6 research outputs found

    Oil Refineries In The 21st Century

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    The feasible strategies of technological and economic development of HIP Petrohemija

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    Long-term sustainability of bio-components production

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    Whether integrating refining and petrochemical business can provide opportunities for development of petrochemical industry in Serbia

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    Since the beginning of 90s of last century both the petroleum industry and petrochemical industry have operated in difficult circumstances. In particularly, margins of petroleum and petrochemical industry were exacerbated during global economic crisis in 2008-2009 years. At that time, as one option that could be the solution, the global analysts had started to more intense investigate the benefits of Refining-Petrochemical Integration. Shortly afterwards, more and more petroleum refineries and petrochemical manufacturers began to see the future in this kind of operational, managerial, marketing and commercial connection. This paper evaluates, in particular, the achieved level of integration of refinery and petrochemical businesses in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Specifically, the paper identifies current capabilities and future chances of linking this kind of integration between Serbian refining and petrochemical players. The viability of integration between possible actors and benefits of every single refining-petrochemical interface in Serbia depend on many factors, and therefore each integrated system is unique and requires prior serious cost benefit analysis. © 2016, Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Serbia. All rights reserved.Industrija prerade nafte i petrohemijska industrija posluju u otežanim uslovima još od početka devedesetih godina prošlog veka. Posebno veliku eroziju profitnih stopa su ova dva industrijska sektora doživela tokom eskalacije globalne ekonomske krize u 2008. i 2009. godini. Upravo u tom periodu, kao jednu od mogućih solucija oporavka globalni analitičari počinju da intenzivnije elaboriraju benefite integrisanja rafinerijskog i petrohemijskog biznisa. Nedugo zatim svoju budućnost u ovoj vrsti proizvodno-poslovnog povezivanja počinje da vidi sve više i više naftnih rafinerija i petrohemijskih kompleksa. Ovaj rad evaluira dostignuti nivo integrisanja rafinerijskog i petrohemijskog biznisa u Centralnoj i Jugoistočnoj Evropi. Potom se u radu identifikuju aktuelne mogućnosti i buduće šanse za povezivanje ovakvog tipa u Srbiji. Održivost integrisanja među potencijalnim domaćim akterima i isplativost svakog pojedinačnog povezivanja rafinerijskog i petrohemijskog biznisa zavisi od mnogo faktora, te realizacija svakog integrisanog sistema predstavlja slučaj za sebe i zahteva prethodno sprovođenje veoma ozbiljnih tehnoekonomskih analiza

    Serbia: A new process for waste rubber and plastic recycling

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    This paper intends to describe a new technological process for waste rubber and plastic recycling up to the commercial components in safe environmental friendly way. Researches and all relevant technical-technological data related to this process are checked at constructed pilot plant. The future construction of these units for waste rubber and plastic recycling will allow interested parties to achieve the environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency

    Energy and economy savings in the process of methanol synthesis using Pinch technology

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    A heat exchanger network (HEN) for the process of methanol synthesis has been studied by pinch design analysis. Great economic and energy savings were realized by the pinch analysis in comparison to the existing plant. Also, it was found that it is possible to reduce the requirements for the consumption of utilities. The HEN was reconstruded by adding new heat exchangers. In order to produce new HEN, the capital costs had to be increased, but the total cost trade-off between the capital and energy costs will be decrease by 30 %