1,101 research outputs found

    Heavy Metal Analysis of Industrial Discharges in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Waste water samples from three different industrial areas in Lagos state (Ikeja, Apapa and Victoria Island) spanning the dry and wet seasons, were analyzed for Pb, Cu, Cd, Mn and Fe using the atomic absorption spectroscopic method. The mean values of Fe were within the FMEnV and WHO limits used as standard while the mean values of Cd, Cu, Pb and Mn exceeded these limits indicating that these industries constitute source of pollution to the human lives and ecosystem in the areas involved. Utilization of improved method of treatment and frequent awareness to the compliance of the industries were recommended

    Numerical simulation of turbulent heat transfer and fluid flow in different tube designs

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    Numerical simulation was carried out to study the heat transfer, friction factor and thermal performance of water inside different tubes induced with different twisted tapes. The purpose is to ascertain which of the tube designs gives the best performance when compared with the plain tube. The tubes were under uniform wall heat flux condition and Reynolds number in the range 5000 ≤ Re ≤ 20000 were considered. RNG κ − ε equation model was selected for the numerical simulations and RANS equations were employed to render the Navier-Stokes equations tractable. The best performance was obtained when the tube was fitted with alternate-axis triangular cut twisted tape. Its Nusselt number and friction factor are respectively 2.07 – 3.33 and 10.65 – 13.1 times better than that of a plain tube and its thermal performance factor is 1.35 – 1.43 times better than that of the tube with plain twisted tape

    Religion Sectarianism in Yoruba Land and Threats to Its Millennial Tribal Union

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    The Yoruba people have lived harmoniously as a kin for as long as the tribe has been in existence without religious strain despite the myriads of choices of beliefs that their traditional religion (Iseese) offered; and also, with the advent of foreign religions, Christian and Muslims have continuously live together in Yoruba land, often in harmony with practitioners of Yoruba traditional religion. In the recent age, there has been a curve of trend as the tribal relationships among the Yoruba people have gradually been eroding due to increasing infiltrations and activism of religion extremists. This research examined the damage religious sectarianism wreaked on the kinship relationship among the Yoruba folks. The research was qualitative, and situated within fundamentalism theory, a religious philosophy which depicts advocacy and strict adherence to a religious doctrine or belief. Data collections which are based on both primary and secondary sources are participatory, observatory and library oriented. It is concluded that religion has done more harm than good, but the situation can be redeemed with good understanding of the intended purpose of religion ingrained in the religious zealots

    Roles of Community Pharmacists in Improving Oral Health Awareness in Plateau State, Northern Nigeria

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    There is poor oral health awareness in Nigeria. This is mainly attributed to limited access to correct information on oral health as well as a lack of oral health care providers. The impact of the poor oral health awareness is worse in Northern Nigeria due to the uneven distribution of oral health care workers and training facilities. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to describe the roles of community pharmacists (CPs) in Plateau State, Nigeria as sources of oral health information. Theoretical framework for this study was the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Background knowledge and practices of oral health care by CPs were assessed as related to their demographic characteristics. A 1 sample t-test was used to assess CPs\u27 knowledge of oral health. A binary logistic regression model was conducted to evaluate if some demographic variables could predict Plateau State CPs\u27 interest in becoming more involved in provision of services on oral health problems. According to the study findings, the CPs had a good disposition towards engaging in oral health prevention services by providing some oral health services to patients with oral health problems. In addition, 94.7% of the CPs were willing to advance the cause of oral health care. The disposition of CPs towards oral health could serve as a platform to help propagate oral health care and awareness in their communities. Engaging the CPs might help reduce oral health disparities by increasing oral health awareness, improving oral health-seeking behavior and oral hygiene practices, and improving quality of life via cost effective delivery of pharmacy-based oral health care services

    Is Attitude an Impediment to Achieving English Proficiency amongst the Final Year Students in the Northern Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria: A Comparative Study of Southern and Northern Geopolitical Zones

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    This study investigated whether it is the learners’ attitudes in the northern geopolitical zone of Nigeria which impede them from achieving high level of proficiency in the study of English language as compared to that of their counterparts in the southern geopolitical zone. Three research questions were generated to guide the study. 28-item questionnaire adapted from Gardner’s (1985b) Attitude Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) were used to elicit the data needed. The descriptive survey research design that was adopted for the study comprised of four-part Likert-type statements. 610 students (male and female) registered for SSCE examination were selected from 18 government-owned public secondary schools in the Northern and Southern geopolitical zones using stratified random sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed using simple mean scores and percentages. The result of the study showed that students in the Northern geopolitical zones, in fact, have high positive attitude towards the learning of English but were not motivated to learn it and that language anxiety had a pervasive impact on the language learning experience of the students. The study recommends amongst others that, language teachers need to evolve effective teaching and learning strategies that generate the attitudes and motivation most conducive to the production of more successful learners of English language

    CFD Study of Behavior of Transition Flow in Distinct Tubes of Miscellaneous Tape Insertions

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    Application of transition flow can be found in several processes and systems. It has been revealed through findings from various researchers that the values of Reynolds numbers at which transition flow occurs vary. In the current work, investigations were numerically conducted by Fluent on transition of water flow in three assorted plain tubes fitted with miscellaneous tape insertions. They are plain tube with crossed-axes-circle-cut tape insert (C-C tube), plain tube with crossed-axes-triangle-cut tape insert (C-T tube), and plain tube with crossed-axes-ellipse-cut tape insert (C-E tube). The focus of the work is to explore the influence of the tape insertion on commencement and finish of transition flow in the tubes with respect to the Reynolds number of the flow. The Reynolds number (Re) taken into account for the transition flow is 2,150≤Re≤4,650, and the variation of Shear-Stress Transport κ-ω model that deals with transition flow was utilized. The results showed that transition flow starts at Re=2,300 and finishes at Re=4,400 in C-T tube, starts at Re=2,780 and finishes at Re=4,610 in C-C tube, but starts at Re=2,550 and finishes at Re=4,500 in C-E tube. The Nusselt number in C-T tube is 19.3% to 45.6% higher than that in C-C tube, but the Nusselt number in C-T tube is 3.6% to 28.3% more than that in C-E tube. The friction factor in C-T tube is 2.15% to 4.56% higher than that in C-C tube; the friction factor in C-T tube is 0.83% to 3.33% more than that in C-E tube. These results indicate that for the case of the tubes considered in this work, the C-T tube, which is the first one in which transition flow commences and ends, has the highest Nusselt number, but C-C tube, in which transition flow commences and finishes last, has the least Nusselt number. Interestingly, the same phenomenon applies to the friction factor. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2022-03-02-02 Full Text: PD

    The status and quality of secondary science teaching and learning in Lagos State, Nigeria

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    This study investigated and described the status and quality of secondary science teaching and learning in Lagos State, Nigeria. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used for gathering research data. Quantitative data were obtained from the surveys of 78 junior secondary science teachers and 500 junior secondary students from three Local Education Districts of Lagos State. Qualitative data on the other hand, were gathered from analysis of national and state curriculum documents and from focus groups of science teachers, school principals, parent association representatives, education officers, teacher educators, representatives of the professional association for science teachers and representatives of examination bodies in Lagos State, Nigeria. Other key stakeholders including scientists in a government establishment and those working in industry were also interviewed
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