9 research outputs found

    Community-randomized trial of lambdacyhalothrin-treated hammock nets for malaria control in Yanomami communities in the Amazon region of Venezuela.

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    We conducted a community-randomized controlled trial in an area of moderate malaria transmission in the Amazon region, southern Venezuela, home of the Yanomami indigenous ethnic group. The aim was to compare the malaria incidence rate in villages with lambdacyhalothrin-treated hammock nets (ITHN) or with placebo-treated hammock nets (PTHN). In both arms of the study, intensive surveillance for early case detection was maintained and prompt malaria treatment was administered. Baseline data were collected before the intervention and a population of around 924 Yanomami was followed for 2 years. Despite the recent introduction of nets in the Yanomami villages and the adverse natural conditions in the area, the nets were accepted enthusiastically by the study population, used conscientiously and looked after carefully. The malaria incidence rate per thousand person-years at risk was 114.6 in the IHTN group and 186.8 in the PTHN group. The adjusted rate ratios indicated that ITHN prevent 56% [IRR: 0.44, 95% confidence interval (CI): 52-59%] of new malaria cases. ITHN reduced the prevalence of parasitaemia by 83% [relative risks (RR): 0.17, 95% CI: 47-100%], according to a cross-sectional survey carried out during the high transmission season. The prevalence of splenomegaly and anaemia was too low to detect any possible reduction as a result of ITHN. The main conclusion of the present study is that ITHN can reduce malaria incidence in the area and it is the most feasible method for malaria control in a forested area where indigenous villages are scattered over a large territory. This is the first community-level epidemiological trial to show that ITHN are highly effective against malaria transmitted by Anopheles darlingi

    Cutaneous leishmaniasis vector control perspectives using lambdacyhalothrin residual house spraying in El Ingenio, Miranda State, Venezuela.

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    An indoor vector control trial was carried out between December 1996 and February 1997, with the aim of reducing the population densities of Lutzomyia ovallesi, the proven vector of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in El Ingenio, Miranda State, Venezuela. Houses were matched according to their structure ("bahareque" [mud and straw], concrete, and wood) and randomly assigned to a control group (n = 19) or a treated group (n = 20) that was sprayed with 25 mg/m(2) of lambdacyhalothrin. This dose was selected on the basis of a laboratory susceptibility test of Lu. ovallesi to pyrethroids. Sandfly abundance was measured using CDC light traps 7-79 d post-intervention, by which time the sandfly population in control houses had declined to very low levels, at what was the end of the transmission season. Catches of total females, fed females, and males were significantly lower in sprayed than in control houses immediately after treatment. Catches of total females and males in sprayed houses recovered, reaching the level of control houses after 7 and 11 weeks, respectively. Bioassays following WHO protocols using contact cones on a sandfly laboratory colony showed a short residual effect of the insecticide explaining these results. In contrast, there was no tendency for catches of fed females in the sprayed houses to recover during the course of the trial. Previous studies of adult population dynamics showed a short season of high abundance. Combined with these results, we believe that 2 indoor sprayings with lambdacyhalothrin, the first at the beginning of November and the second at the beginning of January, would considerably reduce the Lu. ovallesi population, and control CL transmission in this and other foci where this sandfly is considered to be the main vector