15 research outputs found

    Ege Bölgesinde, Menemen Ovasında Organik Ve Konvansiyonel Tarım Uygulamalarının Pamuk Verimi Ve Kalite Kriterleri Üzerine Etkileri

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    Çalışma; organik ve konvansiyonel tarım sistemlerinde yetiştirilen pamukların verim ve kalite değerlerini karşılaştırmak üzere, 2002-2008 yılları arasında 7 yıl süre ile pamuk+pamuk+buğday münavebe sisteminde, tesadüf parselleri deneme deseninde, 5 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Aynı toprak koşullarında organik sistemdeki pamuk deneme alanlarına yeşil gübre olarak fiğ (Vicia villosa L.) ve sertifikalı organik gübre (Agrobiosol) kullanılırken, konvansiyonel sistemdeki deneme alanlarına inorganik ticari gübreler toprağa uygulanmıştır. Her iki sistemden elde edilen kütlü verimleri karşılaştırıldığında organik ve konvansiyonel tarım sistemleri arasındaki verim farkı istatistiki olarak önemsiz bulunmuştur. Organik ve konvansiyonel sisteme ait kalite kriterlerinden lif uzunluğu, uniformite indeksi, kısa lif indeksi, lif kopma dayanıklılığı, lif kopma uzaması ve lif olgunluğu değerleri arasındaki farklılıklar istatistikî olarak önemsiz bulunurken, lif inceliği ve çırçır randımanı değerleri arasındaki farklılıklar önemli bulunmuştur

    Ege Bölgesinde, Menemen Ovasında Organik Ve Konvansiyonel Tarım Uygulamalarının Pamuk Verimi Ve Kalite Kriterleri Üzerine Etkileri

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    Çalışma; organik ve konvansiyonel tarım sistemlerinde yetiştirilen pamukların verim ve kalite değerlerini karşılaştırmak üzere, 2002-2008 yılları arasında 7 yıl süre ile pamuk+pamuk+buğday münavebe sisteminde, tesadüf parselleri deneme deseninde, 5 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Aynı toprak koşullarında organik sistemdeki pamuk deneme alanlarına yeşil gübre olarak fiğ (Vicia villosa L.) ve sertifikalı organik gübre (Agrobiosol) kullanılırken, konvansiyonel sistemdeki deneme alanlarına inorganik ticari gübreler toprağa uygulanmıştır. Her iki sistemden elde edilen kütlü verimleri karşılaştırıldığında organik ve konvansiyonel tarım sistemleri arasındaki verim farkı istatistiki olarak önemsiz bulunmuştur. Organik ve konvansiyonel sisteme ait kalite kriterlerinden lif uzunluğu, uniformite indeksi, kısa lif indeksi, lif kopma dayanıklılığı, lif kopma uzaması ve lif olgunluğu değerleri arasındaki farklılıklar istatistikî olarak önemsiz bulunurken, lif inceliği ve çırçır randımanı değerleri arasındaki farklılıklar önemli bulunmuştur

    İzole baş ağrısı bulgusu veren serebral ven trombozları

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the demogrophical specialities and clinical features among patients with cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), who had admitted to our department between 2006 and 2012 and who had headache as the only presenting symptom. MATERIAL and METHODS: Thirty-two patients who had diagnosed as CVT between 2006-2012 were evaluated and 12 of them who had headache as the only presenting symptom were included to the study. RESULTS: Headache was only symptom of CVT in 12 patients (10 Female, 2 Male). 8 of these 12 patients had papilledema. 4 patients had only headache without additional sign. The lateral sinus was the most frequently involved sinus. CONCLUSION: The headache is usually progressive over a few days, but a few patients have sudden onset or even a thunderclap headache. The outcome of CVT patients with isolated headache diagnosed was favourable

    Comparison of nerve conduction parameters of proximal and distal muscles innervated by the bundles of median nerve and ulnar nerve

