371 research outputs found

    The procedure safety system

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    Telerobotic operations, whether under autonomous or teleoperated control, require a much more sophisticated safety system than that needed for most industrial applications. Industrial robots generally perform very repetitive tasks in a controlled, static environment. The safety system in that case can be as simple as shutting down the robot if a human enters the work area, or even simply building a cage around the work space. Telerobotic operations, however, will take place in a dynamic, sometimes unpredictable environment, and will involve complicated and perhaps unrehearsed manipulations. This creates a much greater potential for damage to the robot or objects in its vicinity. The Procedural Safety System (PSS) collects data from external sensors and the robot, then processes it through an expert system shell to determine whether an unsafe condition or potential unsafe condition exists. Unsafe conditions could include exceeding velocity, acceleration, torque, or joint limits, imminent collision, exceeding temperature limits, and robot or sensor component failure. If a threat to safety exists, the operator is warned. If the threat is serious enough, the robot is halted. The PSS, therefore, uses expert system technology to enhance safety thus reducing operator work load, allowing him/her to focus on performing the task at hand without the distraction of worrying about violating safety criteria

    Recovery of recordings from heat damaged magnetic tapes

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    Damaged tapes can now be repaired at home as long as damage does not extend to layer-to-layer adhesion within tape roll. Splice repaired section into good roll or cassette for copying. Every effort should be made to complete copying on first run, because fidelity in repaired section deteriorates with each repetition

    Technique for recovery of voice data from heat damaged magnetic tape

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    A method for conditioning, and thus enabling retrieval of intelligence from, magnetic tapes after damage from heat has caused the tape to wrinkle and curl severely thereby reducing tape width to less than one-half its original size. The damaged tape is superposed on a first piece of splicing tape with the oxide side of the magnetic tape in contact with the adhesive side of the splicing tape and then carefully smoothed by a special tool. A second piece of splicing tape is placed on the backing side of the magnetic tape then the resulting tape stack is trimmed to the original width of the magnetic tape. After the first piece of splicing tape is carefully removed from the oxide side of the damaged magnetic tape, the resulting magnetic tape is then ready to be placed into a recorder for playback

    Radioactive nondestructive test method

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    Various radioisotope techniques were used as diagnostic tools for determining the performance of spacecraft propulsion feed system elements. Applications were studied in four tasks. The first two required experimental testing involving the propellant liquid oxygen difluoride (OF2): the neutron activation analysis of dissolved or suspended metals, and the use of radioactive tracers to evaluate the probability of constrictions in passive components (orifices and filters) becoming clogged by matter dissolved or suspended in the OF2. The other tasks were an appraisal of the applicability of radioisotope techniques to problems arising from the exposure of components to liquid/gas combinations, and an assessment of the applicability of the techniques to other propellants

    Some characteristics of bypass transition in a heated boundary layer

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    Experimental measurements of both mean and conditionally sampled characteristics of laminar, transitional and low Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers on a heated flat plate are presented. Measurements were obtained in air over a range of freestream turbulence intensities from 0.3 percent to 6 percent with a freestream velocity of 30.5 m/s and zero pressure gradient. Conditional sampling performed in the transitional boundary layers indicate the existence of a near-wall drop in intermittency, especially pronounced at low intermittencies. Nonturbulent intervals were observed to possess large levels of low-frequency unsteadiness, and turbulent intervals had peak intensities as much as 50 percent higher than were measured at fully turbulent stations. Heat transfer results were consistent with results of previous researchers and Reynolds analogy factors were found to be well predicted by laminar and turbulent correlations which accounted for unheated starting length. A small dependence of the turbulent Reynolds analogy factors on freestream turbulence level was observed. Laminar boundary layer spectra indicated selective amplification of unstable frequencies. These instabilities appear to play a dominant role in the transition process only for the lowest freestream turbulence level studied, however

    The effect of latent heat release on synoptic-to-planetary wave interactions and its implication for satellite observations: Theoretical modeling

