41 research outputs found


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    On peatlands annually in sunny weather there is a drying and self-ignition of the upper layer due to the cessation of the flow of groundwater during the rupture of the capillary rim and the violation of the water-lifting capacity. On drained peat soils, groundwater plays a major role in the fire-fighting plan and water and mineral nutrition of plants. One of the ways to maintain groundwater at the optimal level is the sluicing. It is most effective at groundwater objects, in the presence of well permeable soils. In this case, moistened land has a slight bias and when it is possible to supply water to the soil in the required quantities to cover the costs of evaporation, transpiration. At the same time, many issues related to the regulation of the water regime of peat soils by flooding remain unexplored, so the topic of our research is relevant and of great importance for the subsequent agricultural use of these soils. The aim of the work is to study the water regime of peat soils in the Mescher lowland and the scientific justification for its regulation by sluicing. Full-scale field experiment was carried out on peat soils of the Meshcherskaya lowland in the Polkovo collective farm of the Ryazan region of the Ryazan region in 2012—2016. With options for standard dehumidification, sluicing 0.5 m and 0.8 m. The control was a site on a low marsh. The methods of research and technology of cultivating annual grasses (vetch-oat mixture on green forage) are generally accepted. To more accurately describe the processes of locks, the characteristics of soil mois-ture, the assessment of changes in water balance items in the model, thermodynamic and geosystemic (landscape) approaches are used. We used the mathematical model of moisture transfer “Shlyuzovanie”, developed by A.I. Golovanov and Yu.I. Sukharev with the introduction into it of the terrain of the pilot site. In our forecast calculations, the depth of the systematic drains was assumed to be 1.0 ... 1.2 m, the en-closing network (trap drains) was assigned within the limits of 1.2 ... 1.4 m. We established that the results depend on the variant of sluicing, weather conditions, regular A decrease in the depth of groundwater and an increase in peat moisture with rising levels in canals. It was found that when the water level in the canal is raised to 0.8 m and up to 0.5 m from the edge, the depth of groundwater decreases from 0.85 to 0.58 m, and the humidity in the 0 ... 25 cm layer increases from 63 to 74% Porosity. Shlyuvanie with rising water level in the canals to 0.5 m provides sufficient fire-fighting humidity, but is associated with a significant water consumption — almost twice as large and with a marked decrease in the productivity of crops — up to 25% than with a slip of 0.8 m. As a result Five-year field experiments, the processes of sluicing of the dried peat bog in fire-fighting purposes have been studied and it is established that, as applied to the conditions of the experimental plot, the rise in the water level in the channel to a depth of 0.40 m from the edge provides the moisture of the upper layer fyanika in the dry period of about 0.59 share porosity, that is fire safety. For the climatic conditions of the Meshcherskaya lowland, a “soft” sluice with a rise in the water level in the canals to 0.8 m from the surface of the earth proved to be sufficient in the fire resistance.На торфяных землях ежегодно в солнечную погоду наблюдается подсушение и самовозгорание верхнего слоя вследствие прекращения подтока грунтовых вод при разрыве капиллярной каймы и нарушения водоподъемной способности. На осушенных торфяных почвах большая роль в противопожарном плане и водном и минеральном питании растений принадлежит грунтовым водам. Одним из приемов поддержания грунтовых вод на оптимальном уровне является шлюзование. Оно наиболее эффективно на объектах грунтового питания при наличии хорошо водопроницаемых грунтов. При этом увлажняемые земли имеют небольшие уклоны, и когда возможно подать воду в почву в не-обходимых количествах для покрытия расходов на испарение, транспирацию. В то же время многие вопросы, связанные с регулированием водного режима торфяных почв шлюзованием, остаются неизученными, поэтому тема наших исследований является актуальной и имеет большое значение для последующего сельскохозяйственного использования этих почв. Цель работы - изучение водного режима торфяных почв Мещерской низменности и научное обоснование его регулирования шлюзованием. Натурный полевой эксперимент проведен на торфяных почвах Мещерской низменности в ОПХ «Полково» Рязанского района Рязанской области в 2012-2016 гг. с вариантами стандартного осушения, шлюзование 0,5 м и 0,8 м. Контролем служил участок на низинном болоте. Методика исследований и технология возделывания однолетних трав (вико-овсяной смеси на зеленый корм) общепринятые. Для более точного описания процессов шлюзования, характеристики влажности грунта, оценки изменения статей водного баланса в модели используются термодинамические и геосистемные (ландшафтные) подходы. Нами использовалась математическая модель влагопереноса «Шлюзование», разработанная А.И. Головановым и Ю.И. Сухаревым с введением в нее рельефа местности опытного участка. В наших прогнозных расчетах глубину систематических дрен принимали равной 1,0…1,2 м, ограждающей сети (ловчих дрен) назначали в пределах 1,2…1,4 м. Нами установлено, что результаты зависят от варианта шлюзования, погодных условий, закономерного уменьшения глубины грунтовых вод и увеличения влажности торфа при подъеме уровней в каналах. Выявлено, что при подъеме уровня воды в канале до 0,8 м и до 0,5 м от бровки глубина грунтовых вод уменьшается с 0,85 до 0,58 м, а влажность в слое 0…25 см растет с 63 до 74% пористости. Шлюзование с подъемом уровня воды в каналах до 0,5 м обеспечивает достаточную противопожарную влажность, но связано со значительным расходованием воды - почти в два раза большим и с заметным снижением продуктивности посевов - до 25%, чем при шлюзовании 0,8 м. В результате пятилетних полевых экспериментов изучены процессы шлюзования осушенного торфяника в противопожарных целях и установлено, что применительно к условиям экспериментального участка подъем уровня воды в канале до глубины 0,40 м от бровки обеспечивает влажность верхнего слоя торфяника в сухой период около 0,59 доли пористости, то есть противопожарно безопасную. Для климатических условий Мещерской низменности «мягкое» шлюзование с подъемом уровня воды в каналах до 0,8 м от поверхности земли оказалось достаточным в противопожарном отношении