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    Farklı kasları innerve eden sinir lifleri aynı periferik sinir içerisinde birbirlerinden farklı seyrederler. Dolayısıyla daha büyük kütleli ve proksimal yerleşimli kaslara giden sinir liflerinin daha büyük ve hızlı lifler olduğu öngörülebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı median sinir tarafından uyarılan proximal yerleşimli görece daha büyük kütleli bir önkol kasının ve küçük kütleli ve distal yerleşimli tenar kasların sinir iletim hızları, BKAP amplitüdleri ve sürelerini değerlendirmek ve bu verileri ulnar sinirden aynı yöntem ve çalışma tasarımı ile elde edilenlerle karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışmamıza, rutin elektrofizyolojik protokoller ile herhangi bir nöropati saptanmayan, bilinen bir sistemik hastalığı olmayan, 18-70 yaş arası, 30 sağlıklı gönüllü erkek ve 30 sağlıklı gönüllü kadın katılımcı dahil edildi. Dirsek üstü ve aksiller bölgelerden ayrı ayrı uyarı verilerek, ulnar sinir ile innerve olan proksimal yerleşimli fleksor karpi ulnaris kası ve distal yerleşimli abduktor digiti minimi kasından; median sinir tarafından uyarılan proksimal yerleşimli pronator teres kası ve fleksor karpi radialis kası ile distal yerleşimli abductor pollisis brevis kasından kayıt alındı. Ulnar sinir tarafından innerve edilen kaslarda ve median sinir tarafından innerve edilen kaslarda yapılan çalışmalarda elde edilen bulgularda benzer şekilde, proksimal yerleşimli kaslarda daha düşük BKAP amplitüd değeri, daha uzun BKAP yanıt süresi ve daha yüksek iletim hızı değerleri saptadık. Çalışmamızda, kadın ve erkek cinsiyetler arasında, proksimal ve distal yerleşimli kaslar arasında, sinir iletim hızları ve BKAP amplitüd değerlerinde anlamlı farklılık saptanmamıştır. Aynı sinir içerisinde hızlı ve yavaş ileten lifler birlikte seyretmektedirler ve farklı çaplardaki sinir liflerinin iletim parametreleri öngörülebilir. Elde edilen veriler, aynı sinir içerisinde farklı çaplarda bulunan sinir lifleri nedeni ile, sinir uyarımı sırasında desenkronize iletime bağlı oluşan temporal dispersiyon ve faz iptaline bağlıdır. Anahtar Kelimeler : median sinir, ulnar sinir, sinir iletim çalışması, proksimal innervasyon, distal innervasyonThe nerve fibers innervating different muscles in the same peripheral nerve traject seperately. Hence, it can be predicted that the nerve fibers innervating bigger and proximal muscles are thicker and faster than the smaller and distal ones. The aim of this study is to investigate and compare the conduction parameters of nerve bundles in the median nerve that innervate proximal muscles that are massy with distal muscles that are smaller. Additionally, we aimed to compare these parameters with those for ulnar nerve. Thirty male and thirty female healthy volunteers between the ages of 18-70 years, who did not have any neuropathy with routine electrophysiological protocols were enrolled to the study. Conduction parameters for ulnar nevre were recorded from proximally located flexor carpi ulnaris muscle and distally located abductor digiti minimi muscle and proximally located pronator teres and flexor carpi radialis muscles. Each nerve was stimulated at the above-elbow and axillary regions seperately. Conduction velocities and CMAP response durations were longer in proximally located muscles that are innervated either by ulnar or median nerves. However, CMAP amplitudes were smaller in proximal muscles. There was no significant difference between males and females in terms of conduction velocities and CMAP amplitudes recorded from proximal and distal muscles. There are fast and slow conducting fibers that traject together in the same peripheric nerve. It is also predictable that the conduction parameters can differ between thick and thin nerve fibers. Our results reveal that there is a temporal dispersion and phase cancellation due to desynchronized conduction during nerve stimulation. This is attributed to the wide range of fibre diameters innervating the proximal muscles

    Does nutritional status affect Parkinson's Disease features and quality of life?

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    OBJECTIVES:The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between nutritional status and Parkinson's Disease (PD) features in association with depression, anxiety and quality of life in people with PD. MATERIALS AND METHODS:This study was conducted on 96 patients with idiopathic PD to whom the following scales were applied: Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), 39-item PD questionnaire (PDQ-39), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score (HADS), Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). The scales and measurements were applied to patients at their first assessment. Patients with malnutrition or at risk of malnutrition were assessed by the dietitian and nutrition nurse. These patients received nutritional support through personalized diet recommendations and appropriate enteral nutritional products, considering factors such as age, comorbidity, socioeconomic and cultural conditions. At the end of 6 weeks, the scales and measurements applied during the first visit were again applied to the patients. RESULTS:A significant and inverse correlation was determined between mental (Spearman r:-0.510, p<0.001), activities of daily living (Spearman r:-0.520, p<0.001), motor (Spearman r:-0.480, p<0.001), complications (Spearman r:-0.346, p<0.001) UPDRS subdivisions and total scores (Spearman r:-0.644, p<0.001) and total MNA score. A significant and inverse correlation was found between all PDQ-39 subdomains and total MNA score (p<0.05). The highest inverse correlations were found in mobility (Spearman r:-0.690, p<0.001) and stigma (Spearman r:-0.570, p<0.001). Both depression (Spearman r:-0.631, p<0.001) and anxiety (Spearman r:-0.333, p<0.001) scores were determined to be inversely correlated with total MNA score. At the 6-week control visit, significantly lower scores were found in all subdivisions and in the total UPDRS score, PDQ-39 score and in the patients' anxiety and depression scores (p<0.05). MNA scores were found to be significantly higher in the assessment performed after 6 weeks of support for patients who had abnormal nutritional status at inception (p<0.001). CONCLUSION:PD motor and nonmotor functions, disease duration and severity are related to nutritional status. Quality of life was also shown to be affected by changes in the nutritional status. These results show that nutritional status assessment should be a standard approach in the PD treatment and follow-up processes

