24 research outputs found

    Information and Communication Technology Literacy Skills and Class Instruction: a Comprehensive Perception Survey of University of Benin First Year Students

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    This study investigates the influence of class instruction (GST 111 – use of library) on University of Benin (UNIBEN) first year students’ information and communication technology (ICT) literacy skills. The study adopted the survey research method using the questionnaire as research instrument. First year students in the 2013/2014 academic session constituted the population of study. Simple random and total enumeration sampling methods were used to collect data from students in five out of twelve faculties in the university. The questionnaire used is a 4-point likert scale instrument: SA (Strongly agreed) = 4; A (Agreed) = 3; D (Disagreed) = 2; and SD (Strongly disagreed) = 1. Data was collected at the end of the first semester when the GST 111 – use of library was concluded. Results revealed that Computer, Software, Internet, WWW and ICT literacy skills of the students are high. There is a significant difference in Computer, Software, Internet and WWW and ICT literacy skills of the students per faculty. Majority (65%) of the students are skillful in ICT use. Class instruction is very well perceived by the students and it positively influenced students’ ICT literacy skills. Gender and secondary school attended did not influence students’ ICT literacy skills. There is no significant difference between male and female students’ ICT literacy skills as well as students that attended private or public secondary schools. It is therefore concluded that the students are highly ICT literate and class instruction (GST 111 – use of library) course mainly influenced the students’ ICT literacy skills thus the class instruction programme in the university is adequate and effective

    Doxycyclin induces p53 expression in SaOs (osteosarcoma) cell line

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    The p53 tumour suppressor gene plays an important role in preventing cancer development. This study determined if p53 can be induced in osteosarcoma cell line upon treatment with Doxycyline. It was demonstrated that induction of p53 resulted in the inhibition of the cyclin E/CDK2 complexes by the activation of p21. This mechanism could potentially therefore represent an important component of the p53 tumor suppressor pathway.Keywords: Tumor suppressor, oncogene, mdm2, cyclinE, apoptosi

    Molecular Identification of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Benin-City Nigeria

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    We use the molecular techniques of PCR and PFGE to identify MRSA from clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus causing infections among hospitalized patients in Benin-City, Nigeria. A total of 36 isolates were obtained from the University of Benin Teaching Hospital between July-September, 2007. The MRSA strains were selected according to their phenotypic characteristics (antibiotic resistant profiles), susceptibility to oxacillin by E-test, and detection of β-lactamase. This was verified by a latex agglutination test for PBP2a production combined with PCR for mecA gene carriage. Four isolates representing 11% were confirmed as MRSA according to the molecular techniques used with two PFGE types (H and L) and one agr type (1). Multi resistance to the various antibiotics used was observed in one of the clones. The isolation of MRSA in health institution indicates that adequate steps in limiting spread are urgently needed. Also, for the first time two MRSA clones according to the PFGE classifications have been identified in Nigeria.Keywords: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, PFGE, PCR, molecular techniques

    Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial of Schfiff Base from 5-Bromo – Salicylaldehyde and P-Toluidine

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    As pathogens in recent times have developed resistance to the existing antibiotics, the demand for new and more effective antimicrobial agents is a continuous phenomenon. The study involves the synthesis of schiff base from 5-bromo- salicylaldehyde and para-toluidine.The synthesized compounds (5-Bromo – Salicylaldehyde and the Schiff base-N-(5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzylidene) Para-toluidine) were evaluated for antimicrobial activities against different bacteria strains using the agar well diffusion method. The 5-bromosalicylaldehyde and its Schiff base indicated dose dependent activity as concentration increases from 125mg/ml to 1000mg/ml and inhibitory zones were found to increase mostly for Escherichia coli. The two compounds synthesized have indicated high antimicrobial activities on the selected germs and as such can be a drug precursor to microbial infections with further researchKeywords: schiff base, 5-bromo- salicylaldehyde, para-toluidine, antimicrobial activit

    High incidence of multidrug-resistant strains of methicill inresistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical samples in Benin-City, Nigeria

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    Infections of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are becoming an increasingly concerning clinical problem. The aim of this study was to assess the development of multidrug resistant strains of MRSA from clinical samples andpossibilities for reducing resistance. This study included a total of seventy-five (75) isolates comprising fifteen (15) each collected from ear, urine, cervix, blood and wounds. An agar disc diffusion test was used to measure the effects of antimicrobial agents against the bacteria isolates following  standardized guidelines. Out of a total of 75 clinical isolates of S. aureuscollected, 43 (57.3%) were resistant to methicillin with isolates obtained from ear infections showing the highest resistance pattern of 14.7% while the least was from urine sample with incidence of 5.3%. From the 43 isolates that showed resistance to methicillin, 36 (83.7%) were multidrug resistant to various classes of antibiotics tested.MRSA showed an increasing trend of antimicrobial resistance and therefore calls for periodic surveillance of nosocomial infections due to S. aureus and other important bacterial pathogens.Key Words: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcusaureus, MRSA, multidrug resistance, MD

    Prevalence of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus among healthy residents of Ekosodin community in Benin-City, Nigeria

