18 research outputs found
Пяточно-большеберцовый артродез в хирургической тактике лечения стопы Шарко с поражением голеностопного сустава
Object. To assess the effectivity and safety of different tibiocalcaneal arthrodesis types in treatment of patients with Charcot ankle deformity depending on disease severity. Materials and methods. We have analyzed the outcomes after treatment of 16 patients with diabetic neuropathic ankle arthropathy (Charcot ankle) at the stage of septic complications in bones of ankle and subtalar joints. The observation period was more than 1 [1–3] year. Ilizarov fixator for TCA was used in 8 cases; internal fixation with cannulated screws was applied in 8 cases.Results. In the early periods (up to 1 month from the operation) no complications were revealed. Complications in later terms developed in 4 patients: three with internal fixation and one with external.Conclusion. In our opinion, when choosing foot fixation tactics for heel-tibial arthrodesis, risk groups should be considered stage D according to Rogers classification and stage 3 according to Wagner classification, and after resection of bones in these patients external fixation is preferable. In the remaining stages, internal fixation is advisable because of the patient's higher quality of life and shortening of the rehabilitation period.Цель исследования: оценить эффективность и безопасность различных видов пяточно-большеберцового артродеза в лечении пациентов со стопой Шарко на фоне сахарного диабета с поражением голеностопного сустава в зависимости от распространенности и стадии патологического процесса. Материалы и методы исследования. Проведен анализ результатов лечения 16 пациентов с синдромом диабетической стопы с остеоартропатией (стопа Шарко) в стадии гнойных осложнений с локализацией патологического процесса в костях, составляющих голеностопный и подтаранный суставы: 8 пациентам был выполнен пяточно-большеберцовый артродез с фиксацией в аппарате наружной фиксации и 8 больным – с внутренней фиксацией канюлированными винтами. Период послеоперационного наблюдения составил более 1 [1–3] года. Результаты исследования. В ранние сроки (до 1 месяца с момента операции) осложнений выявлено не было. Осложнения в более поздние сроки развились у 4 (25,0 %) больных: у 3 (37,5 %) с внутренней фиксацией и у 1 (12,5 %) – с внешней. Заключение. На наш взгляд, при выборе тактики фиксации стопы при пяточно-большеберцовом артродезе группами риска следует считать стадию D по классификации Rogers и стадию 3 по классификации Wagner. После резекции костей у таких больных предпочтительнее внешняя фиксация. В остальных стадиях целесообразна внутренняя фиксация, так как при ней отмечается более высокое качество жизни пациентов и сокращаются сроки реабилитации
The authors present a review of published data on the problem of wound complications after abdominoperineal resection, and the data of their own randomized controlled study on 24 patients. In a group using local negative pressure method, the duration of antibiotic therapy was 5.0 ± 0.9 days, length of stay of 14.1 ± 2.8 days, infectious wound complications was not; in the comparison group, the duration of antibiotic treatment was 12.9 ± 1.6 days, length of stay of 28.4 ± 2.3 days and in 2 (16.7 %) cases wound complications were noted. Авторы приводят обзор данных литературы, посвященный проблеме раневых осложнений после брюшно-промежностной экстирпации прямой кишки, и данные собственного рандомизированного контролируемого исследования с включением 24 пациентов. В группе с использованием метода локального отрицательного давления длительность антибактериальной терапии составила 5,0 ± 0,9 сут, длительность госпитализации – 14,1 ± 2,8 сут, инфекционных раневых осложнений не было; в группе сравнения длительность антибактериальной терапии составила 12,9 ± 1,6 сут, длительность госпитализации – 28,4 ± 2,3 сут и в 2 (16,7 %) случаях были отмечены раневые осложнения
The article presents clinical examples of surgical treatment of diabetic osteoarthropathy. In both clinical cases, the talipes and plantar ulcerous defects became a significant factor of the threatening high ablation, which was avoided. Restoration of the support function of the foot and absence of recurrent plantar ulcerous defects in the long term is the result of a multidisciplinary team approach to the treatment of these patients. An ambulatory patient is assigned a package of therapeutic measures to prepare for the surgery. After the intervention the patient is compulsory for outpatient treatment in diabetic foot department for further monitoring and rehabilitation. Reconstructive surgery on the foot in patients with diabetic osteoarthropathy under the joint treatment of the patient by the team of specialists (endocrinologist, surgeon, orthopedist) leads to the restoration of the support function of the foot, which enables a full adaptation to the patient's daily life.