    Агрономическая эффективность промышленной (голландской) технологии возделывания картофеля

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    The results of studies on the impact of industrial technology of potato cultivation on growth, yield and quality of products. There was a positive response of plants to fertilizer K2SO4 in the period of planting. Correlation and regression analysis of yield and quality of tubers revealed a high degree of reliability of the results of experience. The contents of nitrates and heavy metals in tubers was below the permissible values.Приведены результаты исследований по изучению влияния промышленной технологии возделывания картофеля на развитие, урожайность и качество продукции. Выявлена положительная реакция растений на подкормку K2SO4 в период посадки. Корреляционно-регрессионный анализ урожайности и качества клубней выявил высокую степень достоверности результатов опыта. Содержание нитратов и тяжелых металлов в клубнях было ниже допустимых величин

    Агрономическая эффективность промышленной (голландской) технологии возделывания картофеля

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    The results of studies on the impact of industrial technology of potato cultivation on growth, yield and quality of products. There was a positive response of plants to fertilizer K2SO4 in the period of planting. Correlation and regression analysis of yield and quality of tubers revealed a high degree of reliability of the results of experience. The contents of nitrates and heavy metals in tubers was below the permissible values.Приведены результаты исследований по изучению влияния промышленной технологии возделывания картофеля на развитие, урожайность и качество продукции. Выявлена положительная реакция растений на подкормку K2SO4 в период посадки. Корреляционно-регрессионный анализ урожайности и качества клубней выявил высокую степень достоверности результатов опыта. Содержание нитратов и тяжелых металлов в клубнях было ниже допустимых величин

    The state of natural grass at the reclamation facility of Ryazan Meschera

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    The purpose of the geobotanical survey was to analyze the natural grass stand at the Tinki-II drained object within Ryazan Meschera. When monitoring the former forage lands, the methods of Bogolyubov and Kravchenko, Neshtaev and others were used. The meadow survey area had an area of 10,000 m2 and was located near the main canal, a tree belt area, a settlement and an open collector. Earlier monitoring studies revealed the presence of degradation processes in peat soil that has been drained for 65 years, which manifested itself in the form of peat depletion, an increase in density, and the transformation of peat into a humified mass. The local flora dominated with the inclusion of such species as Elytrigia repens, Hypericum perforatum, etc. Plants with frequent occurrence and high Druda abundance (Elytrígia répens and Alopecúrus praténsis) were identified. The association Elytrígetum urtícetosum was highlighted. The entire variety of phytocenosis was grouped into dynamic series of community development: perennial, biennial, and annual grasses, considering their aboveground mass. The prospects for the development of meadow farming are unsatisfactory due to the low level of development of animal husbandry. At controlled facility Tinki-II, only 5 % of the meadow area leased by the Novoselki agricultural holding is now sown © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Changes’ assessment in the interrelation of productive traits of holsteinized black pied cattle

