108 research outputs found

    Organization of the Environment for Teaching Children with ASD

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    A structured environment plays a critical role in the education of children with autism spectrum disorders. The experience of structuring of the class environment in the Federal Resource Center for the Organization of Comprehensive Support for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders is presented. The material is approbated in work with children who entered the first grade of the school. The Central Psychological-Medical Pedagogical Commission recommended the Adapted Basic Educational Program (version 8.3) for these children

    Problems of Integrated Planning of Logistics Activities in the Supply Chain

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    The processes of market integration and globalization are increasingly transforming enterprises into a network or structure of a macro-logical system or supply chain. The scale and scope of activities of such companies require their division into several groups by functions, regions, divisions and so on. At the same time, each group is responsible for the management assigned to it by part of the business. Therefore, there is a need to use a comprehensive or integrated planning of logistics activities, which will not only see the future prospects, but also to show the entire chain of the business process of the organization as a whole, to distribute responsibilities and improve the efficiency of its functioning in the market. This explains the relevance of the research topic. The purpose of the study is to analyze approaches to assessing the effectiveness of integrated planning and determine the most appropriate. Objectives of the study: to analyze approaches to assessing the effectiveness (multifactorial, sectoral, integrated), to determine the approach used to evaluate the effectiveness in practice, and to determine the criterion of effectiveness as an integral indicator, the value of which can be judged on the extent to which the goals of the integrated plan are implemented. Since the efficiency of this mechanism is a multidimensional concept, it is usually impossible to obtain the efficiency criterion in the form of a scalar function. In this case, it is possible to use the multicomponent criterion obtained as a result of the study, the components of which are independent, relatively independent from each other by the criteria of micro, meso and macro efficiency