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    Purpose: To determine the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in apparently healthy residents of Ekosodin community, a peri-urban settlement, in Benin City, Nigeria.Method: Nasal swabs collected from 200 randomly selected individuals, aged between 16 and 38 years, were used in the study. Isolates from the swabs were aseptically collected and characterized using standard and established microbiological methods, which included growth and fermentation on mannitol salt agar (MSA), colonial morphology, Gram-staining reaction and biochemical tests. Antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed on Mueller-Hinton agar (MHA) by modified Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method.Results: S. aureus was isolated in 49.5 % (n = 99) of the 200 nasal swabs. Among these isolates, 43 % were from male residents and 22.2 % (n = 22) were MRSA. The MRSA isolates indicated relatively high rate of resistance to penicillins, moderate resistance to erythromycin and cefuroxime, and leastresistance to gentamicin, streptomycin, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin and co-trimoxazole. There was no significant gender difference in terms of the colonization of S. aureus (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Many apparently healthy residents of Ekosodin community are nasal carriers of MSRA. The need for rational chemotherapy, routine detection and regular surveillance of MRSA to limit its spread and reduce treatment failures is vital

    Antifungal and antibacterial activities of the ethanolic and aqueous extract of Kigelia africana (Bignoniaceae) stem bark

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    Studies on the antibacterial and antifungal activities of the stem bark of Kigelia africana, (LAM). Benth (Family: Bignoniaceae), a medicinal plant used in South, Central and West Africa for the treatment ofvarious ailments and infection was carried out using agar diffusion technique. The results revealed that the crude ethanolic extract exhibited antibacterial and antifungal activities against Staphylococccus aureus and Candida albicans with zones of inhibition measuring 15.0±0.95 and 20.75±4.6mm respectively. The aqueous extract exhibited no antibacterial or antifungal activity. The minimum inhibitory concentration for the extract was 6.25 ± 1.07 mg/ml for S. aureus and 7.92 ± 1.52 mg/ml for C.albicans. The ethanolic extract was also compared with various standards; Ampicillin, Gentamicin, Ceftriaxone and Ciprofloxacin. The ethanolic extract (20mg/ml) produced similar zone of inhibition with 25ìg disc of amoxicillin

    Antimicrobial activity of the ethanol extract of the aerial parts of sida acuta burm.f. (malvaceae)

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    Purpose: The antimicrobial activity of the 90 % ethanol extract of the aerial parts of Sida acuta Burm. F. (Malvaceae) was investigated in other to verify its claimed ethno medicinal use in the treatment of microbial infections. Method: The antimicrobial activity of the extract was tested against standard strains and clinical isolates of some aerobic bacteria and a fungus using the Agar well diffusion method. Commercial antibiotics were used as positive reference standards to determine the sensitivity of the strains. Results: The extracts showed significant inhibitory activity against standard strains and clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, clinical isolates of Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus faecalis. The MIC values obtained using the Agar-dilution test ranged from 5.0 mg/ml. – 10.0 mg/ml. Neither the concentrated extract nor its dilutions inhibited Esherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans Conclusion: The results demonstrate that the crude extract of the aerial parts of Sida acuta has a narrow spectrum of activity and suggest that it may be useful in the treatment of infections caused by Gram positive aerobic bacteria. Keywords: Sida acuta, ethanol extract, antimicrobial activity. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 6 (4) 2007: pp. 809-81


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    The concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Cr and As) in the myonematic, hepatic and renal tissues of the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) from Ogba river, Benin City, Nigeria, were determined using a Unicam 929 series atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The concentrations of the aforementioned metals were also determined in water. The mean concentration of Pb ranged from 0.19mg/kg (muscle) to 0.39mg/kg (liver) while the mean concentration of Cd ranged from 0.03mg/kg (muscle) to 0.09mg/kg (liver). The mean concentration of Zn ranged from 0.09mg/kg( muscle) to 0.33mg/kg (liver) while the mean concentration of Cu ranged from 0.23mg/kg (muscle) to 0.76mg/kg(liver). The mean concentration of Cr ranged from 0.19mg/kg (muscle) to 0.41mg/kg (liver) while the mean concentration of As ranged from 0.36mg/kg (kidney) to 0.54mg/kg (muscle). The mean concentrations of the heavy metals in water were Pb(0.09mg/l), Cd(0.04mg/l), Zn(0.01mg/l), Cu(0.53mg/l), Cr(0.38mg/l) and As(0.59mg/l). With the exception of Cu, the mean concentrations of the heavy metals in water were generally above the World Health Organization (WHO) maximum allowable limit for the respective metals in drinking water implying that water from the river is unfit for human consumption owing to heavy metal contamination. The mean concentrations of Cr and As exceeded the WHO maximum allowable limits for fish food. The direct implication of this finding is that people who consume fish from the river are liable to potential health hazards resulting from Cr and As contamination.Ă‚

    Antipyretic and Analgesic Effects of the Aqueous Extract of the Fruit Pulp of Hunteria umbellata K Schum (Apocynaceae)

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    Purpose: The aqueous fruit pulp extract of Hunteria umbellata K. Schum is used traditionally for the treatment of various fevers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extract for antipyretic and analgesic activity, and determine its probable mechanism of action.Methods: Pyrexia was induced in rabbits by intravenous injection of 105 CFU of E. coli/kg. Rectal temperature was monitored at 30, 60, and 90 min post-administration of 250 and 500 mg/kg of the extract. The analgesic effect of the extract was evaluated using acetic acid-induced mouse writhing test.  The extract was tested for antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pnuemoniae, Escherichia coli, and Psuedomonas aeruginosa using agar diffusion method. Phytochemical screening of the plant extract was also carried out.Results: Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of simple sugars, saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids and steroidal compounds. The extract (250, 500 mg/kg) and aspirin produced comparable antipyretic effects up to 60 min. The extract did not inhibit the growth of the microorganisms butsignificantly reduced the number of writhes in mice at 250 and 500 mg/kg with results comparable to ASA.Conclusion: The extract possesses antipyretic and analgesic activities which validate its use in the treatment of pains and fevers