23 research outputs found

    Гидроэнергетика - национальный ресурс Беларуси

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    The main reason of return to so called «small hydraulic power engineering», involvement of local hydraulic power resources in power balance of the Republic is significant changes of social and economical conditions of management, acute deficit and high price of local and in^orted resources of fuel, oil, gas, electric power, respectively.The paper analyses hydraulic power engineering potential of the Republic of Belarus. History of the development of hydraulic power engineering in the Republic, program of restoration and construction of hydraulic power stations, some prospective projects that ate planned for realization are presented in the paper.Основной причиной возврата к «малой гидроэнергетике», вовлечения собственных гидроэнергоресурсов в энергобаланс республики явились существенное изменение социально- экономических условий хозяйствования, резкий дефицит собственных и удорожание импортируемых нефти, газа, электроэнергии.Проведен анализ гидроэнергетического потенциала Республики Беларусь, представлены история развития гидроэнергетики в стране, программа восстановления и строительства ГЭС, ряд перспективных проектов, которые намечены к реализации

    Ambivalence toward men: comparing sexism among Polish, South African and British university students

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    This study extends the literature on attitudes toward gender roles by exploring whether the nature of sexism (i.e., benevolence and hostility directed at men) differs among university students from two under-researched countries, Poland (n = 190) and South Africa (n = 188), in a comparison with students in the United Kingdom (n = 166). Based on empirical literature applying Ambivalent Sexism Theory, and in the light of the socio-political context, it was hypothesized that: (1) both hostile and benevolent attitudes toward men in Poland would be more liberal than in South Africa and more conservative than in the United Kingdom, and (2), women would exhibit more hostile but less benevolent attitudes than men in relatively more conservative South Africa. The Ambivalence to Men Inventory was used to measure the two types of sexist attitudes about men. Findings supported the first hypothesis for hostile attitudes and partially for benevolent attitudes. South African and Polish students were more benevolent and hostile to men than British students, and students from South Africa were more hostile than those from Poland. Moreover, as predicted, a significant country-by-gender interaction revealed that South African women had more hostile and less benevolent attitudes to men than South African men. No such gender gap was present in the case of hostile attitudes in Poland and benevolent attitudes in the United Kingdom. Findings are discussed in terms of Ambivalent Sexism Theory and the countries’ socio-cultural context

    Hydraulic Power Engineering - National Resource of Belarus

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    The main reason of return to so called «small hydraulic power engineering», involvement of local hydraulic power resources in power balance of the Republic is significant changes of social and economical conditions of management, acute deficit and high price of local and in^orted resources of fuel, oil, gas, electric power, respectively.The paper analyses hydraulic power engineering potential of the Republic of Belarus. History of the development of hydraulic power engineering in the Republic, program of restoration and construction of hydraulic power stations, some prospective projects that ate planned for realization are presented in the paper

    Polychrome staining method of histological preparations

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    У даній роботі представлений удосконалений спосіб забарвлення гістологічних препаратів, який дозволяє отримати поліхромно забарвлені зрізи, зменшити час виготовлення препаратів і кількість реактивів; В данной работе представлен усовершенствованный способ окраски гистологических препаратов, который позволяет получить полихромно окрашенные срезы, уменьшить время изготовления препаратов и количество реактивов; An improved method of staining of histological preparations is presented in this paper. This method allows you to get a polychrome stained sections, to reduce the time of manufacture of preparations and amounts of reagents

    Experience in the using of information technology at the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology

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    Висвітлено сучасний підхід до викладання гістології, цитології та ембріології за допомогою застосування новітніх технологій як основи підвищення якості освіти і розвитку творчого потенціалу студентів; Освещен современный подход к преподаванию гистологии, цитологии и эмбриологии посредством применения новейших технологий как основы повышения качества образования и развития творческого потенциала студентов; The modern approach to teaching Histology, Cytology and Embryology requires the mastery of latest technologies. It is the basis of improving the quality of education and developing the creative potential in students