii Lean management zostały wykorzystane do opisu procesu konstruowania planu projektu, jego wdrożenia i oceny efektów naniesionych zmian. Wyniki analizy teoretycznej i praktycznej sugerują konieczność dobrego przygotowania się do procesu zmiany, odpowiedniej komunikacji w procesie jej wdrażania oraz do prawidłowej oceny rezultatu wdrożenia.Thesis contains theoretical speculations over change implementation in big international companies. It revolves mainly around characteristics of outsourcing companies from the field of finance. Thesis contains also comparative analysis of change management methodologies. The role of human factor and cultural differences are especially underlined in the knowledge management and change management process in the international organizations. The purpose of the thesis is also conclude on most important elements required for successful change implementation. It also describes obstacles that each manager needs to avoid when being involved in the change management process. Goal of the thesis is also to conduct team leader’s, employee’s role assessment within the company transformation period. Practical example of change implementation in the international company is described in the last part of below thesis. Lean management tools were used to describe project plan of the change implementation within international company. Same tools where then further used to explain the execution phase of the project and in the end results of the change. Results of the theoretical and practical analysis suggests necessity of good preparation for change implementation. Important factor is also good communication and valid assessment of the implementation results

    Human trafficking as a problem of the modern world

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    Celem pracy jest przedstawienie zjawiska handlu ludźmi jako problemu współczesnego świata. Proceder ten jest jednym z największych wyzwań z jakimi musi mierzyć się dzisiejsze społeczeństwo, dotyka milionów ludzi na całym świecie i łamie należne im podstawowe prawa człowieka. W pracy przedstawione zostały najważniejsze definicje i kategorie handlu ludźmi, oraz dane statystyczne, ukazujące jego występowanie na różnych obszarach świata. Ważnym elementem pracy jest część prezentująca najistotniejsze międzynarodowe konwencje, akty, prawa i organizacje zwalczające handel ludźmi. Ponad to autorka przedstawiła proces zmiany traktowania ofiar handlu przez władze i opinie publiczną, od przedmiotowego do podmiotowego podejścia. Ostatnia cześć pracy skupia się na ukazaniu działań poszczególnych państw w kwestii walki z handlem ludźmi oraz na analizie dotychczas podjętych prób przeciwdziałania temu problemowi, które okazały się najskuteczniejsze i powinny wyznaczać przyszłe kierunki działania. Efektywne zwalczanie zjawiska handlu ludźmi jest możliwe wyłącznie przy aktywnej współpracy międzynarodowej państw całego świata, oraz dzięki podnoszeniu świadomości opinii publicznej i wykorzystaniu najnowszych rozwiązań technologicznych.The aim of the study is to present the phenomenon of human trafficking as a problem of the modern world. This procedure is one of the biggest challenges which today’s society have to face. It affects millions of people around the world and violates basic human rights. This BA thesis presents the most important definitions and categories of human trafficking. It also presents statistic data which shows occurrence of this phenomenon in different areas of the world. An important element of this thesis is part which presents the main international conventions, acts, laws and organizations fighting against human trafficking. The author also showed the process of change in treatment of victims by the authorities and public opinion, from objective to subjective approach. The last part of thesis focuses on actions of individual nations in the fight against trafficking in human beings. It also shows analysis of attempts to counteract this problem, which proved to be the most effective and should determine future courses of actions. Combating human trafficking in effective way is possible only with the active international cooperation of the countries around the world, and by rising public awareness, also thanks to use of the latest technology

    Cultural Differences in Business between Poland and India

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    Praca miała w założeniu dogłębną analizę współczesnego kształtu różnic kulturowych w biznesie na przykładzie Indii oraz Polski. Składała się z 4 części:1. Skupia się na szczegółowym opisie wymiany handlowej między Indiami a Polską ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem branży outsourcingu usług2. Kładzie nacisk na opis badań teoretycznych nad różnicami kulturowymi w biznesie oraz uwzględnieniem wad i zalet takiej współpracy3. Kultura organizacyjna w kontekście narzędzia za pomocą którego można sprawować kontrolę nad zarządzaniem różnicami kulturowymi w firmach na całym świecie4. Jest to case study, w którym opisuje realne sytuacje analizowane następnie w świetle badań nad różnicami kulturowymi w biznesieThe graduation work is mostly revolving around deep analysis of the cultural differences in business between Poland and India. It consist of 4 parts as follows:1. Part one is the description of the cooperation background between India and Poland, focusing on the Outsourcing services sector2. Part two consist of the deep analize of the theoretical background of the cultural differences in business and the pros and cons of the multicultural organizations environments3. Management of the organizational culture as the key to the efficient company management4. Case study part, where the real life situations are described and compared to the theoretical work from the field of cultural difference

    Selection of a semivariogram model in the study of spatial distribution of soil moisture

