29 research outputs found


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    The article is dedicated to an urgent issue of modern pediatrics and neurology — complex treatment of stroke consequences in children. The article details etiological aspects, pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical peculiarities of stroke consequences in children, the primary among which are asthenic syndrome (73–86% of the patients), movement disorders (33–58%), cognitive disorders (60%), paroxysmal conditions (30%), sensory disorders (14%), emotional-volitional and behavioral disorders (17–38%), vegetative dysfunction syndrome (60–74%), pain syndrome (53–74%) and syncopal conditions (12%). The article details the main spheres of complex rehabilitation of children with stroke consequences, including use of innovative medical rehabilitation technologies — kinesitherapy, dynamic proprioceptive correction, mechanotherapy using robotic systems, physiotherapy and drug correction. The article demonstrates that diagnosis and treatment of stroke consequences in children is a difficult problem, which requires a differential complex approach in order to improve effectiveness of both drug therapy and rehabilitation and quality of life of the patients.Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме современной педиатрии и неврологии — комплексному лечению последствий инсульта у детей. Подробно освещены этиологические аспекты, патофизиологические механизмы и клинические особенности последствий инсульта в детском возрасте, основными из которых являются астенический синдром (у 73–86% пациентов), двигательные расстройства (у 33–58%), когнитивные нарушения (у 60%), пароксизмальные состояния (у 30%), сенсорные расстройства (у 14%), эмоционально-волевые и поведенческие нарушения (у 17–38%), синдром вегетативной дисфункции (у 60–74%), болевой синдром (у 53–74%), синкопальные состояния (у 12%). Рассмотрены современные направления комплексной реабилитации детей после перенесенного инсульта, в том числе с применением инновационных технологий восстановительного лечения — кинезиотерапии, метода динамической проприоцептивной коррекции, механотерапии с использованием роботизированных систем, физиолечения, медикаментозной коррекции. Показано, что диагностика и лечение последствий инсульта в детском возрасте является сложной проблемой, требующей дифференцированного комплексного подхода с целью повышения эффективности как медикаментозной терапии, так и реабилитациии и улучшения качества жизни пациентов

    Organisational technologies for ambulatory outpatient healthcare quality improvement in cardiovascular disease patients

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    The article presents an innovative clinico-organisational model of medical care in cardiovascular disease (CVD), functioning in a large industrial city. The model is based on the “closed circle” principle, including a unified ambulatory-outpatient system of cardiologic care and a multi-level hospital system of CVD healthcare: therapeutic cardiologic and high-technology surgical service, post-infarction and post-intervention rehabilitation, including sanatorium level. The base of the model is ambulatory service, uniting all city policlinic cardiologists at specialised municipal healthcare centres — cardiology dispansers, and functionally linked to other healthcare — specialised hospitals and sanatoriums. The “closed circle” system: policlinic — hospital — sanatorium — policlinic, facilitates consistency of patients’ treatment; accessibility and quality of healthcare; wide implementation of promising, cost-effective and high technology-based methods of diagnostics and treatment at ambulatory level; and effective use of expensive inpatient cardiosurgery resources. The new model is focused on CVD prevention, quality of life and demographics improvement, and working capacity maintenance in the population


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    The article is dedicated to an urgent issue of modern pediatrics and neurology — complex treatment of stroke consequences in children. The article details etiological aspects, pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical peculiarities of stroke consequences in children, the primary among which are asthenic syndrome (73–86% of the patients), movement disorders (33–58%), cognitive disorders (60%), paroxysmal conditions (30%), sensory disorders (14%), emotional-volitional and behavioral disorders (17–38%), vegetative dysfunction syndrome (60–74%), pain syndrome (53–74%) and syncopal conditions (12%). The article details the main spheres of complex rehabilitation of children with stroke consequences, including use of innovative medical rehabilitation technologies — kinesitherapy, dynamic proprioceptive correction, mechanotherapy using robotic systems, physiotherapy and drug correction. The article demonstrates that diagnosis and treatment of stroke consequences in children is a difficult problem, which requires a differential complex approach in order to improve effectiveness of both drug therapy and rehabilitation and quality of life of the patients