34 research outputs found

    TRIPs Agreement, Important Multilateral WTO Treaty

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    This article aims at presenting the content and the frame of the TRIPs. Agreement. It starts by introducing the reader to the terms that defined the world economical climate by the time of the Agreement negociation. Also, it explains the need of having an Agreement on intellectual property rights with impact on the business world. Moreover, the article reviews the main provisions of the Agreement and the most important intellectual property rights


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    Low weight at birth is an important indicator of infant health due to the tight relationship between birth weight and infant mortality and morbidity. The diminishing of the mortality and morbidity rate requires information on the growth characteristics and caring requirements for this category of children. Regardless of the category they are in – prematures, Small for Gestational Age, delay in intrauterine growth – these children, due to their low weight at birth present a high risk to develop malnutrition, a reason why there should be known the energy requirements and the optimum nutrition principles, specifi c to them. Ensuring an early most favourable diet is the essential element in their care assistance

    A unified model for analysis of real-time properties

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    Abstract. A model-driven design approach that provides a unified way of modeling real-time systems, covering both functional and timing characteristics, enables designers to reason about different properties. Refinements of the model should be easy to construct in order to obtain a complete specification from which the implementation may be automatically generated. Previous work has shown how, in the Software/Hardware Engineering design method, the preservation of all system properties when synthesizing the model can be guaranteed upto to a small time-deviation. This technique is well suited for control-systems, in which execution times of actions are very small, so the time-deviations obtained are small as well. However, it is not applicable for systems containing time-intensive computations because the time-deviations become large. This paper proposes an approach for imposing less restrictive timing constraints in order to decrease the time-deviation between model and implementation for this kind of systems. Furthermore, we present a mechanism for analyzing their timing behavior together with the estimation of the time-deviation.

    Barriers and facilitators to differentiation of English instruction in Taiwan elementary schools. - Page 193

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    Greutatea mică la naştere este un indicator important al sănătăţii infantile din cauza relaţiei strânse dintre gre utatea la naştere şi morbiditatea şi mortalitatea infantilă. Diminuarea ratei de mortalitate şi morbiditate presupune cunoaşterea particularităţilor de creştere şi îngrijire la aceste categorii de copii. Indiferent de categoria din care fac parte – prematuri, Small for Gestational Age, întârziere în creşterea intrauterină – aceşti copii, prin greutatea la naştere mică, au un risc crescut de a dezvolta malnutriţie, motiv pentru care la aceştia se impune cunoaşterea necesarului energetic şi de principii alimentare maximale, particular lor. Asigurarea unui suport nutriţional optim precoce reprezintă elementul esenţial al îngrijirii acestora

    Modelling patterns for analysis and design of real-time systems

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    To ensure correctness and performance of real-time embedded systems, early evaluation of properties is needed. Based on design experience for real-time systems and using the concepts of the POOSL language, we introduce modelling patterns that allow easy composition of models for design space exploration. These patterns cover different types of real-time tasks, resources and mappings, and include also aspects that are usually ignored in classical analysis approaches, like task activation latency or execution context switches. The construction of system models can be done by integrating the necessary patterns, as illustrated in two case studies


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    Low weight at birth is an important indicator of infant health due to the tight relationship between birth weight and infant mortality and morbidity. The diminishing of the mortality and morbidity rate requires information on the growth characteristics and caring requirements for this category of children. Regardless of the category they are in – prematures, Small for Gestational Age, delay in intrauterine growth – these children, due to their low weight at birth present a high risk to develop malnutrition, a reason why there should be known the energy requirements and the optimum nutrition principles, specifi c to them. Ensuring an early most favourable diet is the essential element in their care assistance

    Property-Preservation Synthesis for Unified Controland Data-Oriented Models ∗

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    In the Software/Hardware Engineering model-driven design methodology, the preservation of real-time system properties can be guaranteed up to a small time-deviation in the model synthesis. Therefore, this methodology is well suited for the design of control-systems in which execution times of actions are small; thus the time-deviations obtained are small. However, in systems containing time-intensive computations, the time-deviations become large and, consequently, the real-time properties are much weakened. This paper gives an initial idea for obtaining stronger property-preservation by abstracting from the internal actions of a system and counting only the observable actions for the time-deviation. In this way, a unified way of analysis and synthesis of a larger area of real-time applications can be obtained, which would allow designers to reason about different properties of systems.