    What is the real effect of pregabalin in patients with diabetic neuropathic pain? (do patients suffer from less pain or do they less care about it?)

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    Objectives - Depression and anxiety are frequent in patients with chronic diseases such as diabetic neuropathic pain.The pain seems to be more severe in patients in whom depressive findings accompanied pain symptoms. Pregabalin was reported to have positive effects on anxiety and depression. This brings out the question, whether the pain relief effect of pregabalin is due to its analgesic effect or to its effects on mood? The aim of this study is to find out whether the positive effect of pregabalin in patients with diabetic neuropathic pain is limited to its effect on pain. Thus the question - do patients suffer from less pain or do they less care about pain? -should be answered. Methods - With this aim the NRS scores of 46 patients with diabetic neuropathic pain, whose HADS scores did not change with pregabalin treatment were compared with their baseline levels, retrospectively. Results - The NRS scores of the group were reduced with pregabalin treatment. Conclusion - This results suggests that the reduced pain in pregabalin treatment should be independent from its effects on depression and anxiety. © 2018 Ifjusagi Lap-es Konyvkiado Vallalat. All rights reserved

    Tetra-ataxiometric posturography in patients with migrainous vertigo

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    Background: Migraine is a common disorder characterized by headache attacks frequently accompanied by vestibular symptoms like dizziness, vertigo, and balance disorders. Clinical studies support a strong link between migraine and vertigo rather than between other headache types and vertigo or nonvertiginous dizziness. There is a lack of consensus regarding the pathophysiology of migrainous vertigo. Activation of central vestibular processing during migraine attacks and vasospasm-induced ischemia of the labyrinth are reported as the probable responsible mechanisms. Because vestibular examination alone does not provide enough information for diagnosis of migrainous vertigo, posturography systems which provide objective assessment of somatosensory, vestibular, and visual information would be very helpful to show concomitant involvement of the vestibular and somato-sensorial systems. There are few posturographic studies on patients with migraine but it seems that how balance is affected in patients with migraine and/or migrainous vertigo is still not clear. We want to investigate balance function in migraineurs with and without vertigo with a tetra-ataxiometric posturography system and our study is the first study in which tetra-ataxiometric static posturography was used to evaluate postural abnormalities in a well-defined population of patients with migrainous vertigo. Objective: To investigate balance functions in migraineurs with and without vertigo with a tetra-ataxiometric posturography system. Study Design: Prospective, nonrandomized, controlled study. Setting: Pamukkale University Hospital, Neurology and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation outpatient clinics. Methods: Sixteen patients with migrainous vertigo, 16 patients with migraine without aura and no vestibular symptoms, and 16 controls were included in the study. Computerized static posturography system was performed and statistical analyses of fall, Fourier, Stability, and Weight distribution indexes were performed. The tetra-ataxiometric posturography device measures vertical pressure fluctuations on 4 independent stable platforms, each placed beneath 2 heels and toe parts of the patient; inputs from these platforms are integrated and processed by a computer digitally. Four separate plates are used and perpendicular pressures of the anterior and posterior feet are measured. Pressure of each force plate is measured and data was analyzed by the software program. Limitations: A very small, non-randomized, and controlled study with the inability to find an answer to the mechanism of involvement of the somatosensorial system and vestibular system in migrainous headaches. Results: The distribution of patients with posturographical abnormalities in the migrainous vertigo group was significantly different than the control group. Distribution of the patients with posturographical abnormalities in the high frequencies of the head-right position was significantly different in the migrainous vertigo group than in the control group and distribution of the patients with posturographical abnormalities in high frequencies of the head-right position was significantly different in the migraine group than in the controls groups. The stability index of the migrainous vertigo group was significantly higher than in the control group when tested on in the neutral-head position with open eyes. Conclusion: In this first study of tetra-ataxiometric static posturography evaluating postural abnormalities in a well-defined population of patients with migrainous vertigo, the central part of the vestibular apparatus would be responsible of postural abnormalities in patients with migraine and migrainous vertigo. © 2016, American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians. All rights reserved