60 research outputs found

    The Kago low-sulfidation gold and silver deposit: a peripheral mineralisation to the Nansatsu high-sulfidation system, southern Kyushu, Japan

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    The Kago deposit is a small deposit located at the southern tip of the Satsuma Peninsula of Southern Kyushu, Japan. It lies proximal to the well-known Nansatsu-type mineralisation province dominated by high-sulfidation type epithermal deposits. The deposit was heavily mined in the 18 th Century, largely for its relatively higher gold compared to that of surrounding and regional deposits. The Kago deposit is a typical low-sulfidation deposit, characterised by adularia-quartz veins, composed of electrum, Ag-tetrahedrite, polybasite, chalcopyrite and pyrite. Based on mine records, the grade ranged from 4.1 to 13.3 g/t Au and 2.6–6.6 g/t Ag. Alteration grades from low to high temperature argillic into a propylitic zone at the extremes of the vein exposures. Carbonate is absent. Fluid inclusion microthermometry reveals a typical temperature range of 220–240 °C with salinity of 0.7–2.6 NaCl eq. wt%. Electrum from high-grade ore ranges from 66 to 69 wt% Au. 40Ar/39Ar age dating of adularia bearing colloform/crustiform and brecciated veins, suggests a mineralisation event from 4.23 to 4.0 Ma. δ18O of veined and silicified quartz ranges from +4.0 to +18.4‰. δ18OH2O of fluids in equilibrium with quartz, in the dominant range of measured fluid inclusion temperatures, ranges from −6.5‰ to −0.2‰. δ34S of pyrite has a narrow range from −1.8 to 2.7‰. The deposit lies at the northern extent of the classic Nansatsu high-sulfidation epithermal area, in which a number of silicified bodies punctuate the region in a roughly semi-circular shape. The Kago deposit lies within the principle mineralisation age range of the high-sulfidation deposits, which range from 5.5 to 3.7 Ma. The structural displacement of the Kago deposit from the Nansatsu mineralisation and the differing host rocks has greatly influenced alteration, ore and rock-water interaction of the ore depositing fluids. Here we seek to establish the relationship that this extended mineral province has between the differing styles of mineralisation

    Predictors for the outcomes of patients with estrogen receptor-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer treated using palbociclib plus endocrine therapy

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     A cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4/6 inhibitor, palbociclib (PAL), combined with endocrine therapy is frequently used for the treatment of patients with estrogen receptor (ER)-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER) 2-negative advanced breast cancer. However, as predictors for the outcomes remain unclear, we retrospectively investigated them. A total of 36 patients with ER-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer were treated using PAL plus endocrine therapy at our hospital. Treatment outcomes, objective response rates (ORR), progression-free survival (PFS) and post-treatment overall survival (OS) were analyzed. As possible predictive biomarkers, retinoblastoma protein (Rb), phosphorylated Rb (pRb) and different CDKs were immunohistochemically investigated using primary tumor tissues. Non-visceral metastasis, use of fulvestrant (FUL) and the 1st- or 2nd-line treatment were significant predictors for a better ORR (P = 0.0080, P = 0.0080 and P = 0.0080, respectively). No objective response (OR) was observed in patients with progesterone receptor (PR)-negative, CDK6-positive or cytosolic cyclin E1-positive tumors. Non-visceral metastasis and use of FUL were significant predictors for a better PFS (P = 0.0030 and P = 0.0443, respectively). The Cox proportional hazards model revealed that visceral metastasis (hazard ratio [HR], 4.9; P = 0.0019) and PR-negativity (HR, 3.2; P = 0.0411) were independent predictors for a poorer PFS. Nonvisceral metastasis, pRb-negativity and CDK6-negativity were significant predictors for a better OS (P = 0.0281, P = 0.0014 and P = 0.0396, respectively). The Cox proportional hazards model revealed that visceral metastasis (HR, 7.2; P = 0.0131) and pRb-positivity (HR, 18.5; P = 0.0060) were independent predictors for a poorer OS. In conclusion, PR-negativity and pRb-positivity in primary tumors may be independent predictors for PFS and OS, respectively. CDK6-positivity and cytosolic cyclin E1-positivity may be predictors for a poorer OS and ORR, respectively. Further investigation is needed to confirm these factors

    Longitudinal change of postoperative serum anti-thyroglobulin antibody levels in patients without total thyroidectomy and remnant ablation

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     Backgroud: There is little information regarding postoperative anti-thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb) changes in patients without a total thyroidectomy and ablation. This study aimed to analyze the longitudinal change of TgAb levels in patients with remnant thyroid. Methods: The study group were patients who had undergone a non-total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma from 1996 to 2018. The median follow-up period of measurement serum Tg and Tg Ab was 3.5 years (1-7.5 years). Eligible patients had a combined serum Tg and TgAb measurement at least three times biannually. We excluded patients with thyroid dysfunction at the initial diagnosis or with papillary carcinoma who had persistent or any recurrence of disease. Results: A total of 209 patients were enrolled. In the preoperative analysis, 41 (31%) patients had positive TgAb values, and 91 were negative (69%). Seventeen years after the operation, a TgAb value over 800 IU/ml was not seen. The positive TgAb ratio was stable for 12 years (20%-30%); however, its positivity gradually increased from 13 years onward to 45.5%. The number of patients with consistently negative and positive TgAb values was 140 (67.0%) and 47 (22.5%), respectively. The number of patients with a mixture of positive and negative TgAb values was 10 (4.8%). The number of patients who changed from positive to negative values was six (2.9%) and, inversely, six (3.9%). Conclusions: We found positivity of TgAb after surgery gradually increases up to 45.5% over about 10 years in patients with normal remnant thyroid. We might continue to measure both serum Tg and TgAb values concurrently for the patients with remnant thyroid tissue throughout

    Photo-induced orientation behaviors of azobenzene liquid crystal copolymers for photonic crystals

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    A certain wavelength of incident light is forbidden based on the optical periodicity related to the intervals and refractive indices of the comprising materials. For multi-bilayered films with periodicity, on–off switching of reflection is possible due to the presence or absence of a refractive index difference between two consisting films. Changes in the refractive index can be induced by stimuli-responsive orientation behaviors of liquid crystal (LC) molecules with birefringence. Azobenzene (Az) groups are employed for photo response and copolymerized with non-photo-responsive LC mesogen groups for cooperative orientation to improve light penetration by the dilution of Az concentration. LC mesogen groups are designed to have a high refractive index to improve the reflection contrast. The refractive indices and the orientation behaviors of the copolymer films are investigated. On–off switching of reflection for multi-bilayered films consisting of alternate Az-containing LC copolymers and poly vinyl alcohol is conducted using ultraviolet and visible light irradiation, and their reflection intensity and response speed are compared between the different LC mesogen types and molar ratios

    On-off switching properties of one-dimensional photonic crystals consisting of azo-functionalized polymer liquid crystals having different methylene spacers and polyvinyl alcohol

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    In this paper, photoresponsive behavior of multi-bilayered films having precisely controlled layer thickness prepared by stacking an azo-functionalized polymer liquid crystal, PMAzXAc, and polyvinyl alcohol alternatively, PVA, is described. The multi-bilayered films were found to reflect a light of specific wavelength depending on the layer thickness and refractive index, and showed the reversible change in the reflection intensity by irradiation with visible and UV lights. The change in the reflection intensity was brought about by change in the molecular orientation of PMAzXAc between an out-of-plane orientation and a photo-induced isotropic state, and was strongly dependent on the number of methylene spacer of PMAzXAc linking the azobenzene side group with the acrylate polymer main chain. PMAz6Ac with hexa-methylene spacer showed the largest change in the reflection intensity, while smaller change in the reflection intensity was observed for PMAzXAc having shorter or longer methylene spacer than 6. The effect of the methylene spacers on the photochemical change in the molecular orientation of azobenzene chromophores in the multi-bilayered films will be discussed


