6 research outputs found


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    Entrepreneurship is now recognized as the fundamental economic basis for development of the country. It is considered as an active, determinant and orientated factor of the development of national economy.International business circles approach entrepreneurship as the driving force, aspiring towards globalization, ensuring the flow of goods and services. The objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Romanian entrepreneurial ecosystem as well as motivating and supporting Generation Y in developing entrepreneurial initiative. Small Businesses represent the future of Romania. Own business offers the opportunity to express abilities and talent, for the application of the professional experience, for personal development. The purpose of this scientific approach is to propose a comprehensive analysis through a questionnaire distributed to the representatives of Generation Y from “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava. The survey had 118 respondentsbetween 20-35 years old,students of local University,of which were validated only 100 questionnaires and followed the way the younger Generation Y, regards entrepreneurship as a possible launch rail, on the labor market or even more, if it has been involved in the development of business environment,supporting and generating start-ups and designing trends and policies to encourage the prospective young entrepreneurs


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    Object of our paper was to study the electromyography activity at different categories of professional sportsmen (handball players and volleyball players),tocompare the obtained results and to emphasizedspecific electromyography patterns to each studied sports. Group of study was formed of 24 male professional sportsmen, 11 handball players and 13 volleyball sportsmen, with at least 6 years experience, in either one of the practiced sports, homogeneous regarding ages, heights and weights. Were recorded EMG to allathletes, together withmechanogram,during maximum isometric contractions of fingers flexors from both hands. Weused silver surface electrodes and the EMG BIOPAC MP 150 two channels device, with two active electrodes for each channel, the reference onebeing placed on forearm distal extremity, which was connected to a PC Pentium IV, whose program processed the data offered by BIOPAC system. To improve the interpretation of the obtained parameters, they were divided in 4 categories: of frequency, of mechanogram, of time and mixed and for each one of the parameters, were calculated other characteristic indexes. For most of the mechanogram parameters, handball players presented the highest values and the frequency parameters had superior values for volleyball players. So, the obtained EMG patterns were different, specific to the type of physical effort, that characterized each studied sports and proved to be an important contributor to sportive performances increasing, by helping the trainers to set adequate professional training programs for each athlete

    Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Cannabinoid Receptor Antagonists in Inflammation, Diabetes Mellitus, and Obesity

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    Recently, research has greatly expanded the knowledge of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and its involvement in several therapeutic applications. Cannabinoid receptors (CBRs) are present in nearly every mammalian tissue, performing a vital role in different physiological processes (neuronal development, immune modulation, energy homeostasis). The ECS has an essential role in metabolic control and lipid signaling, making it a potential target for managing conditions such as obesity and diabetes. Its malfunction is closely linked to these pathological conditions. Additionally, the immunomodulatory function of the ECS presents a promising avenue for developing new treatments for various types of acute and chronic inflammatory conditions. Preclinical investigations using peripherally restricted CBR antagonists that do not cross the BBB have shown promise for the treatment of obesity and metabolic diseases, highlighting the importance of continuing efforts to discover novel molecules with superior safety profiles. The purpose of this review is to examine the roles of CB1R and CB2Rs, as well as their antagonists, in relation to the above-mentioned disorders


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    The development is a preamble of the improvement of the quality of life and includes both materials such as infrastructure, housing quality and living standards in general, but also spiritual elements such as education, freedom of expression and cultural manifestation.An important feature of human development reveals the fact that socioeconomic development is performed by people and, therefore, must be created and perfected human potential based on investment in man, namely in the field of education, education and culture, vocational training and health. Their active involvement in the development process is the key to success. Using the documentation and literature review identifies key factors of assessing the present situation of scientific research and European practice. The purpose of this paper is highlighting the existence of correlations between human development and economic growth from a theoretical point of view. The work Is structured as follows: in Section 1, is presented the stage of knowledge of theme proposed for the research, in section 2, we present some theories concerning economic growth; in Section 3, we discuss about the connection between economic growth and human development by using the HDI , and , finally, Section 4 contains the main conclusions of the paper

    Pepsin and the Lung—Exploring the Relationship between Micro-Aspiration and Respiratory Manifestations of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

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    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the most commonly encountered disorders in clinical practice nowadays, with an increasing burden on healthcare systems worldwide. GERD-related respiratory symptoms such as unexplained chronic cough, bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with frequent exacerbations often pose diagnostic and therapeutic challenges and may require a multidisciplinary approach. Moreover, a potential role of GERD as a risk factor has been proposed for chronic rejection in patients who underwent lung transplantation. Pepsin has gained considerable attention from the scientific community in the last few years as a possible surrogate biomarker for GERD. The aim of this narrative review was to provide an overview of the potential utility of pepsin detection as a marker of micro-aspiration in various biological fluids retrieved from patients with suspected GERD-induced respiratory manifestations and in lung transplant patients with allograft dysfunction. Data on the subject remains highly contradictory, and while certain studies support its applicability in investigating atypical GERD manifestations, at the moment, it would be realistic to accept a modest utility at best. A major lack of consensus persists regarding topics such as the optimal timeframe for fluid collection and cut-off values. Further research is warranted in order to address these issues