3 research outputs found

    Ecological and economic sanctions in the system of crisis management

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    Environmental situation in Ukraine can be described as unsatisfactory. Technological environmental impact significantly exceeds similar figures in the developed countries. In conditions of the economic crisis the solution of problems regarding the application of ecological and economic sanctions against the environmentally unfriendly enterprises is an urgent matter. These issues should be a subject of the relevant scientific research. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1359

    Preparation of athletes in cyclic sports taking into account the functional state of the external respiratory system and cardiovascular system

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the preparation of athletes in cyclic sports, taking into account the functional state of the external respiratory system and cardiovascular system (on the example of academic rowing). Material and methods. The study involved 13 athletes aged 19-22 years old. Athletes went for academic rowing in the Dnipropetrovsk region. A control and experimental group of 6 and 7 people were created, respectively. At the beginning of the experiment, there were no significant differences in fitness, physical development, and functional status between groups (p> 0.05). All study participants gave written consent to participate in the study. The studies were carried out at the specialized school of the Olympic reserve in rowing of the Dnepropetrovsk regional organization of the sports society "Ukraine", the regional school of higher sportsmanship. Medical and biological testing was conducted at the scientific laboratory of the Pridneprovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports. Results . The dynamics of the indicators of the functional status of light weight rowers in rowing academic after using the experimental method was shown. It has been determined that under the influence of the experimental methods the cardiovascular system parameters underwent positive changes. These are the indices of variation range, vegetative rhythm index, pressure index, PWC170 test, maximal oxygen consumption, cardiovascular system response to exercise, recovery period. The introduced technique had a positive effect on the performance of athletes. In the experimental method, it was proposed to change the load in the complexes of exercises for the development of strength, maximum force, strength and speed endurance. The proposed technique of improving physical fitness was reflected in the formation of the plan of the annual training cycle. In accordance with the tasks of the period and mesocycles, exercises aimed at developing the leading qualities of light weight rowers were included. Conclusions. The analysis of the literature on the problem of research and generalization of the training of athletes in cyclic sports at the stage of preparation for higher achievements has revealed problematic issues. On the example of academic rowing these questions relate to the peculiarities of improving the process of physical preparation of rowers with light body weight, the peculiarities of functional state, the study of indicators of their physical and functional fitness. The dynamics of the functional state of the external respiratory system and cardiovascular system of athletes in cyclic sports (on the example of academic rowing) has been investigated. Some positive changes in the results of the vegetative index of the rhythm of the athletes were revealed. These indicators have approximated the value of the autonomic balance of athletes in the direction of parasympathetic regulation. There is a tendency to decrease the index of pressure. There was a decrease in heart rate, an increase in the maximum oxygen consumption and the level of physical performance

    Method of information models reflection control in complicated dynamic objects control systems

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    У статті запропоновано метод управління відображенням інформаційних моделей для вирішення задач інформаційного забезпечення процесів ухвалення рішень оператором при управлінні складними динамічними системами, заснований на ранжируванні ситуацій за рахунок визначення факторів, що впливають на пріоритетність КС. Метод враховує складність інтелектуальної діяльності оператора та ергономічні вимоги до системи інформаційного забезпечення при вирішенні задач управління.В статье предложен метод управления отображением информационных моделей для решения задач информационного обеспечения процессов принятия решений оператором при управлении сложными динамическими системами, основанный на ранжировании ситуаций за счет определения факторов, которые влияют на приоритетность КС. Метод учитывает сложность интеллектуальной деятельности оператора и эргономичные требования к системе информационного обеспечения при решении задач управления.A method of information models reflection control is presented in the article for solving decision making information support tasks performed by an operator while operating complicated dynamic systems, based on ranging of situations due to determination of factors which influence on priority of situations of conflicts. A method is taken into account by complication of intellectual activity of operator and ergonomics system requirements informative providing at the decision of management tasks