18 research outputs found

    Structural changes of medium-tech economic sectors under digital transformation of industry

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    Objective: to describe certain structural changes in industry influenced by digitalization.Methods: general scientific, abstract-logical, dialectical, phenomenological methods, observation, and description.Results: the general statistical characteristics of digitalization in the processing industry are shown, based on the meta-analysis by HSE and Rosstat; two directions of structural changes in industry influenced by digitalization are identified: the growing digital maturity and increased use of the Russian solutions in the field of software and information-telecommunication technologies in general, including the respective equipment; and digitalization of communication processes in the field of sustainable development. Two technological features of industry digitalization are identified, namely: the platform nature and the use of the Russian technological solutions for further industry digitalization.Scientific novelty: it is proposed to consider the digital maturity indicators as an integral indicator of the development of a homogeneous group of economic agents; two directions of structural changes in the industrial sector among medium-tech industries are shown: firstly, the digital maturity growth and the increased use of the Russian solutions in the field of software and information-telecommunication technologies equipment; secondly, digitalization communication processes in the field of sustainable development.Practical significance: the clarification of the interrelationships between the processes of digitalization and industrial development will not only allow a more structured approach to the development of industrial policy research programs for medium-tech industries, but will also create a basis for deepening existing knowledge in this area (which can be used both in industrial companies themselves and in regional, federal, and international projects on digital transformation)

    Basic conditions for care economy development in Russia

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    Objective: to describe the development of care economy within the sphere of socio-economic relations as a tool for increasing social capital in society. Methods: abstract-logical and dialectical, phenomenological methods. Results: in the scientific literature, care economy is described primarily as a part of the healthcare sector. The article considers it in the context of a broader range of socio-economic services. The article describes the main content of care economy as a sphere of socio-economic relations providing services that ensure normal life-restoring and/or improving health, improving life quality by maintaining more comfortable living conditions. The main reasons for care economy development are highlighted: 1) aging of the population; 2) high costs of providing care services in specialized medical institutions; 3) shadow services provided in the field of care economy. It is established that in the coming years care economy development will dictate certain conditions for the labor and education market development in this segment. Scientific novelty: it is shown that the main content of care economy is not limited to the sphere of medical care, but can be considered more broadly - including care for children, pets, etc.; the relevance of care economy development as a separate sphere of socio-economic relations is shown.Practical significance: the understanding of the content of care economy revealed in this work makes it urgent to create a state system for providing services in the field of care economy, and creates the basis for further research in this area

    Непосредственные и отдаленные результаты резекций печени: опыт одного учреждения

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the outcomes of a series of liver resections performed in a single regional specialized cancer center. Material and Methods. Eighty-nine patients underwent liver and/ or extrahepatic bile duct resections in the Penza Regional Oncology Hospital over the 8-year study period. Malignancies were observed in 81 patients. Extended liver resections (4 segments or more) were performed in 58 (65.2 %) cases. Results. Postsurgical morbidity and mortality rates were 31.5 % (28 of 89) and 6.7 % (6 of 89), respectively. Six of 10 patients with primary liver carcinomas were alive without evidence of disease progression at a follow-up time ranged from 1.0 to 76.7 months. Adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) was the only predictor (HR=0.40; 95 % CI 0.16-0.98) of overall survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). The median survival time after liver resections for mCRC with or without ACT was 54.5 (95 % CI: 14.5-94.5) vs 21.8 months (95 % CI: 14.2-29.4), respectively. In mCRC patients with ACT, the 5-year overall survival rate was 44.8 ± 12.9 %. Conclusion. Primary hepatobiliary carcinomas and colorectal cancer liver metastases are the most common reasons for liver resections. A series of liver resections in a low-volume hospital is feasible with the achievement of good outcomes.Цель исследования - оценка результатов серийного выполнения резекций печени в условиях регионального специализированного онкологического учреждения. Материал и методы. В Пензенском областном онкологическом диспансере за 8 лет резекции печени и/или внепеченочных желчных протоков выполнены 89 пациентам. Злокачественные опухоли были у 81 пациента. Обширные резекции (4 и более сегментов) проведены в 58 (65,2 %) наблюдениях. Результаты. Послеоперационные осложнения зарегистрированы у 28 (31,5 %) пациентов. Летальный исход наступил у 6 (6,7 %) из 89 человек. В группе первичных карцином печени из 10 пациентов шестеро живы в сроки от 1 до 76,7 мес. Адъювантная химиотерапия (АХТ) была единственным предиктором (HR=0,4; 95 % ДИ 0,16-0,98) общей выживаемости в группе больных с метастазами колоректального рака (мКРР). Медианы выживаемости с/без АХТ после резекции печени по поводу мКРР составили 54,5 (95 % ДИ 14,5-94,5) vs 21,8 мес (95 % ДИ 14,2-29,4) соответственно. 5-летняя выживаемость у больных с АХТ - 44,8 ± 12,9 %. Выводы. В структуре резекций печени превалируют операции по поводу первичных гепато-билиарных опухолей и метастазов колоректального рака. Серийное выполнение резекций печени в условиях медицинской организации 3-го уровня возможно с достижением устойчивого удовлетворительного результата

