8 research outputs found


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    The article describes the advantages of using modern polymer materials for the manufacture of auto parts in the automotive industry. The authors have developed and presented a systematization of modern polymer materials, which are most often used in the automotive industry for the manufacture of both body and engine compartment (under hood) parts, and parts for internal equipment of a car. The studies made it possible for the authors to introduce a characteristic of the modern polymer materials properties that could to be used for the manufacture of a particular car part, as well as indicate brief chemical names (abbreviations) of polymer materials and their compositions (taking into account the requirements of world practice), indicating some properties, namely: heating resistance, solubility in organic solvents, etc. It is indicated that the use of polymer materials in the automotive industry is based directly on the properties of the polymer material and the requirements for a particular auto part. In one of the tables, a list of polymer materials and parts that are made of a certain type of polymer material is outlined, in another table the information on feedback regarding the variation of polymer materials in the process of manufacturing a specific car part is gathered. Special attention is paid to the example of deciphering the stamp meaning, which is stamped on the inner surface of some polymer parts. The stamp reflects information on the type of polymer material from which the auto part is made, the presence of fillers and amplifiers in its composition, as well as their percentage. In addition, a list of the main types of modified polypropylene, a brief designations of polypropylene various modifications and their application in the automotive industry are presented. For the ease of use while forensic practice, the information on the properties and possibilities of using the most commonly used polymer materials in the automotive industry is summarized in table.У статті викладено результати систематизування даних щодо сучас- них полімерних матеріалів, які активно застосовують в автомобілебуду- ванні, за їх хімічними назвами та наведено узагальнені відомості про ча- стоту їх застосування для виготовлення деталей автомобілів. Скорочені позначення цих полімерів і деякі їхні властивості зведено в таблицю пе- реліку застосувань конкретного полімерного матеріалу, який використо- вують для виготовлення конкретної деталі транспортних засобів, а та- кож складено таблицю зі зворотними даними щодо варіації полімерних матеріалів для виготовлення конкретної полімерної деталі автомобіля. Крім того, для полегшення роботи експертів наведено приклад розшифру- вання штампа, розташованого з внутрішнього боку полімерної деталі. За- уважено, що наведені дані значно полегшують роботу під час експертного дослідження полімерних деталей транспортних засобів та розширюють можливості експерта під час розв’язання як діагностичних, так і іден- тифікаційних завдань


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    An approach to establishing quantitative indicators of the composition of gasoline and diesel fuel mixtures with determination of the content of charge stocks is presented. Correctness indicator of the method, as a measure of deviation from a true value, was 6.5% volume while studying the model sample. As an auxiliary method for qualitative determination of gasoline or diesel fuel, the method of fractional distillation (distillation) at atmospheric pressure was used. Determination of the fractional composition of the mixtures was carried out under normal conditions for charge stocks as well as their mixtures with a concentration range of predominantly 10% volume. Research has shown a significant increase in the final boiling point temperature with availability of even a small amount of diesel fuel in gasoline as well as decrease in the initial boiling point when adding gasoline to diesel fuel. The study by gas-liquid chromatography method made it possible to establish an approximate boundary of gasoline components redistribution: diesel fuel mixtures when their proportions are changed. It was noted that the main redistribution of components occurs before and after adding n-Nonane which content in gasolines and diesel fuels is relatively small. Using the ratio of the sum of point areas eluting before n-Decane (without n-Nonane) and after n-Decane (including n-Nonane), considering unidentified ones, as the distribution coefficient of the source k components , it was possible to establish proportions of source components. The k coefficient dependence on the content of diesel fuel is nonlinear. Transition to linear relationship in the coordinates of the linear logarithm of the k coefficient and the content of diesel fuel showed the presence of strong negative correlation with the values of the coefficient of reliability of approximation from -0.982 to -0.997 for model mixtures. The practical application of the k coefficient to determine the content of gasoline and diesel fuel can be recommended when constructing narrow calibration dependences in the range from 20 to 40% (vol.) of the target component.Викладено підхід до кількісної оцінки складу суміші бензину й дизельного палива із застосуванням методу газорідинної хроматографії з полум’яно-іонізаційним детектуванням. Основою підходу є виокремлення на хроматограмі суміші діапазонів часу утримання компонентів, що більшою мірою характерно окремо для бензинів і дизельного палива, визначення їх сумарних кількісних хроматографічних характеристик та обчислення коефіцієнта, який характеризує співвідношення вмісту бензину й дизельного палива. Визначено нелінійну залежність такого коефіцієнта від вмісту вихідних нафтопродуктів. Отримане значення правильності визначення за запропонованим підходом склало 6,5 % щодо заданого вмісту дизельного палива у суміші з бензином. Як допоміжний метод під час якісного визначення бензину або дизельного палива використано метод фракційної перегонки (дистиляції) за атмосферного тиску

    Beneficial impact of human placenta extracts on erythrocyte membrane thermostability

