274 research outputs found

    Energy-Efficient Modes of Dehydration of Pome Fruits during Microwave Treatment in Combination with Convection

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    The aim of the work is to significantly increase the efficiency of the dehydrating process of fruits with seeds, by treating it with microwaves in combination with convection. To achieve the purpose, an electrical installation was designed, produced, tested, optimized and implemented, which applies the combined technological treatment method in the dehydration process. Pears were selected as the object of the research in particular, because currently the production of these seeded fruits is not fully exploited, but they are of an increased interest for the agricultural producers and for specialized enterprises, and their dehydration by the methods currently used is difficult, especially because of the browning effect that occurs in the heat treatment process. The essential results obtained based on the research carried out, regarding the application of the elaborated installation, are: reduction of electricity consumption and treatment duration, increase in productivity and quality of dehydrated fruits. At the same time, the developed installation is simple in construction, has low cost and is easy to use, and during fruit processing it allows strict monitoring of the technological parameters, and researches demonstrated a high level of safety in operation. The significance of the obtained results lies in the solution to a series of problems, which are currently faced by the enterprises specialized in fruit processing, in particular by significantly increasing the efficiency of the process of dehydration of pears, based on the proposed method of combined treatment, predominantly with increasing the speed of dehydration, energy efficiency, quality of final products and profitability

    Expression of DROSHA and DICER genes in peripheral blood leukocytes in lung sarcoidosis

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    Aim. To study the expression level of the genes DROSHA and DICER in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) of patients with sarcoidosis of the lungs Materials and methods. The study included 32 patients diagnosed with persistent lung sarcoidosis (mean age 41.56±1.27 years) and 36 healthy donors (control; mean age 42.79±1.95 years). The level of expression of messenger RNA (mRNA) of the genes DROSHA and DICER were determined in PBL of healthy donors and patients with sarcoidosis of the lung by polymerase chain reaction in real time. Results. As a result of the conducted researches it is established that the level of drosha gene expression in PBL patients with sarcoidosis of lungs is significantly reduced in comparison with the control (

    Эффективность процесса сушки масличных семян во взвешенном слое

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    The drying process of oilseeds in a suspended layer is investigated in order to increase productivity, reduce energy consumption and improve the quality of seeds for multipurpose use. To study the process of drying seeds of agricultural oilseeds, an experimental installation for drying seeds in a suspended layer has been developed, tested, optimized and implemented. The developed plant for drying seeds in a suspended layer is simple in design and easy to use, has high productivity. It also automates the process and has demonstrated a high level of operational safety during testing. To evaluate the effectiveness of the process of drying seeds in a suspended layer using the developed installation, three types of seeds of oilseed crops were selected: flax seeds, grapes and white sea buckthorn seeds. The results of the conducted studies of the drying process using the developed installation are: increasing the speed of the drying process; reducing the processing time; reducing energy consumption; reduction of processing costs; reduction of cost of processed products; improvement of the quality of processed products by increasing the degree of uniformity of drying and ensuring the preservation of the basic properties of seeds during heat treatment, mainly by reducing the degree of oxidation of vegetable fats in their components. Due to the rationalization of the drying process of oilseeds based on processing in a suspended layer, a number of tasks currently facing enterprises engaged in the primary processing of agricultural products have been solved. Using the results of the study will increase productivity, reduce energy consumption and processing costs, reduce the degree of oxidation of vegetable fats in the composition of seeds and improve their quality for subsequent use in the food industry, medicine, cosmetology, pharmaceuticals, etc.Исследован процесс сушки масличных семян во взвешенном слое с целью повышения производительности, снижения энергозатрат и повышения качества семян для их многоцелевого использования. Для изучения процесса сушки семян сельскохозяйственных масличных культур разработана, испытана, оптимизирована и внедрена экспериментальная установка для сушки семян во взвешенном слое. Разработанная установка для сушки семян во взвешенном слое проста по конструкции и удобна в применении, имеет высокую производительность. Она также позволяет автоматизировать процесс и продемонстрировала высокий уровень эксплуатационной безопасности во время испытаний. Чтобы оценить эффективность процесса сушки семян во взвешенном слое с применением разработанной установки были отобраны три вида семян масличных сельскохозяйственных культур: семена льна, винограда и облепихи белой. Результатами проведенных исследований процесса сушки с использованием разработанной установки являются: увеличение скорости процесса сушки; сокращение времени технологической обработки; снижение энергопотребления; снижение затрат на переработку; снижение себестоимости продуктов переработки; повышение качества продуктов переработки за счет повышения степени равномерности сушки и обеспечения сохранения основных свойств семян в процессе термической обработки, главным образом при снижении степени окисления растительных жиров в их компонентах. За счет рационализации процесса сушки масличных семян, основанной на обработке во взвешенном слое, решен ряд задач, стоящих в настоящее время перед предприятиями, которые заняты первичной переработкой сельскохозяйственной продукции. Использование результатов исследования позволит повысить производительность, уменьшить потребление электроэнергии и затраты на переработку, снизить степень окисления растительных жиров в составе семян и повысить их качество для последующего применения в пищевой промышленности, медицине, косметологии, фармацевтике и т.д

