15,133 research outputs found

    Unfolding and unzipping of single-stranded DNA by stretching

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    We present a theoretical study of single-stranded DNA under stretching. Within the proposed framework, the effects of basepairing on the mechanical response of the molecule can be studied in combination with an arbitrary underlying model of chain elasticity. In a generic case, we show that the stretching curve of ssDNA exhibits two distinct features: the second-order "unfolding" phase transition, and a sharp crossover, reminiscent of the first-order "unzipping" transition in dsDNA. We apply the theory to the particular cases of Worm-like Chain (WLC) and Freely-Joint Chain (FJC) models, and discuss the universal and model--dependent features of the mechanical response of ssDNA. In particular, we show that variation of the width of the unzipping crossover with interaction strength is very sensitive to the energetics of hairpin loops. This opens a new way of testing the elastic properties of ssDNA.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, substantially revised versio

    Running Gluon Mass from Landau Gauge Lattice QCD Propagator

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    The interpretation of the Landau gauge lattice gluon propagator as a massive type bosonic propagator is investigated. Three different scenarios are discussed: i) an infrared constant gluon mass; ii) an ultraviolet constant gluon mass; iii) a momentum dependent mass. We find that the infrared data can be associated with a massive propagator up to momenta 500\sim 500 MeV, with a constant gluon mass of 723(11) MeV, if one excludes the zero momentum gluon propagator from the analysis, or 648(7) MeV, if the zero momentum gluon propagator is included in the data sets. The ultraviolet lattice data is not compatible with a massive type propagator with a constant mass. The scenario of a momentum dependent gluon mass gives a decreasing mass with the momentum, which vanishes in the deep ultraviolet region. Furthermore, we show that the functional forms used to describe the decoupling like solution of the Dyson-Schwinger equations are compatible with the lattice data with similar mass scales.Comment: Version to appear in J. Phys. G. New version include some rewriting and new analysis. In particular, the section on the running mass is ne

    B-Meson Distribution Amplitudes of Geometric Twist vs. Dynamical Twist

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    Two- and three-particle distribution amplitudes of heavy pseudoscalar mesons of well-defined geometric twist are introduced. They are obtained from appropriately parametrized vacuum-to-meson matrix elements by applying those twist projectors which determine the enclosed light-cone operators of definite geometric twist and, in addition, observing the heavy quark constraint. Comparing these distribution amplitudes with the conventional ones of dynamical twist we derive relations between them, partially being of Wandzura-Wilczek type; also sum rules of Burkhardt-Cottingham type are derived.The derivation is performed for the (double) Mellin moments and then re-summed to the non-local distribution amplitudes. Furthermore, a parametrization of vacuum-to-meson matrix elements for non-local operators off the light-cone in terms of distribution amplitudes accompanying independent kinematical structures is derived.Comment: 18 pages, Latex 2e, no figure

    Semiclassical Theory for Parametric Correlation of Energy Levels

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    Parametric energy-level correlation describes the response of the energy-level statistics to an external parameter such as the magnetic field. Using semiclassical periodic-orbit theory for a chaotic system, we evaluate the parametric energy-level correlation depending on the magnetic field difference. The small-time expansion of the spectral form factor K(τ)K(\tau) is shown to be in agreement with the prediction of parameter dependent random-matrix theory to all orders in τ\tau.Comment: 25 pages, no figur

    Spinon excitations in the XX chain: spectra, transition rates, observability

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    The exact one-to-one mapping between (spinless) Jordan-Wigner lattice fermions and (spin-1/2) spinons is established for all eigenstates of the one-dimensional s = 1=2 XX model on a lattice with an even or odd number N of lattice sites and periodic boundary conditions. Exact product formulas for the transition rates derived via Bethe ansatz are used to calculate asymptotic expressions of the 2-spinon and 4-spinon parts (for large even N) as well as of the 1-spinon and 3-spinon parts (for large odd N) of the dynamic spin structure factors. The observability of these spectral contributions is assessed for finite and infinite N.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Extension of nano-confined DNA: quantitative comparison between experiment and theory