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     ベバシズマブはパクリタキセルとの併用でHER2陰性の進行・再発乳癌に対する有効性が示されており,無増悪生存期間を有意に延長させる.しかし,ベバシズマブ特有の有害事象も報告されており,投与の際には注意を要する.今回,再発乳癌に対しベバシズマブを使用し,腸管穿孔を起こした1例を経験した.症例は72歳女性.右乳癌術後5年目に多発リンパ節,肺転移を認め,化学療法で治療中に8次治療としてベバシズマブとパクリタキセル(BP)療法を開始した.1年ほど奏効したが,突然,腹痛を訴え受診した.CT で腹腔内にfree air を認めたため緊急開腹術を施行した.小腸に1か所の穿孔部位を認めた.病理組織検査では,穿孔部に乳癌の転移巣が認められた.乳癌に対するベバシズマブ併用化学療法中の消化管穿孔は報告が少ない.腹膜播種を認める症例やベバシズマブ投与期間の長い患者では,腹部膨満感や腹痛を訴えた際は消化管穿孔を念頭におく必要がある. Combination therapy with bevacizumab and paclitaxel (BP therapy) has been reported to be effective for the treatment of HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer and to significantly prolong progression-free survival. However, there are specific adverse effects induced by bevacizumab that physicians should pay attention to. We report a recent case of metastatic breast cancer with gastrointestinal perforation during bevacizumab therapy. A 72-year-old female patient had metastases into multiple lymph nodes and lungs five years after surgery for primary breast cancer, and was treated with several chemotherapies. The patient received BP therapy as the eighth treatment regimen. Although the therapy led to stable disease for approximately one year, the patient suddenly developed abdominal pain. Emergency laparotomy was performed because computed tomography revealed free air in the peritoneal cavity. A perforated lesion was found in her small intestine. On pathological examination, breast cancer metastasis was noted around the perforated site. There are few reports of gastrointestinal perforation during bevacizumab therapy for patients with metastatic breast cancer. When a patient has peritoneal dissemination, long-term BP therapy and abdominal pain, physicians should keep in mind the possibility of gastrointestinal perforation during BP therapy. (187 words