    DICER and DROSHA gene expression in peripheral mononuclear blood cells from rheumatoid arthritis patients under methotrexate therapy

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    The aim of this research was studying the level of DROSHA and DICER genes expression in peripheral mononuclear blood cells (PBMC) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients under methotrexate therapy. Materials and methods. 82 people (from 45 to 70 years) enrolled in this study were divided into 3 groups (the first one - healthy donors (n=33 median age 49.93±1.87); the second group - rheumatoid arthritis patients without any therapy (n=15; median age 57.28±15.18) and the third group (n=34; median age 60.88±9.02) - rheumatoid arthritis patients who treated at least 4 weeks with methotrexate therapy (10-20 mg/week). The DICER and DROSHA genes expression level was determined by real-time PCR. Results. The number of DICER gene transcripts in PBMC in rheumatoid arthritis patients without therapy as in RA patients treated with methotrexate was reduced in comparison with the healthy donors (p0.05 respectively). The level of DROSHA gene expression in PBMC was not significantly different in all groups enrolled in this study (p>0.05). Conclusion. Our findings suggest that that the DICER gene expression level in perifheral mononuclear blood cells decreased with the development of rheumatoid arthritis. Methotrexate doesn’t influence on the mRNA level of this gene

    The options for diagnosis and treatment of occlusive colon tumors

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    Clinica Chirurgie ”Sf.Arhanghel Mihail”, Catedra chirurgie nr.1 ”N.Anestiadi”, USMF “Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Ocluzia intestinală acută (OIA) reprezintă manifestarea clinică tardivă a cancerului de colon. Necesitatea stabilirii diagnosticului preoperator este discutabilă. Material și metode: Studiul retrospectiv a cuprins 156 pacienți cu tumori colonice spitalizați în perioada 1998-2015. Bărbați – 67, de sex femenin – 89. A dominat vîrsta peste 60 de ani în mai mult de 60%. Manifestările clinice (dureri, vome, absența tranzitului intestinal, balonare) și paraclinice – radiografia abdomenului pe gol cu nivele hidroaerice, au dedus sindromul de OIA în 60 cazuri. Irigoscopia – bloc intestinal (38 cazuri) și fibrocolonoscopia (21 cazuri) orientează diagnosticul etiologic în alte 59 cazuri. Indicațiile operatorii: pentru OIA cînd durerile și distensia se accentuează după tratamentul de reechilibrare și aspirație nazogastrică au fost operați 36 pacienți; pentru OIA și tumoare abdominală palpabilă plus semne peritoneale și leucocitoză s-a intervenit în 11 cazuri; OIA cu nivel hidroaeric mai mare de 10 cm, distensia accentuată și pericolul de perforație diastatică de cec a impus intervenția în 13 cazuri. Aceste situații au dictat și rapiditatea intervenției operatorii – 39 pacienți au fost operați în primele 24 ore; 21 cazuri – în 24-48 ore; iar în peste 48 ore – 59 bolnavi. Rezultate: Operații radicale s-au efectuat în 108 cazuri (90,7%), cu restabilirea primară a tranzitului – în 55 cazuri (51%). Mortalitatea postoperatorie – 18 cazuri (15,1%). Histopatologic: adenocarcinom – în 16 cazuri cu metastaze la distanță, inclusiv canceromatoză – 6 cazuri. Neoperați – 37 cazuri. Concluzii: Indicațiile pentru tratamentul chirurgical de urgență în ocluziile intestinale acute continue să persiste în arsenalul terapeutic, chiar și în condițiile unui diagnostic neelucidat preoperator. Depistarea intraoperatorie a cancerului ocluziv impune înlăturarea acestuia, restabilirea tractului digestiv reieșind din condițiile locale și generale.Introduction: Acute intestinal obstruction (AIO) of the colon represents a late clinic of the colon cancer. The need for the preoperative diagnosis is questionable. Material and methods: The retrospective study included 156 patients, 67 – men and 89 – women with colon tumors, hospitalized in the period of 1998-2015. In more than 60% of the cases the patients were aged over 60 years. The clinical manifestations (pain, vomiting, lack of bowel movements, bloating) and the paraclinic ones – the empty stomach radiography with air-liquid levels deduced AIO syndrome in 60 cases. The barium enema – intestinal obstruction (38 cases) and fibrocolonoscopy (21 cases) orients