7 research outputs found

    Quality assessment and potential utilization of high amylolytic Nigerian maize cultivars

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    This study was carried out to compare the qualities of two acclaimed Nigerian amylolytic maize cultivars; SPMAT and TZEE*TZEE-W*DEMARSCUS*TZEE-W with barley, red and white sorghum. Results obtained (P ≥ 0.05) showed marked differences in the properties of the two maize cultivars compared to barley, white and red sorghums. Suggestions on the application of these cultivars were discussed based on our findings

    Comparative pesticidal activity of dichloromethane extracts of Piper nigrum against Sitophilus zeamais and Callosobruchus maculatus

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    Piperine a clinically established pesticide was investigated in the seeds, fruit and leaves of Piper nigrum. The dichloromethane extracts obtained from the parts of the plant were analysed through ThinLayer Chromatography (TLC) using silica gel-GF 254 impregnated aluminium plate and various solvent system consisting of chloroform : methanol (8:2), (6:4), ethyl acetate : methanol (9:1), and acetone :hexane (6:4) mixtures showing Rf value of 0.95 corresponding to the standard piperine. In all parts of the plants investigated, acetone : hexane solvent system showed distinct Rf value of 0.95corresponding to the standard piperine. 0.289 mg/ml, 0.578, 0.868, 1.16 and 1.45 mg/ml concentration of dichloromethane seed extracts were used to carry out the pesticidal activities on both pests. Theresults showed that mortality rate on both pests are directly proportional to each equivalent concentration of piperine in the extracts. Pesticidal potency on Sitophilus zeamais was significantlyhigher (

    Lymphomas of the female genital tract in Ibadan

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    Context: Female genital tract cancers are second only to breast malignancies. Cervical cancer is the commonest while epithelial cancers constitute the major histologic type. Lymphoid neoplasms are extremely rare, with the Burkitt's variety accounting for majority of cases seen in the African female.Objective: This is a review of the obstetric/gynaecological patients seen at the University College Hospital, Ibadan between 1976 and 2005, predating the commencement of a nationwide research into non – Hodgkin's lymphoma funded by the Aboderin Foundation.Study Design: Records of subjects were analysed for their  sociodemographic and clinicopathological characteristics, recruiting only those who satisfy the criteria for diagnosing genital tract lymphomas according to Kosari et al1. Retrievable archival paraffin blocks of subjects were also analysed using immunophenotyping.Results: Fifteen cases were identified within the study period; the highest yearly incidence rate being 3 in 1977. In eighteen of the years studied no cases were seen. Most cases (80.0%) occurred in the ovaries. Eighty percent (12) of patients were 25 years or below and nulliparas and grandmultiparas formed 46.7 and 13.4% respectively. Unilateral orbilateral oophorectomy was the commonest surgical procedure (53.3%) while 20.0% had total abdominal hysterectomy with or without bilateral salpingoophorectomy. Data were unavailable concerning use of adjuvanttherapy and outcome of treatment. Four archival paraffin blocks were available for immunophenotyping using the affordable panel of CD20, CD10 and Bcl – 2 antibodies; all were Burkitt's lymphoma.Conclusion: Female genital lymphomas are very rare, affecting the young and nulliparous. The Burkitt's type is commonest