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    Holstein black pied cattle with a high genetic potential of productivity are bred in the Sverdlovsk region. The study of the interrelation between the productive traits of modern domestic dairy black pied cattle of the Middle Urals zone with high thorough-bredness for the Holstein breed is relevant. The purpose of the work was to study the conjugation dynamics of productive traits by lactation depending on the line. According to the average milk yield indicators. There were no differences in MFF and MFP in milk from cows of different lines, yet the fluctuations in milk yield within the lines were significant. The highest indicators of the correlation coefficient are established between the qualitative indicators of milk, which means that an increase in one of the indicators invariably leads to an increase another. A positive low conjugacy was established between milk yield and MFP in milk, as well as milk yield and cows’ live weight for the first and second lactation in cows of both lines. In cows of the Vis Back Ideal 1013415 line, the conjugacy of productive traits for the third lactation turned into negative, except for milk yield and live weight. Thus, the linear affiliation of cows and their age (lactation) influence the interrelation of productive traits, which can be considered when further planning breeding work with the herd

    Burkitt lymphoma affecting the right heart. A case from practice

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    Berkitt lymphoma as a primary malignant tumor of the heart occurs extremely rarely. By the time of the diagnosis, patients already have regional or distant metastases, which greatly worsens their clinical condition and the prognosis of surgical treatment. Hospital mortality in patients with malignant neoplasms is 25–50 %. The article describes an unusual case of Burkitt's lymphoma with heart involvement in a male of 27 years old. Various diagnostic methods were used to determine the nature of the neoplasm. Subsequent treatment methods resulted in a positive long-term outcome

    Sanding of drained peatlands

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    The results of many years of original research based on soil-ecological monitoring showed the development of degradation processes of previously drained peat soils of the Ryazan Meshchera. Structural amelioration (sanding) of peat soils had some positive effect. The aim of the research was to study the properties of the dried peat soil at reclamation site Tinki-II in the settlement of Polkovo, Ryazan District of Ryazan Region, as a result of sanding. The most common type of German mixed-layer sanding was used in investigations. The methodology was based on the principle of comparing the state of dried peat soil before and after sanding. The content of the less than 0.01 mm fractions was 4.3 %, the rest consisted of particles from 0.25 to 0.05 mm; the pH of the salt extract was 5.7. Mineral fertilizers were applied in the experiment in small quantities: ammonium nitrate – 180 g, superphosphate – 185 g and potassium sulfate – 260 g. The water supply was atmospheric-ground. Variant 2 was more effective – sanding with a dose of 1200 t/ha for sluicing and maintaining GWL = 90 cm, as evidenced by improved water-physical properties of the soil: the total porosity increased by 5 %; the total water capacity decreased from 270 to 70%, that was almost 4 times. Keywords: peat soil, degradation, sluicing, sanding, yield, potato

    Почвенно-экологический мониторинг и ботаническое обследование луга на мелиоративном объекте

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    Монография содержит результаты многолетних исследований в рамках почвенно- экологического мониторинга на мелиоративном объекте Тинки-II, расположенном на территории Рязанской Мещеры. Даны результаты исследований торфяной почвы длительного срока осушения. Приведены результаты ботанического обследования участка луга. Выявлено малое видовое разнообразие вследствие деградации торфяной почвы и отсутствия контроля работы осушительной системы. Монография предназначена для студентов высших учебных заведений, магистрантов, аспирантов и специалистов в данной деятельности

    The efficacy of prognosis and early diagnostics of fetal growth retardation [Эффективность прогнозировAния и рAнней диAгностики зAдержки ростA плодA]

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    The fetal growth retardation takes one of the leading places in the structure of perinatal morbidity and mortality. The frequency of this pregnancy complication in Russia is high – from 3% to 24% among full-term infants and from 18% to 46% among premature newborns. The article analyzes the capabilities of various diagnostic methods for predicting fetal growth retardation. The more indicators are included in the review the more effective is its reliability in the formation of risk groups for this pathology and more effective measures to prevent fetal growth retardation can be taken. © 2018 National Academy of Pediatric Science and Innovation. All rights reserved

    Heavy metals in system "atmospheric air - Water - soil - Crop products"

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    The article presents results of heavy metals (HMs) monitoring in system "atmospheric air - water - soil - crop production" on three territories with different levels of pollution where agricultural fields and livestock complexes are situated. Highly hazardous Cd, Pb, Zn and moderately hazardous Cu are priority HMs for Ryazan region. A direct relationship has been established between the concentration of heavy metals on territories of different ecological conditions, as evidenced by the high concentration ratios of toxicants in environmental objects. The total pollution of facilities in JSC Avangard in Ryazan district, located within the regional center of Ryazan, is 13 % and 33 % higher in comparison with other two farms, which is explained by the entry of HMs into the environment with emissions and discharges of enterprises, their sedimentation into other environments. © 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved