2 research outputs found

    Structural dynamics within the open-source package SfePy

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    Diplomska naloga obravnava modalno analizo po metodi končnih elementov struktur s pomočjo odprtokodnega paketa SfePy. Najprej so predstavljene teoretične osnove in splošen postopek reševanja po metodi končnih elementov. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena uporaba paketa SfePy. Skozi nalogo so rezultati pridobljeni s SfePy primerjani z rezultati komercialnega orodja Abaqus. Naloga prikaže, da je odprtokodni paket SfePy pri modalni analizi po metodi končnih elementov učinkovit in se lahko primerja s komercialnimi orodji.This diploma thesis discusses modal analysis of structures using finite element method within the open-source package SfePy. Initially, the theorethical background and general principles of finite element method are given. The work is continued with the instructions on how to use the package SfePy. Through the thesis, the comparison between the open-source package SfePy and the commercial software Abaqus is made. Thesis shows that open-source package SfePy could be powerful at solving modal analysis problems and also comparable to the commercial software

    Remote monitoring of Structural Dynamics

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    Magistrsko delo obravnava možnost uporabe majhnega računalnika imenovanega Raspberry Pi in njegovo nadgradnjo za namene izvajanja visokofrekvenčnih meritev z velikim dinamičnim razponom. Poleg tega preuči orodja in protokole na področju interneta stvari za izdelavo spletne aplikacije. V drugem delu je predstavljen način uporabe aplikacije, možnosti uporabnikovega spremljanja tovrstnih meritev v realnem času ter izvedba analize signalov po ustrezni metodi, na kar se navezuje tudi predstavljena teorija s področja procesiranja signalov.This master thesis deals with the possibility of using a small computer called Raspberry Pi, for the purpose of performing high-frequency measurements with a large dynamic range. Further, with the purpose of creating web application, tools and protocols in the field of the Internet of Things are presented. In the second part it is shown how the user can use developed web application to monitor measurements and perform signal analysis in real time. In addition, the theoretical background of appropriate signal processing method is presented