28 research outputs found

    Towards a model of how designers mentally categorise design information

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    This study aims to explore how designers mentally categorise design information during the early sketching performed in the generative phase. An action research approach is particularly appropriate for identifying the various sorts of design information and the cognitive operations involved in this phase. Thus, we conducted a protocol study with eight product designers based on a descriptive model derived from cognitive psychological memory theories. Subsequent protocol analysis yielded a cognitive model depicting the mental categorisation of design information processing performed by designers. This cognitive model included a structure for design information (high, middle, and low levels) and linked cognitive operations (association and transformation). Finally, this paper concludes by discussing directions for future research on the development of new computational tools for designers

    Cognitive Designers Activity Study, Formalization, Modelling, and Computation

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    This study aims to explore how designers mentally categorise design information during the early sketching performed in the generative phase. An action research approach is particularly appropriate for identifying the various sorts of design information and the cognitive operations involved in this phase. Thus, we conducted a protocol study with eight product designers based on a descriptive model derived from cognitive psychological memory theories. Subsequent protocol analysis yielded a cognitive model depicting the mental categorisation of design information processing performed by designers. This cognitive model included a structure for design information (high, middle, and low levels) and linked cognitive operations (association and transformation). Finally, this paper concludes by discussing directions for future research on the development of new computational tools for designers

    Computational Methods for Shape Manipulation in generation : a literature review

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    In this paper we will present a state of the art of the descriptive and generative models for shape. We will present several different approaches for the manipulation of shape in computational systems: numerical models, graph models, descriptive models. This investigation will lead to a discussion regarding the use of these models for supporting the generation of shapes in the early phases of the design process.ANR GENIUS (TECHLOG-07-010

    Towards a model of how designers mentally categorise design information

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    This study aims to explore how designers mentally categorise design information during the early sketching performed in the generative phase. An action research approach is particularly appropriate for identifying the various sorts of design information and the cognitive operations involved in this phase. Thus, we conducted a protocol study with eight product designers based on a descriptive model derived from cognitive psychological memory theories. Subsequent protocol analysis yielded a cognitive model depicting the mental categorisation of design information processing performed by designers. This cognitive model included a structure for design information (high, middle, and low levels) and linked cognitive operations (association and transformation). Finally, this paper concludes by discussing directions for future research on the development of new computational tools for designers

    Développement des produits biomécaniques par l'exploitation des esquisses dans la phase amont de conception

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    L'objectif de notre travail est de développer une approche basée sur l'exploitation des esquisses dans la phase amont de conception pour créer un produit innovant. afin d'apporter une aide aux concepteurs des produits orthopédiques (prothèses de genou, de la hanche, disques vertébraux, ...). Cette approche est basée sur la notion de coopération entre les ingénieurs et les chirurgiens orthopédistes. Le développement d'un produit biomécanique est conçu autour des modèles 03D réels issus des techniques de reverse engineering. Concrètement cet outil devrait apporter une assistance pour les acteurs de la conception pour innover mieux à travers la création des esquisses dans la phase amont par les chirurgiens. Pour cela notre approche fournit les éléments de base pour que le concepteur puisse construire le produit. Les résultats obtenus donnent une nouvelle vision pour le développement des produits orthopédiques autour de la notion « sur mesure pour chaque patient »

    Integration of EcoDesign in the early steps of the innovation process

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    EcoDesign is not easily fitting in the Innovation process, mostly owing to the dedicated time and resources required for learning and applying the EcoDesign-related knowledge when fast decision-making is occurring in early stages of product development and as there is only a low level of information on the new product to be made. In this paper, we propose a way to integrate EcoDesign in the early steps of the innovation process, while taking into account available processes and tools. A pre-assessment-based approach is brought using product typology, flow study and internal Functional Analysis (FA). We illustrate our proposition with an example on a new heating appliance design. Using this case study, we show how the innovation requirements could be met and how standard tools can be employed along the product development phases (Idea Management, Feasibility Assessment and Time To Market)

    Designing a graphical interface for creativity support tools for designers: a case study

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    This study proposes a co-designing, iterative methodology to design graphical user interface for creativity support tools for designers. Given the high level of expectation from designers, the interface quality was one of the most challenging aspects of the work, in conjunction with the utility of the functionalities. An iterative design and evaluation process was used to create the icon-based interface, during which the needs of the designers and the functionalities of the system were integrated until a complete operational prototype emerged. This process provided three sequential prototypes. In order to achieve this, we derived qualitative and quantitative results from various methods: creative sessions, semantic and emotional evaluations, questionnaires, semidirective interviews, subjective performance assessments, longitudinal tests, and focus group assessments. Finally, our iterative design and evaluation process can be considered to be a very efficient means of integrating end users’ spontaneous feedback about icon redesigns in the early phases of development. The design outcome enabled the end users to ensure that key features of the creativity support tool were both usable and appealing

    Cognitive Designers Activity Study, Formalization, Modelling, and Computation

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    This study aims to explore how designers mentally categorise design information during the early sketching performed in the generative phase. An action research approach is particularly appropriate for identifying the various sorts of design information and the cognitive operations involved in this phase. Thus, we conducted a protocol study with eight product designers based on a descriptive model derived from cognitive psychological memory theories. Subsequent protocol analysis yielded a cognitive model depicting the mental categorisation of design information processing performed by designers. This cognitive model included a structure for design information (high, middle, and low levels) and linked cognitive operations (association and transformation). Finally, this paper concludes by discussing directions for future research on the development of new computational tools for designers

    Computational Methods for Shape Manipulation in generation : a literature review

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    In this paper we will present a state of the art of the descriptive and generative models for shape. We will present several different approaches for the manipulation of shape in computational systems: numerical models, graph models, descriptive models. This investigation will lead to a discussion regarding the use of these models for supporting the generation of shapes in the early phases of the design process.ANR GENIUS (TECHLOG-07-010