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     抗血管内皮増殖因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)モノクローナル抗体ベバシズマブが進行・再発乳癌の治療薬として日本においても2011年から使用されている.日本乳癌学会乳癌診療ガイドライン2018年においてHER2陰性転移・再発乳癌に対する1次・2次の化学療法にベバシズマブを併用することが推奨されている.今回,当院における進行・転移再発乳癌に対するベバシズマブとパクリタキセル同時併用療法(BP 療法)の有用性の検討を行った.対象患者は2011年9月~2018年10月に当科でBP 療法を導入した79症例で,電子カルテを参照して後方視的検討を行った.年齢の中央値は58歳.ホルモン受容体(hormone receptor, HR)陽性humanepidermal growth factor receptor(HER)2陰性サブタイプが45例,HR 陽性HER2陽性サブタイプが2例,HR 陰性HER2陽性サブタイプが5例,HR 陰性HER2陰性(triple negative)サブタイプが27例であった.Stage Ⅳが24例,再発が55例であり,主な転移部位(重複あり)は骨が45例,肝が34例,肺が29例,胸膜が21例であった.前化学療法レジメン数の中央値は2レジメン(範囲:0-8)であった.奏効率は63.3%,無増悪生存期間(PFS)の中央値は5.4か月であり,全生存期間(OS)の中央値は9.4か月であった.HER2陰性症例における多変量解析の結果,performance status 2以上がOS を悪化させる因子であり(ハザード比 [HR] が2.85, p=0.002),triple negative サブタイプ(HR が2.44,p=0.025)と中枢神経転移あり(HR が3.24,p=0.045)がPFS を悪化させる因子であった.重篤な有害事象としては,消化管穿孔と皮膚・軟部組織潰瘍形成,縦隔気管瘻,肺膿瘍,脳出血,上部消化管出血,血尿,鼻出血が認められた.本研究対象は2次治療以降で使用された症例が多いため,既報の臨床試験の結果と比較するとPFS は短かったが,奏効率は同等であった.一方,重篤な有害事象も10% 以上の頻度で認められ,BP 療法施行時には慎重な観察が必要である. The humanized anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) monoclonal antibody bevacizumab has been used to treat advanced or metastatic breast cancer since 2011 in Japan. According to the Japanese Breast Cancer Society Clinical Practice Guidelines for Breast Cancer 2018, the addition of bevacizumab to first- or second-line chemotherapy is recommended for patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER) 2-negative advanced or metastatic breast cancer. We investigated the clinical utility of combined bevacizumab and paclitaxel therapy (BP therapy) for patients with advanced or metastatic breast cancer at our hospital. The study subjects were 79 breast cancer patients who received BP therapy at our hospital between September 2011 and October 2018, and their medical records were retrospectively reviewed. The median age of the subjects was 58 years old. Their primary tumors were categorized as follows: the hormone receptor (HR)-positive, HER2- negative subtype in 45 patients, the HR-positive, HER2-positive subtype in 2 patients, the HR-negative, HER2-positive subtype in 5 patients, and the HR-negative, HER2-negative (socalled triple-negative) subtype in 27 patients. Twenty-four patients had stage IV disease and 55 had recurrent disease. The main metastatic lesions were in bone in 45 patients, in the liver in 34 patients, in the lungs in 29 patients, and in pleura in 21 patients. The median number of previous chemotherapeutic regimens was 2 (range: 0-8). The objective response rate was 63.3%, the median progression-free survival (PFS) time was 5.4 months, and the median overall survival (OS) time was 9.4 months. Multivariate analyses of predictive factors for PFS or OS in HER2-negative subjects revealed a performance status of 2 or higher to be a significant predictor of poor OS (hazard ratio [HR]=2.85, p=0.002), and the triple-negative subtype and metastasis to the central nervous system to be predictors of poor PFS (HR=2.44,p=0.025 for the former and HR=3.24,p=0.045 for the latter). Serious adverse events, such as perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcer formation in the skin and soft tissue, fistula formation between the trachea and mediastinum, pulmonary abscess, intracranial hemorrhage, gastrointestinal bleeding, macro-hematuria, and nasal bleeding, were observed during BP therapy. Most patients in this study received BP therapy as greater than second-line therapy; therefore, the PFS was slightly shorter, but the ORR was similar to that previously reported. As serious adverse events were observed in more than 10% of the study subjects, physicians should pay close attention during BP therapy

    A case of isolated thyroid metastasis that was diagnosed 24 years after renal cancer surgery

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     転移性甲状腺癌において原発部位は腎癌が最も多いとされているが,今回腎癌術後24年と長期間経過後に孤立性甲状腺転移の症例を経験したので報告する.症例は68歳,女性.既往歴に右乳癌,両側肺癌,左腎癌あり.右乳癌温存術後の放射線治療目的に前医より当院放射線治療部に紹介.位置決め CT で甲状腺右葉腫瘤を指摘され当科紹介.頸部超音波で甲状腺右葉に約3㎝大の被膜を有する低エコー腫瘤を認めた.穿刺吸引細胞診で良性との結果で経過観察としていた.その後,腫瘤の増大を認めたため,手術を勧め,甲状腺右葉切除術を行った.術後病理検査で腎癌(淡明細胞癌)の転移との診断であった.その後当院泌尿器科に紹介し,全身精査するも明らかな遠隔転移なく経過観察となっている.腎癌術後に甲状腺腫瘤を認める場合は転移の可能性を考慮する必要性があると考える. Renal cancer is the most common primary site of metastatic thyroid cancer. We report a case of solitary thyroid metastasis 24 years after renal cancer surgery. The patient was a 68-year-old woman. She had a history of right breast cancer, bilateral lung cancer, and left kidney cancer. She was referred to our radiotherapy department by her previous doctor for radiotherapy after right breast-conserving surgery as a positioning CT scan revealed a mass in the right lobe of the thyroid gland. Cervical ultrasound showed a hypoechoic mass with a capsule about 3 cm in size in the right lobe of the thyroid gland. Puncture aspiration cytology revealed that the mass was benign, and the patient was followed up for observation. Subsequently, the mass was found to be enlarged and surgery was recommended. Right lobe thyroidectomy was performed. Postoperative pathological examination revealed metastasis of renal cancer (clear cell carcinoma). The patient was referred to the Department of Urology at our hospital for a full-body examination, but there was no obvious distant metastasis, and the patient was under observation. When a thyroid mass is found after renal cancer surgery, the possibility of metastasis should be considered


