273 research outputs found

    The pressure of deconfined QCD for all temperatures and quark chemical potentials

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    We present a new method for the evaluation of the perturbative expansion of the QCD pressure which is valid at all values of the temperature and quark chemical potentials in the deconfined phase and which we work out up to and including order g^4 accuracy. Our calculation is manifestly four-dimensional and purely diagrammatic -- and thus independent of any effective theory descriptions of high temperature or high density QCD. In various limits, we recover the known results of dimensional reduction and the HDL and HTL resummation schemes, as well as the equation of state of zero-temperature quark matter, thereby verifying their respective validity. To demonstrate the overlap of the various regimes, we furthermore show how the predictions of dimensional reduction and HDL resummed perturbation theory agree in the regime T~\sqrt{g}*mu. At parametrically smaller temperatures T~g*mu, we find that the dimensional reduction result agrees well with those of the nonstatic resummations down to the remarkably low value T~0.2 m_D, where m_D is the Debye mass at T=0. Beyond this, we see that only the latter methods connect smoothly to the T=0 result of Freedman and McLerran, to which the leading small-T corrections are given by the so-called non-Fermi-liquid terms, first obtained through HDL resummations. Finally, we outline the extension of our method to the next order, where it would include terms for the low-temperature entropy and specific heats that are unknown at present.Comment: 45 pages, 21 figures; v2: minor corrections and clarifications, references added; v3: Fig 16 added, version accepted for publication in PR

    Fermi spectra and their gauge invariance in hot and dense Abelian and non-Abelian theories

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    The one-loop Fermi spectra (one-particle and collective ones) are found for all momenta in the T2T^2-approximation and their gauge invariance in hot and dense Abelian and non-Abelian theories is studied. It is shown that the one-particle spectrum, if the calculation accuracy is kept strictly, is gauge invariant for all momenta and has two branches as the bare one. The collective spectrum always has four branches which are gauge dependent including also their |\q|=0 limit. The exception is the case m,μ=0m,\mu=0 for which this spectrum is gauge invariant for all momenta as well.Comment: 16 pages, latex, no figure

    Photon and electron spectra in hot and dense QED

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    Photon and electron spectra in hot and dense QED are found in the high temperature limit for all |\q| using the Feynman gauge and the one-loop self-energy. All spectra are split by the medium and their branches develop the gap (the dynamical mass) at zero momentum. The photon spectrum has two branches (longitudinal and transverse) with the common mass; but electron spectrum is split on four branches which are well-separated for any |\q| including their |\q|=0 limits (their effective masses). These masses and the photon thermal mass are calculated explicitly and the different limits of spectrum branches are established in detail. The gauge invariance of the high-temperature spectra is briefly discussed.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figure

    Collective Excitations of Massive Dirac Particles in Hot and Dense Medium

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    The one-loop dispersion equation which defines the collective excitations of the massive Dirac particles in hot and dense quark-gluon medium is obtained in the high temperature limit for the case m<<Tm<<T and solved explicitly for all |\q| when μ=0\mu=0. Four well-separated spectrum branches (quasi-particle and quasi-hole excitations) are found and their behaviors for the small and large |\q| are investigated. All calculations are performed using the temperature Green function technique and fixing the Feynman gauge. The gauge dependency of the spectra found are briefly discussed.Comment: 7 pages, latex, no figure

    Ultrasoft Quark Damping in Hot QCD

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    We determine the quark damping rates in the context of next-to-leading order hard-thermal-loop summed perturbation of high-temperature QCD where weak coupling is assumed. The quarks are ultrasoft. Three types of divergent behavior are encountered: infrared, light-cone and at specific points determined by the gluon energies. The infrared divergence persists and is logarithmic whereas the two others are circumvented.Comment: 16 page

    One-particle and collective electron spectra in hot and dense QED and their gauge dependence

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    The one-particle electron spectrum is found for hot and dense QED and its properties are investigated in comparison with the collective spectrum. It is shown that the one-particle spectrum (in any case its zero momentum limit) is gauge invariant, but the collective spectrum, being qualitatively different, is always gauge dependent. The exception is the case m,μ=0m,\mu=0 for which the collective spectrum long wavelength limit demonstrates the gauge invariance as well.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figure

    Soliton Generation and Picosecond Collapse in Solid-State Lasers with Semiconductor Saturable Absorber

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    Based on self - consistent field theory we study a soliton generation in cw solid-state lasers with semiconductor saturable absorber. Various soliton destabilizations, i.e. the switch from femtosecond to picosecond generation (''picosecond collapse''), an automodulation regime, breakdown of soliton generation and hysteresis behavior, are predicted.Comment: 14 pages, 6 Postscript figures, Te