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    学位記番号 : 甲第75号(旧)大阪外国語大学で授与された博士論文であ

    Mental Health Problems of the People in Isolation Related to SARS-CoV-2 Virus Infection

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    Objectives: To define the mental health status of people in isolation, and determined the correlation between mental health variables of the respondents. Methods: The study design was descriptive cross-actional. Isolated citizens, who were transported by charter flight from different foreign countries to Mongolia from July 1, 2020, to September 1, 2020, and observed by epidemiological reference in the isolation places. Results: The majority (38.8%, n = 157) of the 405 total cases aged 17- 97 year-olds, were 25- 34 year-olds and the average age was 34.2 ± 14.6. Majority of respondents (n = 213; 52.6%) were male. When mental health variables were compared with age groups, depression, anxiety, and self-stigma were not statistically significant for age group. However, in any age group of participants, self-stigma was moderately more at 91.8% (p = 0.043), and self-stigma at 93.8% was moderate. 38.1% of the total isolated population had mild to severe depression, and 30.4% had mild to moderate anxiety. Conclusion: Respondents who were impacted by strong stressors were more likely to experience depression and anxiety than respondents who were not impacted, and increased levels of depression were caused by strong stressors and anxiety. A moderate level of self-stigma is more present in any age group

    A Case of Somatoform Disorder Due to COVID-19 Induced Trauma

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    Objectives: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to mental health problems, such as phobia, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. We report the case of somatoform disorder due to psychological trauma associated with COVID-19 disease. Method: Diagnosis was based on mental state examination and the patho-psychological testing. Results: A 70 years old female presented many somatic complaints. She had 12 visits to a specialist during more than 4 months, 4 hospital admissions, and was involved in many tests and treatments, but with no beneficial results. On mental state examination and patho-psychological testing were found anxiety, depression, and somatization. Conclusion: On the basis of clinical features, the patient was hospitalized and effectively treated with a combination of antidepressant, anxiolytics, psychotropics, and psychotherapy

    モンゴル ニ オケル ショチュウトウ キョウイク キカン ムケ ニホンゴ キョウカショ ノ カイハツ -プロフィシェンシー ジュウシ ト ジリツ ガクシュウ シエン ヘノ トリクミ-

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    モンゴルでは初中等段階の日本語学習者が全体の約7割を占めるに至っているが、初中等教育全体で統一したシラバスや教材がない。そこでモンゴル日本語教師会は「初中等教育機関向け日本語教科書作成プロジェクト」を実施し、モンゴル日本語教育スタンダードと共に教科書シリーズ『にほんご できるモン』を開発することとした。同スタンダードの理念は(1)社会の中で自分の考えを自由に表現し、相互理解するのに必要な外国語能力の育成、(2)子供たちが自分自身の力で学習を進めていく能力の育成であり、教科書にはプロフィシェンシー重視と自律学習支援の2つの特徴がある。新教科書を使用する教師とのやり取りから教科書が改善でき、学習者自身も話す能力の向上を感じているという報告を聞くが、一方で、教師には「書くことが学習である」という従来からのビリーフがあり、教科書が変わっても新しい教え方にならない等の課題が残っている。About 70% of Japanese-language learners in Mongolia are students in elementary and secondary schools. No standardized syllabus or teaching materials currently exist for these schools. Mongolia Japanese-language Teachers Association organized a project to develop Japanese-language textbooks for elementary and secondary schools. The association created a textbook series called "Nihongo Dekirumon", to accompany Mongolia Japanese-language education standard. The standard has two principles; 1) to foster foreign language proficiency needed to express free ideas in the society to achieve mutual understandings, 2) to foster the abilities to self-learning. The textbook series, therefore, has two features to account for proficiency and support learners\u27 autonomy. Discussions with teachers who used the trial edition of these books led to improvement of the books, and the students who used the books perceived the improvement of their speaking abilities. However, we found that most teachers have traditional teaching beliefs that "writing is learning", which hinders their adoption of the new standard. The change of textbooks is not designed to change their ways of teaching, which is our next issue to solve