В статье представлены клинические примеры хирургического лечения диабетической остеоартропатии. В обоих клинических случаях наличие выраженной деформации стоп и плантарные язвенные дефекты являлись существенными факторами угрожающей высокой ампутации, которой удалось избежать. Восстановление опорной функции стопы и отсутствие рецидивов плантарных язвенных дефектов в течение длительного периода является результатом междисциплинарного командного подхода к ведению данной категории больных. В амбулаторном режиме пациенту назначается комплекс лечебных мероприятий для подготовки к операции. После вмешательства больной в обязательном порядке направляется на амбулаторное лечение в отделение диабетической стопы для дальнейшего мониторинга и реабилитации. Реконструктивные операции на стопе у больных с диабетической остеоартропатией при совместном ведении пациента командой специалистов (эндокринолог, хирург, ортопед) приводят к восстановлению опорной функции стопы, что дает возможность полноценной адаптации больного к повседневной жизни
Integration Projects of Russia and EAEU: Chance for Extension Export?
The article deals with the possibilities of improving the access of Russian goods to foreign markets through regional trade agreements. Participation in such agreements has acquired mass character in the current century, within their framework about two thirds of transboundary commodity flows are already moving. The main peculiarity of regionalism development in this century is the pro‑integration character of the concluded agreements, which are not limited to agreements on free trade zones of goods, but cover a wide range of issues of trade in services, investment cooperation, competition, environment, labor standards, i.e. they envisage a movement towards greater institutional homogeneity of economies. Until recently, Russia was limited to the tasks of preserving and developing economic ties in the post‑Soviet space, and only after the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union did it start showing interest in signing free trade agreements with non-CIS countries. To date, the EAEU has concluded free trade agreements with a number of countries and is negotiating a FTA with several more countries. The EAEU integration policy has not yet brought any noticeable results in terms of a significant reduction of tariff barriers into total foreign markets: the current and planned integration projects will allow Russia to enjoy tariff preferences on less than one tenth of the global market. Possible new union agreements on preferential trade with ASEAN countries can only help Russia to expand its scope, while the creation of liberal economic partnerships such as WTO plus is not on the Russian integration agenda. Nor is there any intention to promote the idea of a FTA with Russia’s largest trade partners – the EU and China – in the EAEU. The conclusion is made that it is vital for Russia to address the problem of increasing the competitiveness of manufacturing industries, without which further facilitation of access to foreign markets through free trade agreements may not be possible
Development and justification of the parameters of the microwave installation for heat treatment of rejected chicken eggs
Russia ranks sixth in the world in egg production, with only 13% being processed. In addition, egg waste from incubation cabinets is also accumulated, which can be processed into protein feed using vacuum boilers. In this regard, the development of technology and technical means using the energy of the electromagnetic field of ultra-high frequency for heat treatment of rejected eggs in a continuous mode for farms is relevant. The aim of the research is to develop and substantiate the parameters of the microwave installation for heat treatment of rejected chicken eggs as a protein feed additive. Tasks are being solved: to develop a spatial model of a microwave installation of a continuous operation mode; calculate the construction parameters of the installation. The microwave installation developed contains a vertically mounted truncated non-ferromagnetic bicone. Along its inner side surface, a dielectric tube is laid in the form of a biconical spiral. Parallel to the vertical axis of the bicone, a non-ferromagnetic plate is installed, dividing its volume into two chambers: a resonator and a pause chamber. The plate is made in the form of an axial section of a truncated bicone, along the perimeter of which there are openings for transcendental waveguides worn on the dielectric tube from the pause chamber side. On the side surface of the bicone mounted magnetrons. The structural design of the installation ensures the continuity of the heat treatment process without transporting mechanisms. The calculated self-quality of the resonator is 5000. With an installation capacity of 18 kg/h, the specific energy consumption for heat treatment of eggs is 200 W.h/kg