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    The paper presents a selection of a semivariogram model in the study of spatial variability of soil moisture in a loess agricultural catchment. Soil moisture tests were carried out in the Moszenki village, 15 km northwest of Lublin. Soil moisture measurements were performed at two dates at 104 points, located on a rectangular surface measuring 700 × 1200 m. These points were laid out in the corners of a grid of squares with sides 100 m. In addition, 6 measurements were made at a distance of less than 100 m from the nearest points. Soil moisture was measured in the soil surface (0–5 cm). ArcGis software with Geostatistical Analyst extension was used for modelling semivariograms. In both terms, five models of semivariograms were used: stable, circular, spherical, exponential and Gaussian. Kriging was used for the estimation of soil moisture values. Among the semivariogram models analyzed in this study, the largest errors in the determined values of soil moisture relative to the empirical data were observed for the exponential model, and the smallest for the Gaussian model. However, it should be emphasized that the values of the analysed errors for the individual semivariogram models were similar. Application of the ordinary kriging method for interpolation of spatial distribution of soil moisture yields good results, but it has to be kept in mind that the final shape of the spatial distribution is influenced by the choice of the semivariance function model

    The Assessment of the Amount of Soil Material Deposited on the Bottom of a Dry Erosive-Denudation Valley

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    The work presents the results of research on erosion and landform changes of a bottom of a dry erosive-accumulation valley in Elizówka in 1958, 1970 and 2016. The changes have been examined with the use of geodetic topographic surveys techniques. The research field was a 480-metres long part of the valley bottom. The topographic surveys in 1958 and 1970 were conducted with longitudinal (parallel to the bottom of the valley) and cross (every 20 metres) sections method. In 2016 the modern measuring devices were used. All the results, together with coordinates of points and historical data were converted into GIS spatial layer. The altitude values formed the input data for interpolation of rasters showing changes of the topography in three periods. Three TIN models were also developed to distinguish erosion and accumulation zones plus the quantity of eroded and accumulated material. The valley on the majority of its length has been raised and has changed from V-shaped into U-shaped. Accumulation of the soil material led to levelling the bottom. Accumulation concentrates along a flow line, while soil washout mainly at the bottom of slopes. The thickest sediment layers were observed in the lowest part. For the whole 1958–2016 period a total of 3470 m3 soil material has been deposited on the area of about 1.62 ha, while in the same time only 130 m3 has been eroded (from 0.22 ha)

    Analysis of changes in land use in Lubelskie voivodeship in the period 2004-2013

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    The aim of the study is to analyse and compare the changes in land use in rural areas in the Lubelskie Voivodship at the time of implementation of the Rural Development Plan (RDP) during the period 2004-2006 and 2007-2013. The assessment of changes in land use was made based on aggregate voivodship lists of the land and building register covering the years 2004-2013. In detailed analyses the changes in the register area of particular lands in 20 districts. For the purpose of research presentation QGIS software was used, which allowed to present the changes in land use in the form of a cartogram. The research shows a decrease in the acreage of agricultural land and waste land at the time of implementation of the two programmes, at the expense of, among others, forests, wooded and bushy lands, urban and built-up lands, ecological lands and various land. The effect of financing activities related to the reduction of the human impact on the environment during the period 2007-2013 in Lubelskie Voivodship can be observed in the changes of ecological land acreage. It was observed the overall area increase of 22,21%. Ecological lands constitute a very small percentage of the lands in Lubelskie Voivodship. It is the authors’ opinion that should strive to increase their acreage in order to increase biodiversity in rural areas


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    The paper presents the results of the research of the potential of woody biomass derived from the afforestation tending. Evaluation of the quantity and energy characteristics of biomass acquired from care of 20 year old pine stand (late cutting). Moreover, based on the CSO data about the size of afforestation in subsequent years, the amount of waste from plantings care obtainable in the country was determined. It was found that the surfaces for afforestation already in the phase of greenwood can be useful source of energy. Biomass sourced from the care of plantings can be valuable raw material, especially at the local level


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    This paper reports the results of tillage experiments that were set up to investigate the intensity of net soil displacement and the associated tillage erosivity for mouldboard tillage carried out in direction parallel to the contour lines (contour tillage). Tillage was performed with typical set of cultivation for an average farm on soil developed from loess located on a slope with 7.5 to 13.5% decrease. Aluminium cubes of 15 cm edge-length were used as tracers. The studies showed that average translocation of soil along the slope (perpendicular to tillage direction) was 0,35 m and 0,28 m respectively for tillage with downslope and upslope direction of soil overturning. It means that each year about 2,89 Mg per hectare of soil is net displaced in downslope direction per plough operation. The studies indicated that contour moldboard tillage is also an important factor in relief and soil transformation of eroded areas

    Development of the Edge of the Gully in the Zone Adjacent to the Field

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    The development of the side arm edge of the valley-gully in Gałkowice village in the Dwikozy commune (the Opatówka catchment in the Sandomierz Upland) was investigated during the period from 2002 to 2017. An increase of fragmentation of gully edge was found. Most of pre-existing erosive indents increased in size (maximum of 2.8 m - about 0.2 m per year). An increase in the area of the gully by 145 m2 was found. As a result, the boundary of plow tillage has shifted to an average of 1.5 to 2 meters (maximum 3.8 m), which resulted in a loss of 545 m2 of adjacent arable land. As the main reason for the development of the analyzed section of the gully, meltwater flows were considered