12 research outputs found

    Assessment of Farmers’ Benefits Derived from Olam Organisation’s Sustainable Cocoa Production Extension Activities in Ondo State, Nigeria

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    The study assessed farmers’ benefits derived from Olam organization’s sustainable cocoa production extension activities in Ondo state. Structured and validated interview schedule was used to collect relevant information from thirty cocoa farmers, using multistage random sampling technique from cocoa producing towns (Aponmu, Irese, Laagba, Bagbe, Oboto, Igbo-Ore, Igodo, Arogbo, Ago paanu and Agogo) used by Olam in the state. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean and correlation statistics. The findings revealed that cocoa farmers had benefited from the Olam’s extension activities in terms of improved knowledge and skill acquisition in cocoa production as well as economic gains in terms of yield and income. The result of correlation shows that the number of years spent in school (r = -0.389) and household size (r = -0.437) had negative and significant relationship with benefits derived from Olam organization. It was recommended that effective monitoring and evaluation team should be established by Olam organization to improve on the good performance already recorded

    Factors Influencing Adoption of Cocoa Technologies Disseminated by Olam Organisation in Ondo State, Nigeria

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    The study was undertaken to determine factors influencing adoption of cocoa technologies disseminated by Olam organization to cocoa farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria. Data for the study were collected from thirty cocoa farmers (Olam’s model farmers) through the use of structured interview schedule. Data were analyzed using mean, factor analysis and regression statistics. Results showed that planting of hybrid cocoa seedlings, use of agrochemicals/fungicides, pruning and fermentation were cocoa technologies adopted by farmers. The significant factors influencing adoption of cocoa technologies included age, educational level, household size, no of farm family assisting on the farm, management system adopted, involvement in social organization and source of labour. The result of the varimax rotation revealed that the major constraints to adoption of cocoa technologies were socio-cultural, literacy and financial problems. It was therefore recommended that existing farmers’ organizations should be strengthened through regular meetings and training by Olam organization to enhance rapid dissemination and adoption of cocoa technologies.Key word: Adoption, cocoa technologies and Olam organizatio

    Constraints and Strategies for Improving Agricultural Intervention Programmes in Nigeria: A Case of National Fadama Development Project Phase II in Kogi State, Nigeria

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    The study was carried out to examine the constraints and strategies for improving agricultural intervention programmes in Nigeria with particular reference to the National Fadama Development Project, phase two in Kogi state. A set of interview schedule and questionnaire were used for data collection. Descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage and mean score were used to present the data. Factor analysis with principal component model on varimax rotation was used to determine major constraints while t-test was used to analyse the differences in perception of two sets of respondents to the constraints of the programme. Poverty was the major constraint perceived by farmers (mean = 3.89), while facilitators perceived both high cost of farm inputs and lack of credit facilities as the most serious constraint (mean = 3.38 each). Both farmers and facilitators shared similar opinion on twenty identified constraints and have significant differences in their perception of seven identified problems (p< 0.05). The result however, showed that several factors constrained the effectiveness of the project. The factors were grouped using factor analysis into technical problems, institutional problems and economic problems. For the farmers, the major strategy suggested was supply of farm machineries (65.2%), while facilitators suggested supply of subsidies and training opportunities for farmers (87.5%). It was recommended that, employment of project staff should be specific to only those with good agricultural background especially in crop science and agricultural extension to allow for effective relationship between the project and farmers.Key words: Fadama, intervention programmes, constraints, Kogi state, strategies

    Role of agricultural extension services in generation and dissemination of agricultural biotechnology in Abia State, Nigeria

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    Agricultural biotechnology has demonstrated that it can play a role in raising the level of food, feed and fibre production. However, for agricultural biotechnology to be effective and beneficial to the target end-user, agricultural extension services must be effective in achieving high rates of adoption. This study was undertaken to ascertain the role of extension services in generation and disseminating agricultural biotechnology in Abia state, Nigeria. Data for the study were collected from 80 respondents (researchers, extension professionals and farmers), through the use of structured questionnaire and interview schedule. A multistage sampling technique was used to select the respondents. The results of the study reveal that, the major role of extension services includes; improving the linkages between public and private sectors involvement in agricultural biotechnology, involvement of end users (farmers) to participate in issues relating to biotechnology research and development, and developing the appropriate mechanisms to transfer the research findings on agricultural biotechnology to the end users. The research determines that, the three groups of respondents (researchers, extension professionals and farmers) held similar opinions in regard to the role of extension services in facilitating the adoption of biotechnology.Keywords: Agricultural extension, role, dissemination, adoption, agricultural biotechnologyAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(6), pp. 554-56