    Peculiarities of hemodynamic status of healthy newborns in early neonatal period

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    The study is devoted to the assessment of hemodynamic parameters in healthy newborns in the early neonatal period. The authors examined 76 healthy newborns aged up to 7 days. 12 (15.7%) of 76 children were diagnosed with intrauterine growth retardation of hypotrophic type and 14 children (18.49%) were premature. The authors evaluated the diameter of the outgoing tract of the left ventricle, pulmonary artery trunk, mitral and tricuspid valve rings. The disc method was used to determine the final diastolic volume of the left ventricle. The pulse Doppler was used to determine the integrated flow rate in the outflow tract of the left ventricle, the pulmonary artery trunk, on the mitral and tricuspid valves. After US there were calculated the stroke volume index, cardiac index, total peripheral vascular resistance and oxygen delivery index.The results. It integral flow rate was found to be a key indicator of central hemodynamics, which determines the magnitude of the stroke volume. Body weight and the presence of functioning fetal communications do not have a significant impact on the indexed systemic blood flow in healthy newborns. There is a direct correlation between the integral blood flow velocity and the stroke volume index, which is characteristic of all intracardiac anatomical structures

    Analogs of the Golgi complex in microsporidia: Structure and avesicular mechanisms of function

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    Microsporidia are obligatory intracellular parasites, most species of which live in the host cell cytosol. They synthesize and then transport secretory proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane for formation of the spore wall and the polar tube for cell invasion. However, microsporidia do not have a typical Golgi complex. Here, using quick-freezing cryosubstitution and chemical fixation, we demonstrate that the Golgi analogs of the microsporidia Paranosema (Antonospora) grylli and Paranosema locustae appear as 300-nm networks of thin (25- to 40-nm diameter), branching or varicose tubules that display histochemical features of a Golgi, but that do not have vesicles. Vesicles are not formed even if membrane fusion is inhibited. These tubular networks are connected to the endoplasmic reticulum, the plasma membrane and the forming polar tube, and are positive for Sec13, gammaCOP and analogs of giantin and GM130. The spore-wall and polar-tube proteins are transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to the target membranes through these tubular networks, within which they undergo concentration and glycosylation. We suggest that the intracellular transport of secreted proteins in microsporidia occurs by a progression mechanism that does not involve the participation of vesicles generated by coat proteins I and II

    Results of external quality control study in flow cytometric acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnostics

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    Comparison of interpretation of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) flow cytometric diagnostics data was the aim of the study. Immunophenotyping data obtained from 10 patients with ALL were analysed separately in 26 laboratories from Russian Federation and Kazahstan. Results comparison showed four main type of discordance: B-lineage ALL diagnostics during heavy bone marrow regeneration, great variability of T-ALL interpretation, complexity of ambiguous lineage acute leukemia and, finally, very different report types, unique for each laboratory. All these problems are the serious obstacles for standardization of flow cytometric ALL diagnostics in multicenter setting. Continuation of similar QC rounds following by consecutive discussions with further development of consensus diagnostic algorithm could be the first step for standardization of ALL immunophenotyping in Russian Federation and CIS countries