3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of efficacy of providing hygiene education to schoolchildren and students in the process of development of the safe electronic device use skills

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    The negative impact of the digital environment on the health of young people necessitates the search for new methods of hygienic education. This study aimed to test and assess the hygienic qualities of the practice designed to give students and schoolchildren the skills allowing safe use of electronic devices. The study involved 256 students, 200 senior schoolchildren, 400 teachers and 251 parent. The hygienic education practice relied on the healthy lifestyle materials published in scientific literature, as well as materials posted on the Internet resources of medical organizations professionally engaged in the area considered, as well as their groups in the social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, etc. We observed physical development of the schoolchildren and students dynamically and polled schoolchildren, students, teachers, and parents. For statistical processing of the results, we used methods of descriptive statistics, Student's t-test, correlation, discriminant and cluster analysis, and calculated risks. As the most popular source of information about health maintenance, Internet scored as follows: Among schoolchildren - 79.0%, students - 88.6%, parents - 64.9%, teachers - 50.4%. The tested hygienic education practice allowed for a reduction of the number of schoolchildren and students who did not have the skills to safely use electronic devices to 20 and 25%, respectively. The practice also taught the participants to reduce their daily smartphone use time, engage in physical activity more often, which ultimately increased the share of children whose physical development was normal (p ≤ 0.01), and helped to increase the duration of night sleep. The tested methods of education are not costly; they can be replicated in other regions and organizations. © 2020 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. All rights reserved

    Topical issues concerning hygiene of girls and adolescent girls (literature review)

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    O.Yu. Milushkina1, E.V. Sibirskaya1-3, P.F. Kurbanova1 1Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation 2Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation 3A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russian Federation Hygiene of children and adolescents is an area of preventive medicine, the tasks of which are to maintain and strengthen health, support the optimal level of functions and favorable body development. Teaching proper hygiene skills should begin from childhood, in which the involvement and awareness of parents plays an important role. With the formation of a woman's reproductive function, the hormonal background and the vaginal microbiom are actively changing. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is a predisposing factor in the development of inflammatory diseases, including vulvovaginitis. In order to prevent the occurrence of these diseases, reproductive education is of key importance not only for young people, but also for all segments of the population. Targeted formation of a conscious attitude to one's health, understanding and ability to use personal hygiene products remains an important aspect in the development of the female body. Hygienic education as a way of informing children, adolescents and their parents is one of the elements in state policy regarding the health maintenance of the younger generation. It is ensured by the implementation of educational programs at the level of secondary general education, secondary and higher professional education, including through the development of competencies in professional standards of medical profile. Keywords: personal hygiene, girls, inflammatory diseases, vulvovaginitis, hygienic education. For citation: Milushkina O.Yu., Sibirskaya E.V., Kurbanova P.F. Topical issues concerning hygiene of girls and adolescent girls (literature review). Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2023;6(2):119–125 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2023-6-2-119-125. </p

    Routine use of mobile electronic devises by schoolchildren and students and its correction by hygienic education

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    Many research works have described negative effects produced by use of electronic devices, mobile ones (smartphone, tablets) included, on children, adolescents and youth. However, the problem has many aspects and not all of them have been explored profoundly. In this study, our aim was to conduct hygienic assessment of routine use of mobile electronic devices by schoolchildren and students and to give grounds for its correction by hygienic education. By conducting a survey, we obtained data on use of mobile electronic devices by 1218 schoolchildren and students both in their educational and spare time activities and created a profile of a work and rest routine when working with mobile electronic devices. 943 students and schoolchildren were examined by an ophthalmologist. Next, issues related to hygienic education were integrated into the training program for medical students at the Hygiene Department of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. The emphasis was on creating a safe routine of using mobile electronic devices. Schoolchildren and students who adhered to a healthy work and rest routine when working with mobile electronic devices complained about health disorders authentically less frequently (p ≤ 0.05).We established a statistically significant relative risk for visual acuity if schoolchildren and students did not pursue a safe routine of using mobile electronic devices. Its level was RR = 3.07 (95 % CI =1.88–5.03). By the end of hygienic studies with their focus on creating a safe routine of using mobile electronic devices, medical students had an authentic (p ≤ 0.05) increase in visual acuity due to decline in such states as routine accommodative excess and pre-myopia. Work and rest routines accepted by children, adolescents and youth when they use mobile electronic devices are a manageable risk factor of health disorders in these population groups. This study shows that hygienic education may be quite effective for correcting a routine of using mobile electronic devices by schoolchildren and students