the etiologic diagnosis in other 59 cases. Operative indications: for AIO when the pain and the distension increase after the rebalancing treatment and nasogastric suction – 36 cases were operated; for AIO and palpable tumor as well as peritoneal signs and leukocytosis – 11 cases were operated; for AIO with air-liquid levels bigger than 10 cm, the emphasized distension and persisting danger of diastatic perforation of the caecum – required interventions in 13 cases. These situations have imposed the rapidity of the surgical intervention: 39 patients were operated within the first 24 hours; 21 cases – within 24-48 hours; and 59 patients – after more than 48 hours. Results: Radical operations were carried out in 108 cases (90.7%) with the primary restoration of the transit in 55 cases (51%). Postoperative mortality – 18 cases (15.1%). Histologic result: adenocarcinoma – in 16 cases with the remote metastasis, including canceromatosis – in 6 cases. There were 37 inoperable cases. Conclusions: The indications for emergency surgical treatment of acute intestinal occlusions continue to persist in the therapeutic arsenal, even in cases of unclear preoperative diagnosis. The intraoperative detection of occlusive cancer requires its removal, and the restoring of the digestive tract based on the local and general conditions

    Macrophage polarization in sarcoidosis

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    Sarcoidosis is a systemic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the formation of epithelioid cell granulomas, multisystem lesions with a certain frequency of involvement of various organs, mainly the lungs (up to 90% of cases). Over the past decade, significant progress has been made in understanding the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis, the important role of immunological, genetic and environmental factors in the development of this pathology has been established. It is believed that the leading mechanism in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis is the aberrant activation of the innate and adaptive immune response to unidentified antigen(s), which leads to the development of granulomatous inflammation and the formation of granulomas. However, despite the huge number of studies that has been carried out, the mechanisms and signaling pathways that control the development of the inflammatory process during the formation of granulomas and the progression of pathology have not been fully determined.This literature review examines the important role of various cytokines and T helper subpopulations in sarcoidosis. Particular attention is paid to the cells of innate immunity – macrophages in the pathogenesis of this disease. These cells play a key role in the formation of sarcoid granulomas and in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis. The macrophage population is characterized by plasticity and functional heterogeneity. In response to various signals from the microenvironment, macrophages are able to acquire certain phenotypes. The review considers the issues of polarization of macrophages, changes in the phenotype of these cells to subpopulations M1 (M1 phenotype; classically activated; pro-inflammatory) and M2 (M2 phenotype; alternatively activated, anti-inflammatory). These two cell populations are characterized by the expression of different markers on their surface, which allow these cells to differentiate from each other. The analysis of literature data on the levels of key polarizing cytokines for macrophages and cells-producers of these cytokines that patients with sarcoidosis have, in acute and chronic course of the disease, was carried out.Important aspects of the alternative activation of macrophages of the M2 phenotype and their division into subtypes: M2a, M2b, M2c, M2d are noted. The features of various subtypes’ activation of macrophages in this granulomatosis and their importance in the development and progression of pathology are considered. Studying the role of macrophages’ phenotypes, understanding the mechanisms by which the phenotypes of these cells are activated and modulated in various microenvironmental conditions, can contribute to the development and implementation into clinical practice of new therapeutic approaches for the treatment of sarcoidosis and many other forms of pathologies