712 research outputs found

    Assessing Relationship between Personal Value and Customer Satisfaction:Evidence from Nigerian Banking Industry

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    Results implicated self-transcendence as having positive relationship with customer satisfaction while selfenhancement has negative relationship with customer satisfaction. It was also established that the overall personal value has significant effect on customer satisfaction. The research measures showed encouraging psychometric values. These findings were discussed and situated within the Nigerian banking industry. It was recommended that the banking industry should place more emphasis on target marketing practices thereby enhancing the quality delivery of services to customers. Areas of further studies were also suggested

    Social Networking and Business Performance: The case of Selected Entrepreneurs in Ota, Nigeria

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    This research study examined the nature of relationship between social networking and business performance using selected entrepreneurs in Ota, Nigeria as respondents. The specific objectives of the study are; (i) to ascertain the extent to which social media networks are used by entrepreneurs (ii)to find out the purpose for which those sites were visited (iii) to determine the effect of electronic networking on sales turnover and (iv) to identify the effect of physical networking on business efficiency. The study used survey research method with structured questionnaire that was distributed among the sampled respondents. The findings of the study revealed that Facebook and twitter were the mostly visited social network by the entrepreneurs for business purposes. The result further revealed that electronic social network has significant effect on sales turnover. Physical social network such as trade associations was also found having a significant effect on business efficiency. Based on these findings, conclusion was drawn and relevant recommendations were made

    Agenda for Marketing Excellence in the Deregulated Petroleum Down-Stream Sector

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    Deregulation in the petroleum down-stream sector tends to be treated by the masses. Oftentimes,the fear is that it will fuel the exploitative proclivities of the petroleum marketers and constitute a leeway to corruption by government officials. For example, petroleum products may sell at prohibitive prices, at least in the short run and bureaucrats may exhibit corrupt tendencies in the process. These are genuine fears! However, there is a way out! Thus this paper is based on the imperative that the situation is not as hopeless as it may seem. It offers a marketing blueprint for the implementation of deregulation in the petroleum down-stream sector in such a manner that every stakeholder in the industry will be reasonably satisfied. Thus the marketing model of deregulation reduces conflict situations by taking into account the needs, desires and preferences of all stakeholders. It succeeded in Chile, Thailand etc. why can’t it work in Nigeria

    Assessing The Relationship Between Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction; Evidence From Nigerian Banking Industry

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    It is the performance of service that creates true customers: customers who buy more and who influence others to buy .However, Nigerian Banks have been found to be characterized by poor service quality. This study was therefore carried to examine the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. Two hypotheses were formulated in this study and appropriate statistical techniques employed to test the hypotheses were multiple regression and correlation. The study reveals that service quality has significant effect on customer satisfaction. The result also show that there is a relationship between gender and customer service. Conclusion was drawn and it was recommended based on the findings of the study that the banks should focus more on their customers rather than on the products and services, which they sell because customers are the true business of every company

    Internal Marketing Practices and Job Satisfaction: Evidence from a Nigerian University Setting

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    This study investigated internal marketing practices and its relationship with job satisfaction in a Nigerian university environment. Results indicated internal marketing as having resultant effects on three major areas or components; understanding of organizational vision and values,quality delivery of external marketing as well as quality delivery of interactive marketing. It was also established that there was strong and positive relationship between internal marketing and job satisfaction. The research measures showed good psychometric values. These findings were discussed and situated within the Nigerian university environment. It was recommended that the university should place more emphasis on internal marketing practices thereby enhancing the quality delivery of both interactive and external marketing of the university. The university was advised to promote extrinsic job satisfaction among its staff. Areas of further studies were also suggested

    A comparative study of male and female perceptions of service quality in fast food industry

