20 research outputs found


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    We have performed a retrospective analysis of femoral neck fractures in 569 patients, who had undergone treatment at the Institute in 2009-2013. The proportion of patients was assessed by sex, age, circumstances of injury, date of admission, type of fractures, presence of comorbidity, methods of treatment, intra-operative blood loss and methods of its compensation, presence of lower extremities thrombosis and methods of its management, presence and type of complications, rehabilitation after operation. Also, we calculated the average pre-operative and total hospital stay and mortality, and made conclusions and recommendations for practice.Проведен ретроспективный анализ историй болезни 569 пациентов с переломами шейки бедренной кости, находившихся на лечении в НИИ СП с 2009 по 2013 г. Оценено соотношение пациентов по полу, возрасту, обстоятельствам травмы, срокам поступления в стационар, характеру перелома, наличию сопутствующих заболеваний, способам лечения перелома, а также по количеству интраоперационной кровопотери и способам ее компенсации, наличию и способам лечения тромбозов вен нижних конечностей, наличию других осложнений и их характеру, срокам активизации больных, оценены средний предоперационный и общий койко-день, летальность. Сделаны выводы и рекомендации в практику

    Implicit numerical algorithm for the solution of phase transition problems in multi‐component alloys

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    New finite difference method for numerical study of phase transition process in multi‐component alloys is proposed. The algorithm is based on conservative fully implicit scheme and the simultaneous determination of concentration distribution in solid and liquid phases, and the interface position. The numerical procedure appears to be unconditionally stable. It is compared with a commonly used technique, which determines concentration distribution and interface position (growth rate) consequently. Neišreikštinis skaitinis algoritmas fazės pernešimo uždaviniams daugiakomponenčiuose lydiniuose Santrauka. Pasiūlytas naujas baigtinių skirtumu metodas fazės pernešimo daugiakomponenčiuose lydiniuose skaitiniam sprendiniui rasti. Algoritmas pagrįstas pilnai konservatyviąja baigtinių skirtumų schema ir vienalaikiu koncentracijos pasiskirstymo apibrėžimu kietoje ir skystoje fazėse, kaip ir sąlyčio paviršiuje. Skaitinis metodas yra besąlygiškai stabilus. Jis palygintas su kitais bendraisiais metodais, kurie nuosekliai apibrėžia koncentracijos pasiskirstymą ir sąlyčio paviršiaus padėtį. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Computer simulation for subcritical convection in multi‐component alloys

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    Subcritical convection with hexagonal flow pattern is registered in 3D computer simulation of convective mass transfer in ternary solution under phase transition conditions. The calculations are evaluated by the classical theory of hydrodynamic stability and display a good agreement with linear and finite amplitude stability analysis. Key words: convective instability, subcritical convection, computer simulation. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Numerical study of ternary alloy crystallization in the cylindrical ampule

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    Abstract: The self-consistent model of multicomponent alloy crystallization in the cylindrical ampule was considered. The mathematical model accounts for the diffusion heat and matter transport in both solid and liquid phases, the movement of the crystallization front and heat exchange with the environment. The proposed model was used for numerical simulation of the crystallization process of ternary compound AxB1-xC.Note: Research direction:Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technic

    Stability of the Finite Difference Schemes for the Set of Simultaneous Parabolic Equations.

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    Abstract: In the work the asymptotic stability of the numerical solution for the set of simultaneous parabolic equations with special boundary condition is studied. Exact solution of the finite difference problem is compared with the solution found by computed method.Note: Research direction:Mathematical problems and theory of numerical method