    Impact of National Fadama Development Project II on Rice farmers’ profitability in Kogi State, Nigeria

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    This study examined the impact of National Fadama Development Project II on the profitability of rice farmers and assessed the extent to which the various innovations disseminated by the project were adopted by the rice farmer beneficiaries. The project which had all operating expenses cofinanced by the various key stakeholders also used community driven development (CDD) approach in extension service delivery. The study made use of primary data collected with the aid of interview schedule. The analytical tools used included descriptive statistics, adoption index and gross margin analysis (GM). The study employed the before and after model to determine the impact of the project on farmers profitability. The adoption index for rice production facilities, rice farming inputs and land preparation / planting distance were 0.34, 0.84 and 0.96, respectively. This implied that the farmers’ adoption of the various rice production facilities was 34%, while rice farming inputs had 84% adoption level, and the various technologies on rice field preparation had 96% adoption level. Weeding was the rice farming activity with the highest cost, N 1,210:40 and N 1,690:50 for the years 2003 and 2009, respectively. The percentage gross margins per 0.5 ha of rice farm were 26.9% and 81.4% for before and after respectively which implied that fadama rice farmers had higher profitability as a result of the farmers’ participation in the project

    Adoption of Green River Project Fish Farming Technologies by Farmers in Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

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    The study assessed adoption of improved fish farming technologies by fish farmers as well as socioeconomic characteristics of respondents, level of adoption of GRP fish farming technologies and constraints to adoption of the technologies. The hypothesis of the study was that socioeconomic conditions of farmers do not significantly influence adoption of GRP technologies. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 120 respondents from two states in Niger Delta. Descriptive statistics, regression analysis and factor analysis were used to analyze data. Results showed that majority (76.7% and 77.5%) of the fish farmers were male and married respectively. Mean age of the respondents was 50 years and majority were literates. Majority of the respondents adopted fish farm management technologies (79%), feeding techniques (79%), fish culture management techniques (77%) and water quantity and quality management techniques (88%). Constraints to adoption of the technologies included technology- related constraints such as existence of technologies better than GRP technologies (with loading of 0.536) and input- related constraints such as: late arrival of GRP input (0.760). Result of the hypothesis was that some socioeconomic characteristics of farmers (age and years spent in school) affected adoption. It was recommended that there should be involvement of youths in the project, provision of sufficient inputs to farmers at the right time and measures to increase collaboration between GRP and other agencies that disseminate improved fish farming technologies in the area.Keywords: GRP, Technology, fish farmin

    Use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) among Researchers, Extension Workers and Farmers in Abia and Enugu States: Implications for a National Agricultural Extension Policy on ICTs

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    The study ascertained the level of usage as well as constraints to the use of information communication technologies (ICTs) among major stakeholders in the agricultural development process in Abia and Enugu States of Nigeria. Data for the study were generated from a sample of 110 respondents using structured interview schedule and questionnaire. Findings indicate that majority (52.5%, 57.5% and 56.7%) of researchers; extension workers and farmers had high, moderate and low knowledge levels of available ICTs, respectively. Out of 24 information communication technologies in use among the respondents, 11 were frequently utilized by researchers, while only 4 and 3 of the facilities were frequently utilized by extension workers and farmers, respectively. The study revealed major constraints to the use of ICTs to include lack of sufficiently trained computer personnel, lack of confidence in operating modern ICTs, erratic and fluctuating power supply, poor finance, lack of internet access in the rural areas and high cost of ICTs hard and soft wares, among others. The study concludes with the need to have a National Agricultural Extension Policy on the use of ICTs with major emphasis on access, availability and use. Key words: Information communication technologies, knowledge, access, constraints, policy needs

    The Contributions Of Nalt -Nusho Programme To Poverty Alleviation In Enugu North Agricultural Zone, Enugu State, Nigeria