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    The development of technology has brought about sudden shift in the economy towards service economy. It becomes important therefore that marketers need to bring marketing principles, theories,and strategies to bear in this emerging economy if they must satisfy their customers profitably. The study makes use of SERVQUAL, a research instrument developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry to measure the impact of customer expectations on the perceptions of service quality. Three hypotheses were put forward and tested. The first hypothesis was to determine whether there was any difference between customer expectations and perceptions of fast food service. Dependent t-test was used and it was discovered that there was no significant difference between the two parameters. The second hypothesis was to determine whether there was difference between male and female expectations of service quality. Independent t-test was employed and it was found that there was no significant difference between the two parameters. The third hypothesis of the study was to determine whether there was difference between male and female perceptions of service quality. An independent t-test was also used for this hypothesis and it was discovered that there was no significant difference between the two parameters measure.Based on the findings above some of the recommendations made were:1. It is important that Nigerian fast food restaurants established a strong presence in the cyber space by having a functional website.2. There is a need for the fast food operators to improve upon working conditions, including salaries paid to workers in the sector

    An Assessment of service Quality Imperatives of Universities in Southwest Nigeria

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    This thesis assesses Service Quality Imperatives of Universities in South West of Nigeria. The study adopts stakeholders approach and as such harnesses the views of employers and that of the alumni of these Universities. The three categories of Universities; Federal, State and Private were made the units of analysis and comparisons were made where necessary. The study benefited immensely from the established concept of Service Quality Imperatives comprising of Physical Quality, Corporate Quality and Interactive Quality. The general objective of the study was to examine how service quality imperatives lead to acquisition of Graduate Competitive Skills. In the same vein, five other specific objectives were examined. Data for this research were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The primary data were obtained through questionnaires. Nine Hundred (900) copies of the first set of questionnaire were administered to the alumni of the nine selected Universities and four hundred (400) copies of the second set of the questionnaire were administered to the employers and the data gathered were collated for the analysis. In this study, five hypotheses were formulated. For the data analysis, both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were employed. The results showed that service quality imperatives (Physical quality, Corporate quality and Interactive quality) are not significant predictors of work performance. However, there is a variation among the Universities examined. The study revealed that physical quality (enabling environment) contributes to the development of graduate basic skills as well as personal and interactive skills. Based on these findings, some recommendations were made. A major recommendation of this study is that service quality imperatives coupled with stakeholders approach that underscores marketing principles, strategies and policies should be adopted in the Nigerian University system

    From Heathen to Sub-Human: A Genealogy of the Influence of the Decline of Religion on the Rise of Modern Racism

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    This essay traces a genealogy of the modern concept of race, and modern racism, in relationship to the intellectual shifts that led to the secularization of knowledge during the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Through an analysis of the evolution of the central concept of The Great Chain of Being from the Classical through Medieval and Early Modern periods, I argue that the decline of religion in the West was a necessary condition for the rise of modern conceptions of race and racism

    Assessing the Effect of Organizational Commitment on Service Quality; a Study of Customer-Contact Employee

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    study of this kind that focused on the effect of organizational commitment on service quality is an inter-disciplinary study that is meant to provide a deeper understanding of human resource-service quality relationship. The data required for this study was gathered through the instrument of questionnaire to achieve the objectives of the study. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested using multiple regressions. Each of the hypotheses tested the effect of affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment on service quality of customer-contact employees respectively. This study was conducted using customer-contact employees of a popular fast food organization in Lagos State, Nigeria. It was only the normative commitment that was found to have a significant effect on service quality. The implication is that the extent to which an employee is obliged to make personal sacrifice to the organization is very crucial

    Inception and Ibn \u27Arabi

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    Many philosophers, playwrights, artists, sages, and scholars throughout the ages have entertained and developed the concept of life being a but a dream. Few works, however, have explored this topic with as much depth and subtlety as the 13thC Andalusian Muslim mystic, Ibn \u27Arabi. Similarly, few works of art explore this theme as thoroughly and engagingly as Chistopher Nolan\u27s 2010 film Inception. This paper presents the writings of Ibn \u27Arabi and Nolan\u27s film as a pair of mirrors, in which one can contemplate the other. As such, the present work is equally a commentary on the film based on Ibn \u27Arabi\u27s philosophy, and a commentary on Ibn \u27Arabi\u27s work based on the film. The paper explores several points of philosophical significance shared by the film and the work of the Sufi sage, and their relevance to contemporary conversations in philosophy, religion, and art
