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    Abstrak Laboratorium adalah tempat berlangsungnya pembelajaran dengan metode praktikum. Keberhasilan pada proses pembelajaran dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor ketersediaan sarana di laboratorium yang memadai. Kompresor AC mobil dirancang sebagai media pembelajaran praktikum AC mobil dengan memperlihatkan cara kerja kompresor AC mobil, khususnya tipe axial kerja tunggal. Adanya trainer kompresor AC mobil tipe axial kerja tunggal bertujuan untuk menyediakan media pembelajaran yang ideal yaitu ekonomis, mudah diterima oleh mahasiswa, mudah dalam pengendalian, dan dapat membangkitkan rangsangan penglihatan. Spesifikasi alat dan bahan yang digunakan pada media pembelajaran kompresor AC mobil tipe axial kerja tunggal adalah : 1) kompresor AC mobil tipe axial kerja tunggal SANDEN 507, 2) dimmer motor listrik 2600W, 3) gerinda tangan MAKTEC 12.000 rpm 750 W, 4) bor tangan MAKTEC 3.000RPM 220V 1.7A, 5) rotary burr M6, 6) rotary burr M3, 7) diamond grinding M2, dan 8) cutting gerinda WD 14.600RPM. Langkah pengerjaan trainer kompresor AC mobil antara lain : 1) melakukan pembongkaran kompresor, 2) mengamati letak komponen-komponen kompresor, 3) menentukan sketsa bagian kompresor yang akan dipotong sehingga cara kerja kompresor dapat terlihat, dan 4) merakit kembali kompresor. Hasil pemotongan kompresor AC mobil dapat memperlihatkan cara kerja kompresor AC mobil tipe axial kerja tunggal. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk melihat cara kerja kompresor dengan baik adalah pada tegangan 156 V, nilai kuat arus 2.50 A, kecepatan putaran motor 1945 rpm, dan kecepatan putaran kompresor 801 rpm. Dengan adanya trainer kompresor AC mobil tipe axial kerja tunggal (wobble plate) diharapkan dapat melengkapi sarana di laboratorium AC mobil dan dapat membantu proses pembelajaran mahasiswa untuk memahami cara kerja kompresor AC mobil tipe axial kerja tunggal (wobble plate). Kata Kunci : media pembelajaran, kompresor AC mobil tipe axial kerja tunggal, wobble plate. Abstract Laboratory is a place where happen the learning with practice method. The success on the learning process can affected by availability of means in the laboratory. Compressor of car air conditioning (AC) designed as trainer on car AC practice in a way how compressor working, so college student could understand how compressor of car AC working, especially single work axial type. The aims of this trainer for provide trainer that ideal are economical, easy to accept by college student, easy to control, and could awaken a visual stimulation. And with this trainer could obtained that voltage and current influence compressor work. The research on thesis is observation research, then product was designed. The research to knowing a needs of trainer in the laboratory of car AC. The research for trainer was held in the laboratory of car AC Major of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya and manufacture compressor cutting in the workshop. Research, observation, and concept design were held from January in 2018. The manufacture step of trainer compressor are : 1) overhaul of compressor ; 2) observe location components of compressor ; 3) determine sketch part of compressor that will cut so can see how compressor working ; and 4) re-assemble the compressor. Specification of tools and material are : 1) compressor with single work axial type SANDEN 507 ; 2) dimmer switch for dynamo 2600 W ; 3) hand grinding MAKTEC 12000 RPM ; 4) hand drill MAKTEC 3600 RPM 220 V 1.7 A ; 5) rotary burr M6 ; 6) rotary burr M3 ; 7) diamond grinding M2 ; and 8) grinding cutting WD 14600 RPM. The result of cutting compressor can shows principle compressor of car AC with single work axial type. Based on the result of trial can concluded that the best to see how compressor work is on voltage 156 V, current 2.50 A, speed of dynamo rotation 1945 RPM, and speed of compressor rotation 801 RPM. With availability a trainer compressor of car AC with single work axial type (wobble plate) expected can complete of means in the laboratory of car AC and can help the learning process by college student to know how compressor working, especially single work axial type (wobble plate). Keywords : trainer, compressor with single work axial type, wobble plate