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    The study was undertaken to investigate beneficiaries\' and staff perceptions of the contributions of Nsukka Area Leaders of Thought /United Self-Help Organisation (NALT-NUSHO) programme to poverty alleviation in Enugu North Agricultural Zone of Enugu State. Data were collected from 110 respondents comprising 84 beneficiaries and 26 staff through the use of structured interview schedule and questionnaire, respectively, using a multi- stage random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using percentages and mean scores. The findings revealed that the beneficiaries got their information about NALT-NUSHO programme through friends and joined NALT-NUSHO to solve family/household consumption needs, start/increase business size and to be self reliant. The study also showed that NALT-NUSHO had contributed to some extent in alleviating the poor conditions of her beneficiaries through its savings and credit scheme. In the savings and credit scheme, the beneficiaries were given an average loan amount of N 6, 510 for a start which increases as the year passes but not above N 20, 000 which were used for trading and solving of household problems (especially payment of children school fees). Training/workshop programmes were organized for the beneficiaries and staff on yearly basis on credit management. On adequacy of roles played by NALT-NUSHO, both the beneficiaries and staff perceived loan disbursement, savings mobilization, weekly installment repayment and training workshop programmes to be adequate. The major constraints to effective performance of NALT-NUSHO programme as perceived by the beneficiaries and staff were insufficient loan, high interest rate, inadequate logistics, inadequate training opportunities for knowledge update in credit delivery and poor salary. The study recommends that government should encourage NALT-NUSHO in its effort to alleviate poverty among Nsukka rural poor through granting them soft loans and other incentives for improved programme performance.Agro-Science Vol. 7 (2) 2008: pp. 129-13

    Assessment of Farm Year Programme of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike

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    In Nigeria, it is mandatory and indeed a policy of the National Universities Commission (NUC) that, agricultural undergraduates in the fourth year of the five-year degree be exposed to farm practical year. This study was undertaken to assess the farm year programme of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) and Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU). Data were collected from the students of the two universities, using structured questionnaire. A total of 152 sampled students were selected through stratified sampling procedure from core agricultural departments. Data were analyzed using percentage and mean and t-test statistics. The results show that the students of both universities were satisfied in major areas of their involvement. The major constraints to FYP as indicated by the students were lack of proper orientation of students before the commencement of the FYP, lack of proper monitoring and evaluation by the field staff and lecturers, poor programme planning that resulted in programme clashes and inadequate funding of FYP. The students of both universities were of the view that there should be a monitoring and evaluation unit in their faculties to assess the progress of the programme. The findings further revealed that there were significant differences between the perception of UNN and MOUAU students on constraints to FYP (t=10.370) and ways of improving the FYP (t=7.62). It is recommended that there is the need to put in place adequate resources for field-based practical in order to achieve the desire objective of FYP

    Adaptation strategies to counter climate change impact on sheep

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    Climate change has proved to impose potential negative effects on species survival, ecosystems stability and sustainable livestock production around the globe. Among the various environmental factors, heat stress is well known for its harmful effects on livestock and related production losses. Sheep exposed to heat stress show lower body growth and hide quality and compromised reproductive functions in both males and females. Adapting to the changing climate requires appropriate manipulations in the production system by taking into account the positive effects and attempting to diminish the negative effects of climate change. The highly adapted indigenous breeds identified by marker-assisted selection can be used as an efficient tool for developing thermotolerant breeds through improved breeding programmes. Promotion of such breeds can improve production efficiency and may lead to fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Further, the local people, especially women, are good managers of natural resources and possess excellent skills to utilize the natural resources efficiently. Hence, occasional training and a participatory research approach into the roles of women assist the tackling of climate change in the rural areas. In addition, well-organized early warning systems avoid severe damage due to unexpected disasters by providing sufficient time to prepare effective responses. Development of skilled disease surveillance supported with effective health services may effectively control the spread of climate change-related diseases in sheep. Furthermore, the production system requires improved water resource management to provide sufficient water for sheep production in the arid and semi-arid regions. Cultivation of drought-tolerant fodder varieties in extremely hot areas is an efficient adaptive strategy to ensure sufficient supply of feed during scarcity periods. Finally, strengthening extension services and building awareness through capacity-building programmes helps the livestock keepers to improve their adaptive capacities against climate change. Adaptation strategies related to cold stress include advanced cold-tolerant breeding programmes, migration in extreme winter and adoption of proper cold management practices. According to the predictions by various international bodies, the consequences of climate change will be on the rise in the future. Hence, adequate cost-effective management strategies appear to be the immediate need of the hour for adapting sheep production systems to the changing climate