7 research outputs found
The holographic superconductors in higher-dimensional AdS soliton
We explore the behaviors of the holographic superconductors at zero
temperature for a charged scalar field coupled to a Maxwell field in
higher-dimensional AdS soliton spacetime via analytical way. In the probe
limit, we obtain the critical chemical potentials increase linearly as a total
dimension grows up. We find that the critical exponent for condensation
operator is obtained as 1/2 independently of , and the charge density is
linearly related to the chemical potential near the critical point.
Furthermore, we consider a slightly generalized setup the
Einstein-Power-Maxwell field theory, and find that the critical exponent for
condensation operator is given as in terms of a power parameter
of the Power-Maxwell field, and the charge density is proportional to the
chemical potential to the power of .Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected, one reference added,
version to appear in European Physical Journal
Cataract intervention surgery: A community approach
We present a report of an on-going British Council Prevention of Blindness – sponsored Cataract Surgical Outreach in Inyi – a rural community in Oji River Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. The important of Community Women\'s group in the mobilization of patients and the community is documented. The eye care providers from the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, which carried out the study, consisted of consultant Ophthalmologist, ophthalmic resident doctors, nurses and auxiliary staff. Of the 35 patients recruited over a two-month period, 17 males and 18 females, with age range from 51-80 years, mean age 57.8 years. Most patients (88.6%) had age-related cataract. All 35 patients had intra-capsular cataract extraction using a cryoprobe, under local anaesthesia. Three patients (8.6%) had post-operative complications, which are, residual soft lens matter, uveal prolapsed and up-drawn pupil. There was no case of post-operative infection. Rehabilitation was done with spectacles. The benefits of successful cataract operation and restoration of adequate vision as an effective motivator in overcoming patient\'s reluctance and socio-cultural barriers for surgery is highlighted.Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology Vol. 8, No.1 (August 2000): pp 17-20KEY WORDS: Primary eye care, cataract backlog, cataract surgical outreach, community women\'s group and motivators
The Pattern of Hysterosalpingographic Findings in Women Being Investigated for Infertility in Nnewi, Nigeria
Background: Tubal occlusion is the commonest cause of female infertility in the developing societies. Hysterosalpingography remains a vital method of assessing tubal patency especially in resource limited settings such as ours. Objective: To review the pattern of hysterosalpingographic findings among women being investigated for infertility in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi, Nigeria over a period of five years (2001- 2005). Method: The data obtained from the request forms and radiologists' reports were analyzed using SPSS version 11. The level of statistical significance was set at
Ulcerative Keratitis: incidence, seasonal distribution and determinants in a tertiary eyecare facility south east Nigeria
Background: Ulcerative keratitis is a potentially blinding eye disease found in eyes with predisposing risk factors.Objectives: To determine the incidence, distribution, causative organisms and risk factors for ulcerative keratitis in patients presenting at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH)- a tertiary referral eye care facility, Enugu, Nigeria.Study Design: This was a hospital based cross-sectional study of 61 new patients with ulcerative keratitis who presented at the UNTH from October 2011-September 2012. Participants’ socio-demographics and predisposing risk factors were documented. Corneal scrapings were collected for microbial diagnosis.Results: A total of 11,056 new patients presented during the study period giving an incidence rate of 0.6%. Of the 61 participants, 44(72.1%) were males, 17(27.9%) were females with an age range of 6 – 75 years and a median age of 54 years. Of the 40(65.6%) culture positive corneal scrapings, 21(52.5%) were purely bacterial, 17(42.5%) were purely fungal while 2(5%) were mixed infection, caused by both bacterial (Staphylococcus aureus) and fungal (Aspergillus fumigatus) organisms in both cases. Commonest predisposing risk factor was non- surgical trauma 43(70.5%) followed by use of harmful Traditional Eye Medicine (TEM) 27(44.3%). The seasonal distribution of corneal ulcer was highest in month June 11(18.0%). Complications from the ulcers included central leucoma 19 (31.2%) and panophthalmitis 6 (9.9%).Conclusion: The incidence rate of ulcerative keratitis is 0.6% occurring highest in the month of June with more bacterial than fungal isolates. Many participants were exposed to non- surgical trauma and use of TEM. Eye health education (emphasizing the deleterious effects of TEMs) and protection (especially for artisans) if instituted can reduce the visual morbidity associated with corneal ulcers