123 research outputs found

    Multiculturalismo e femminismo. Il multiculturalismo danneggia le donne?

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    O multiculturalismo é ruim para as mulheres?

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    Resumo O artigo questiona as possibilidades de acomodação entre o feminismo e o multiculturalismo, em sua defesa dos direitos de grupos minoritários. As abordagens multiculturalistas dedicam mais atenção às diferenças entre os grupos do que às diferenças e hierarquias internas aos grupos. Além disso, prestam pouca atenção à esfera privada e doméstica. Com isso, o fato de que as mulheres sejam oprimidas nessas culturas não ganha relevância mediante a defesa de sua preservação. Para Okin, deve-se levar em conta a opressão interna aos grupos e o custo da preservação das culturas para a autonomia das mulheres. Palavras-chave: feminismo; multiculturalismo; opressão; direitos; minorias; esfera privada.   Abstract The article examines the possibilities of accommodating feminism and multiculturalism in their defense of the rights of minority groups. The multiculturalist approaches dedicate more attention to the differences between groups than to their internal differences and hierarchies. In addition, they pay little attention to the sphere of domestic and private life. Thus, in such approaches, the fact that women are subjected to oppression in these cultural groups looses relevance in face of the defense of the preservation of their cultures. To Okin, one should take into account the internal oppression and the cost of preserving those cultures in terms of their impact on the autonomy of women. Key words: feminism; multiculturalism; oppression; rights; minorities; private sphere

    Gender, the Public and the Private

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    In this article, the political philosopher Susan Moller Okin discusses the dichotomy public-private from a gendered perspective. Overlooking gender – especially as it assumes the form of overlooking the political reality of the family and gender ‘neutral’ language – has become, in many past and present authors, a reinforcement of that dichotomy, silencing about its patriarchal nature. As Okin understands it, domestic (personal) sphere and non-domestic (public) sphere can not be interpreted isolatedly, what demands a deep revision of the base of most liberal political theory. The author faces this demand, discussing important problems such as the value of privac

    Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?

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    Gender, Justice and Gender: An Unfinished Debate

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