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    The extension of DNA confined to nanochannels has been studied intensively and in detail. Yet quantitative comparisons between experiments and model calculations are difficult because most theoretical predictions involve undetermined prefactors, and because the model parameters (contour length, Kuhn length, effective width) are difficult to compute reliably, leading to substantial uncertainties. Here we use a recent asymptotically exact theory for the DNA extension in the "extended de Gennes regime" that allows us to compare experimental results with theory. For this purpose we performed new experiments, measuring the mean DNA extension and its standard deviation while varying the channel geometry, dye intercalation ratio, and ionic buffer strength. The experimental results agree very well with theory at high ionic strengths, indicating that the model parameters are reliable. At low ionic strengths the agreement is less good. We discuss possible reasons. Our approach allows, in principle, to measure the Kuhn length and effective width of a single DNA molecule and more generally of semiflexible polymers in solution.Comment: Revised version, 6 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, supplementary materia

    Exotic hybrid mesons in hard electroproduction

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    We estimate the sizeable cross section for deep exclusive electroproduction of an exotic JPC=1+J^{PC}=1^{-+} hybrid meson in the Bjorken regime. The production amplitude scales like the one for usual meson electroproduction, i.e. as 1/Q21/Q^2. This is due to the non-vanishing leading twist distribution amplitude for the hybrid meson, which may be normalized thanks to its relation to the energy momentum tensor and to the QCD sum rules technique. The hard amplitude is considered up to next-to-leading order in αS\alpha_{S} and we explore the consequences of fixing the renormalization scale ambiguity through the BLM procedure. We study the particular case where the hybrid meson decays through a πη\pi\eta meson pair. We discuss the πη\pi\eta generalized distribution amplitude and then calculate the production amplitude for this process. We propose a forward-backward asymmetry in the production of π\pi and η\eta mesons as a signal for the hybrid meson production. We briefly comment on hybrid electroproduction at very high energy, in the diffractive limit where a QCD Odderon exchange mechanism should dominate. The conclusion of our study is that hard electroproduction is a promissing way to study exotic hybrid mesons, in particular at JLAB, HERA (HERMES) or CERN (Compass)

    Left ventricular function at 24 hours, 14 days and 6 months after acute myocardial infarction

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    To determine the natural history of left ventricular function at rest and during exercise and to assess the impact of this variable on subsequent mortality, 165 patients were studied with radionuclide angiography within 24 hours of acute myocardial infarction. The ejection fraction of the 19 patients who died during the 6 month follow-up was lower than that of the 146 survivals: 41±16% vs 50±13% (P<0.001). Before hospital discharge (14±4 days), 83 patients had a rest and submaximal exercise radionuclide study. The ejection fraction of the 42 patients with anterior infarction was 44±12% and remained unchanged during exercise, while the 41 patients with posterior infarction had a resting value of 54±9% which increased to 57±10% (P<0.001) during exercise. The ejection fraction during exercise increased slightly but significantly in 37/61 patients with single vessel disease, while it did not change in the 24/61 patients with multivessel disease. At a mean of 4±1 months following infarction, 58 patients underwent a symptom-limited exercise radionuclide study. Mean value of resting ejection fraction for the group or anterior-posterior infarction subgroups did not change from initial or predischarge values. The 27 patients with anterior infarction showed no change in ejection fraction during exercise, while the 31 patients with posterior infarction increased their ejection fraction from 53±11% to 57±12% (P<0.001). Thus, ejection fraction measured by radionuclide angiography 24 hours following acute myocardial infarction provides useful prognostic information. Moreover, data collected 14 days and 4 months after infarction indicate that no significant change in ejection fraction occurred at rest or during exercise compared with values at rest for the group as a whole. However, ejection fraction values of patients with posterior infarction or of patients with single vessel disease increased with exercise, indicating that after myocardial infarction the capacity for improvement in myocardial function does exist in those patients who manifest the least extensive ischaemic or necrotic damag