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     エリブリンはタキサンとは異なる作用機序をもつ微小管阻害剤である.海外の第Ⅲ相試験 では,エリブリンの転移・再発乳癌に対する延命効果が示されている.今回,エリブリンの臨床 的な有用性を検討するため,2011年9月から2017年8月に当科でエリブリン療法を行った進行・ 再発乳癌97症例を対象として後方視的に調査した.対象患者の年齢は35 - 81歳(中央値58), performance status は1が最多で64例,Stage Ⅳが5例,再発が92例であった.原発腫瘍のエス トロゲン受容体は陽性が64例,プロゲステロン受容体は陽性が48例,human epidermal growth factor receptor 2は陰性が78例であった.前化学療法のレジメン数は0 - 9(中央値2), 臓器転 移ありが69例,肝転移ありが40例,エリブリン療法の実施サイクル数は1 - 12回(中央値3.5), 観察期間は1 - 55か月(中央値10),有害事象による中止例は10例であった.最大治療効果は,完 全奏効が0例,部分奏効が1例,長期安定が27例,安定が16例,進行が42例,不明・評価不能が 11例であった. 臨床的有効率(奏効率+長期安定率)は29% であった.Time-to-treatment failure (TTF) は0 - 178週間(中央値13),治療開始後全生存期間は0 - 55か月(中央値15.5)であった. 好中球減少症はグレード1が最多で61例,非血液毒性は嘔気が7例,肝機能障害が6例,末梢神 経障害が5例,間質性肺炎が3例などであった.良好なTTF の予測因子は,単変量解析で「臓器転 移なし」(P = 0.0356)が同定された.良好な治療開始後生存の予測因子は,多変量解析にて「臨 床的有効性あり」(P = 0.0008)と「PS が0か1」(P < 0.0001)が同定された.エリブリン療法は, 奏効率は低かったが,本療法は,約30% の症例に臨床的有効性をもたらし,生存期間の延長に寄 与する可能性がある. Eribulin is an anti-microtubule agent that uses a different mechanism of action to taxanes. Phase 3 clinical trials have shown that eribulin exerts life-prolonging effects in patients with metastatic or recurrent breast cancer. In order to investigate the utility of eribulin, we conducted a retrospective and observational study on 97 patients with metastatic and recurrent breast cancer who were treated in our institute between September 2011 and August 2017. The median age of the patients was 58 years (range: 35 - 81). The performance status was 1 in 64 patients. Five patients had stage IV disease, while 92 had recurrent disease. Sixtyfour patients had estrogen receptor-positive tumors, 48 had progesterone receptor-positive tumors, and 78 had human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative tumors. The median number of regimens of previous chemotherapies was 2 (range: 0 - 9). Sixty-nine patients had visceral metastases, while 40 had liver metastases. The median number of cycles of eribulin therapy was 3.5 (range: 1 - 12). The median follow-up period was 10 months (range: 1 - 55). The best responses to therapy were a complete response in 0 patients, a partial response in 1, long-term stable disease in 27, stable disease in 16, progressive disease in 42, and unevaluable in 11. The clinical benefit rate (objective response rate + long-term stable disease rate) was 32%. The median time-to-treatment failure (TTF) was 13 weeks (range: 0 - 178). Median overall survival (OS) after the initiation of therapy was 15.5 months (range 0 - 55). The most frequent grade of neutropenia was 1, which was observed in 61 patients. Major non-hematological toxicities were nausea in 7 patients, liver dysfunction in 6, peripheral neuropathy in 5, and interstitial pneumonitis in 3. Univariate and multivariate analyses identified “no visceral metastasis” as the only predictive factor for TTF (P = 0.0356 for the multivariate analysis). The multivariate analysis revealed that“ the presence of a clinical benefit by the therapy” (P = 0.0008) and “a performance status of 0 or 1” (P < 0.0001) were independent predictive factors for OS. Eribulin therapy for patients with metastatic or recurrent diseases provided clinical benefits for approximately 30% of patients. These results suggest that this therapy prolongs the OS of patients

