22 research outputs found

    Substituting fish meal with grasshopper meal in the diet of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings

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    The effect of inclusion of grasshopper meal on the growth, feed conversion ratio and survival of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings of mean weight 9.71g was investigated. The results show that the best growth and food utilization indexes were recorded in the fingerling fed with 10% grasshopper meal and 30% fish meal, while the poorest growth and food utilization indexes were recorded with the diet containing 25% grasshopper meal and 15% fish meal. The best survival of 100% was observed in the diet containing 30% grasshopper meal and 10% fish meal while the worst survival of 73.3% was observed in the diet containing 25% grasshopper meal and 15% fish mea

    Commercial production of Clarias fry and fingerlings in indoor and outdoor concrete tank systems

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    Induced breeding technique by hypophysation is being applied at the Kainji Lake Research Institute Fisheries Division Hatchery complex in New Bussa, Nigeria, for the production of Clarias fry and fingerlings in indoor and outdoor concrete tank systems. The hatchlings are fed on livefood (zooplankton) and artificial feed. Source of zooplankton is from cultured stock which is maintained throughout the breeding season by fertilization. Production values show that an average of over 4,000 hatchlings (larvae) can be produced by a female breeder (over-700g wt) and percentage survival after two months ranges between 70 to 75%. With the proposed modification and expansion project, an estimated production of over 0.5 million fingerlings per breeding season is projecte

    Growth performance of exotic Oreochromis niloticus, exotic Oreochromis niloticus fed with pelleted feeds in flow-through system

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    Local, exotic and hybrid tilapia fingerlings were fed 45% crude protein diet containing 18% fish meal in a flow through system in triplicate and their growth and food utilization observed for 14 weeks. At the end of the study, the hybrid (Exotic Oreochromis niloticus male x Exotic Oreochromis aureus female) fingerlings had higher growth rate and food conversion ratio (FCR) than the other treatments. This was followed by Exotic Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings. The exotic Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings came next while the local Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings were the least in growth performance. The survival rate of the local O. niloticus was however higher than the other treatment

    Prospects and problems of rice-fish culture in Nigeria

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    This paper examines fish demand and supply and looks at on-going research works in rice-cum-fish culture in Nigeria. It examines all the pre-requisites for adopting this farming system. Economic and Financial analysis were made using experimental plots at two ecological zones of Nigeria. This farming system, which has reached advanced stage in most of Asian countries, could well be practiced in Nigeria to assist farmers to harvest both protein (from fish) and carbohydrate from rice and thereby to improve their standards of liv

    Studies on the use of Duckweed (Lemna paucicostata Hegelm.) as fish food

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    The Complementary Role of NDDC and NDE in Achieving Sustainable Economic Growth for Nigeria

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    The Nigerian economy is plagued with varying issues that undermine its sustainable growth and development. Prominent among these issues are the country’s growing unemployment rate and the recent upsurge in militant activities. The growing insurgence in the Niger Delta region coupled with the country’s hyper unemployment rate, has raised a crucial question: Will Nigeria achieve a sustainable economic growth as envisioned in its Vision 2020 agenda? The upsurge in the Niger Delta region alongside the country’s growing unemployment rate created a major macroeconomic destabilization, as evidenced in: disruption of oil and gas production, which led to a consequent shortfall in the country’s projected electricity supply; a reduction in gross national income; foreign capital flight; reduced foreign direct investment [FDI]; exit of oil Multinational Corporations, growth of the illicit economy, etc. These two variables: employment generation and maintaining a control over the illicit economy are essential, if not basic prerequisites for achieving a sustainable economic growth and development of the country. Employment generation ensures that a country’s available manpower is utilized productively and in a timely manner in the production of basic goods and services, while; a control over the illicit economy maximizes a country’s potential for maintaining and sustaining its social and productive facilities. The Nigerian government in other to tackle the hassle of unemployment established the National Directorate of Employment (NDE), while; the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) was to tackle the upsurge in the region by ensuring that a socio-economic balance is maintained in the region. This paper takes a conceptual view of the roles of the NDE and the NDDC, their activities so far and their roles in achieving a sustainable economic growth and development for the country. The paper recommends that as Nigeria marches towards sustainability as envisioned in its Vision 2020 dream, an independent but complementary approach should be adopted by these two agencies; the NDE by tackling the country’s hyper unemployment rate and the NDDC by tackling the violent upsurge in the region. This inevitably would contribute to the achievement of a sustainable economic growth and development for Nigeria and the realisation of its Vision 2020 dream