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    The project objectives are to develop process models to investigate the interaction of planetary and synoptic-scale waves including the effects of latent heat release (precipitation), nonlinear dynamics, physical and boundary-layer processes, and large-scale topography; to determine the importance of latent heat release for temporal variability and time-mean behavior of planetary and synoptic-scale waves; to compare the model results with available observations of planetary and synoptic wave variability; and to assess the implications of the results for monitoring precipitation in oceanic-storm tracks by satellite observing systems. Researchers have utilized two different models for this project: a two-level quasi-geostrophic model to study intraseasonal variability, anomalous circulations and the seasonal cycle, and a 10-level, multi-wave primitive equation model to validate the two-level Q-G model and examine effects of convection, surface processes, and spherical geometry. It explicitly resolves several planetary and synoptic waves and includes specific humidity (as a predicted variable), moist convection, and large-scale precipitation. In the past year researchers have concentrated on experiments with the multi-level primitive equation model. The dynamical part of that model is similar to the spectral model used by the National Meteorological Center for medium-range forecasts. The model includes parameterizations of large-scale condensation and moist convection. To test the validity of results regarding the influence of convective precipitation, researchers can use either one of two different convective schemes in the model, a Kuo convective scheme or a modified Arakawa-Schubert scheme which includes downdrafts. By choosing one or the other scheme, they can evaluate the impact of the convective parameterization on the circulation. In the past year researchers performed a variety of initial-value experiments with the primitive-equation model. Using initial conditions typical of climatological winter conditions, they examined the behavior of synoptic and planetary waves growing in moist and dry environments. Surface conditions were representative of a zonally averaged ocean. They found that moist convection associated with baroclinic wave development was confined to the subtropics

    The influence of jet-grid turbulence on heat transfer from the stagnation region of a cylinder in crossflow

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    The effect of high-intensity turbulence on heat transfer from the stagnation region of a circular cylinder in crossflow was studied. The work was motivated by the desire to be able to more fully understand and predict the heat transfer to the leading edge of a turbine airfoil. In order to achieve high levels of turbulence with a reasonable degree of isotropy and homogeneity, a jet-injection turbulence grid was used. The jet grid provided turbulence intensities of 10 to 12 percent, measured at the test cylinder location, for downstream blowing with the blowing rate adjusted to an optimal value for flow uniformity. Heat transfer augmentation above the zeroturbulence case ranged from 37 to 53 percent for the test cylinder behind the jet grid for a cylinder Reynolds number range of 48,000 to 180,000, respectively. The level of heat transfer augmentation was found to be fairly uniform with respect to circumferential distance from the stagnation line. Stagnation point heat transfer results (expressed in terms of the Frossling number) were found to be somewhat low with respect to previous studies, when compared on the basis of equal values of the parameter Tu Re(1/2), indicating an additional Reynolds number effect as observed by previous investigators. Consequently, for a specified value of Tu Re(1/2), data obtained with a relatively high turbulence intensity will have a lower value of the Frossling number

    Experimental Study of Bypass Transition in a Boundary Layer

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    A detailed investigation to compare the boundary layer transition process in a low intensity disturbance environment to that in an environment in which the disturbances are initially non-linear in amplitude was conducted using a flat plate model. The transition mechanism based on linear growth of Tollmien Schlichting (T-S) waves was associated with a freestream turbulence level of 0.3 percent; however, for a freestream turbulence intensity of 0.65 percent and higher, the bypass transition mechanism prevailed. The results of detailed measurements acquired to study and compare the two transition mechanisms indicate that there exists a critical value for the peak rms of the velocity fluctuations within the boundary layer of approximately 3 to 3.5 percent of the freestream velocity. Once the unsteadiness within the boundary layer reached this critical value, turbulent bursting initiated, regardless of the transition mechanism. The two point correlations and simultaneous time traces within the transition region illustrate the features of a turbulent burst and its effect on the surrounding flowfield

    Variable mixture ratio performance through nitrogen augmentation

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    High/variable mixture ratio O2/H2 candidate engine cycles are examined for earth-to-orbit vehicle application. Engine performance and power balance information are presented for the candidate cycles relative to chamber pressure, bulk density, and mixture ratio. Included in the cycle screening are concepts where a third fluid (liquid nitrogen) is used to achieve a variable mixture ratio over the trajectory from liftoff to earth orbit. The third fluid cycles offer a very low risk, fully reusable, low operation cost alternative to high/variable mixture ratio bipropellant cycles. Variable mixture ratio engines with extendible nozzle are slightly lower performing than a single mixture ratio engine (MR = 7:1) with extendible nozzle. Dual expander engines (MR = 7:1) have slightly better performance than the single mixture ratio engine. Dual fuel dual expander engines offer a 16 percent improvement over the single mixture ratio engine

    Progressive failure methodologies for predicting residual strength and life of laminated composites

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    Two progressive failure methodologies currently under development by the Mechanics of Materials Branch at NASA Langley Research Center are discussed. The damage tolerance/fail safety methodology developed by O'Brien is an engineering approach to ensuring adequate durability and damage tolerance by treating only delamination onset and the subsequent delamination accumulation through the laminate thickness. The continuum damage model developed by Allen and Harris employs continuum damage laws to predict laminate strength and life. The philosophy, mechanics framework, and current implementation status of each methodology are presented