    Characteristics and prognosis of adolescent and young adult (AYA) breast cancers at Kawasaki Medical School Hospital, Okayama

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     Adolescent and young adults(AYA)世代の癌は一般成人の癌に比べ,頻度は低いものの妊孕性の維持など複雑な問題を抱えている.AYA 世代の後半30から39歳では,乳癌の発生頻度が最も高い.今回我々は,AYA 世代の乳癌患者を後方視的に調査し,予後因子を解析した. 対象は2010年1月~2018年12月に川崎医科大学附属病院乳腺甲状腺外科で治療を行った40歳未満の AYA 世代乳癌患者123名(AYA 群).また同期間に治療を受けた40歳以上の非若年乳癌患者1,541名(非若年群)と予後の比較を行った.無病生存率(DFS),全生存率(OS)の予後因子は,単変量解析及び多変量解析で分析した. 両側性乳癌,非浸潤癌,データ不足例を除外した1,322名(AYA 群が99名,非若年群が1,223名)の乳癌患者が予後解析の対象となった.5年 DFS は AYA 群で81.5%,非若年群は91.3%であり,AYA 群で有意に不良であった(P = 0.0007).臨床病期を揃えると,病期Ⅱのみで両群間に有意差が認められた(P = 0.0319).5年 OS は AYA 群,非若年群ともに96.7% であり,差は認められなかった.AYA 群の DFS 予測因子は,単変量解析では,臨床病期Ⅱ期以上,腫瘍浸潤径2cm 超,血管侵襲陽性が有意の予後不良因子であった.多変量解析では,臨床病期Ⅱ期以上,血管侵襲陽性が独立した予後不良因子であった.OS では,単変量解析では血管侵襲因子のみが OS の有意の予測因子として抽出された.多変量解析では,血管侵襲因子とトリプルネガティブサブタイプが,独立した予後不良因子であった.妊娠関連乳癌は,DFS, OS ともに有意の予後因子とならなかった. AYA 群は非若年群に比べて5年 DFS が有意に悪かった.AYA 群の予後因子として,血管侵襲因子が重要なことが示唆された. Adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancers are infrequent compared with common cancers but have complicated problems such as fertility preservation. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women aged between 30 and 39. In the present study, we conducted a retrospective cohort study to characterize AYA breast cancers and to analyze predictive factors for prognosis. A total of 123 AYA breast cancer patients under 40 years-old treated in our department in Kawasaki Medical School Hospital, Okayama, between January 2010 and December 2018 (AYA group) were the study subject group. Prognostic data of 1,541 breast cancer patients older than 39 years of age treated in the same department and period (elder group) was obtained to compare with that of the AYA group. Possible prognostic factors for disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) were investigated using either univariate or multivariate analyses. After excluding patients with bilateral breast cancers, non-invasive breast cancers and/or insufficient clinicopathological data, a total of 1,332 patients (99 for the AYA group and 1,223 for the elder group) were the subjects for analysis of prognosis. Five-year DFS for the AYA group was significantly worse than that for the elder group (81.5% for the former, 91.3% for the latter, P = 0.0007). This was significantly worse in the AYA group at stageⅡ(P = 0.0319) but not at the other stages. Five-year OS was almost identical between the two groups (P = 0.5532). Univariate analysis for DFS in the AYA group showed that later stage (stageⅡor Ⅲ), invasive tumor size of over 2 cm and positive vascular invasion were significantly worse prognostic factors. Multivariate analysis showed that later stage and positive vascular invasion were independent prognostic factors. With regard to OS, univariate analysis revealed that only positive vascular invasion was a worse prognostic factor. Multivariate analysis revealed that positive vascular invasion and triple negative subtype were independent worse prognostic factors. Pregnancy-associated breast cancer was not a significant prognostic factor for either DFS or OS. In conclusion, five-year DFS was significantly worse in the AYA group than in the elder group. Presence of vascular invasion was suggested to be an important worse prognostic factor for either DFS or OS