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    PURPOSE: To study the influence of human placenta extract (HPE) and its individual fractions on the thermal stability of human erythrocyte membrane. METHODS: HPE fractions were isolated by gel chromatography. Thermal hemolysis of erythrocytes, exposed to 55°C was measured spectrophotometrically. Cytosol microvscosity and barrier function of erythrocyte membranes at hyperthermia were investigated by EPR spin probe TEMPON. Thermal denaturation of erythrocyte membrane proteins were studied by differential scanning calorimetry. RESULTS: Pre-treatment of erythrocytes with HPE or its fractions inhibited thermal hemolysis. Low-molecular fractions (below 4 kDa and 12-20 kDa) were the most effective in thermal hemolysis inhibition ((31.7±3.3) % and (31.5±3.2) %, respectively). The latter fractions markedly reduced the hyperthermia (55°C)-induced permeability of erythrocytes for ferricyanide ions and inhibited the thermo-induced structural transitions in erythrocyte membrane between 40 and 50°C, which are associated with cytoskeletal proteins. HPE fractions reversibly increased the denaturation temperatures of erythrocyte membrane proteins, except that of spectrin, and enlarged the enthalpy of denaturation of all membrane proteins. CONCLUSIONS: HPE and its individual fractions increased the thermal stability of erythrocyte membranes and erythrocytes. This effect was attributed to the reversible binding of some low molecular ingredient of HPE to the integral proteins and consequent stabilization of their interaction with under-membrane cytoskeleton


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    Characteristics of engine oils exterior in spectrum UV region, solubility parametres are determined. By results of research it’s established that all types of the investigated engine oils are characterized by similar colour characteristics, ability to solubility in liquids of various nature and polarity. The results of researches of structurally-group composition of some semisynthetic oils offoreign and domestic production with the use of methods of thin-layer chromatography and IR-spectroscopy are presented. The use of IR-spectroscopy method gives the basic information on the structure of investigated objects under condition of registration of corresponding absorption bands, and also makes it possible to detect the presence ofadditives ofantioxidant, dispersive and viscous purpose. An obstacle for reliable interpretation of IR spectra at an establishment of oil concrete type (mineral, semisynthetic or synthetic) is the presence of common intensive absorption bands, and also imposing of more intensive bands on less intensive (masking). Efficiency of this method use for an establishment of oil type is situational. It depends on composition which is defined by the manufacturer. In order to obtain more informative IR spectra we may recommend a classical method of registration - using liquid cuvettes or in a thin layer between the plates made from KBr. The use of the thin-layer chromatography method has shown possibility of semisynthetic oils differentiation from mineral and synthetic oils under condition of complex processing of chromatograms with the Marki reactant, iodine vapors and examination in UV-beams. It’s ascertained that received chromatograms of semisynthetic oils have an overall separation pattern with motor and synthetic oils. At that chromatograms of mineral and synthetic oils essentially differfrom each other. Thus, attributing oils to semisynthetic becomes possible when obtaining a chromatographic separation pattern in a thin layer of a sorbent at set of signs characteristic both for mineral and for synthetic oils.Установлено характеристики зовнішнього вигляду моторних олив в УФ-променях, параметри розчинності. Наведено результати досліджень структурно-групового складу деяких напівсинтетичних олив іноземного й вітчизняного виробництва із використанням методів тонкошарової хроматографії та ІЧ-спектроскопії. Визначено відмінності в спектральних характеристиках напівсинтетичних олив від моторних олив. Показано, що найбільш інформативним методом, який дозволяє виявляти характеристичні ознаки напівсинтетичних олив, є метод тонкошарової хроматографії. При цьому картина хроматографічного розділення напівсинтетичних олив при огляді хроматографічних пластинок в УФ-променях, обробленні парами йоду та реактивом Маркі включає ряд зон, характерних як для мінеральних, так і для синтетичних олив


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    The article deals with the problem of determining the influence of capacity on the presence of phthalates — esters of phthalic acid (EFC) and its isomeric compounds in the studied objects. The work is relevant in connection with the lack of clear rules for the transportation of objects that are provided for forensic research on the content of phthalates, because the packaging of objects in improperly selected packaging may lead to the EFC falling into the object under study and false as a whole research results. The purpose of the work was to establish the presence of phthalates in the bottled drinking water, which is being sold in the territory of Ukraine in a polymeric container made of polyethylene terephthalate (PETF, PET), as well as tap water and distilled water and ethyl alcohol, placed in the same bottles during research. Establishing an EFC in facilities placed in PET packaging is a direct confirmation of existing experience with similar topics. The determination of the content of the EFC was carried out by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. It is shown that in the composition of any drinking water from those sold on the domestic market in PET packaging, there is an EFC. In this case, the sample of mineral water in glass containers, as well as distilled, tap water, ethyl alcohol used in this work, the EFC did Not contain within the limits of quantitative definition. After the expiry of these samples of distilled water and ethyl alcohol in the PET packaging, the presence of phthalates was detected. The results of this work are supported by well-known global studies to determine the possibility of migration of the EFC from the packaging material to its liquid content. Taking into account the results obtained, we have provided recommendations for the packaging of liquid research objects when they are sent to a study to determine the content of the EFC.У статті розглянуто проблему визначення впливу матеріалу ємності на наявність фталатів — складних ефірів фталевої кислоти (ЕФК) та ізомерних її сполук у складі досліджуваних об’єктів. Мета роботи — встановлення наявності фталатів у складі експериментальних зразків та у складі бутильованої питної води, яка реалізується на території України у полімерній тарі. Визначення вмісту ЕФК проводилося методом газової хроматографії- мас-спектрометрії. Враховуючи отримані результати, надано рекомендації з пакування рідких об’єктів дослідження при направленні їх на дослідження з метою встановлення вмісту ЕФК.В статье рассмотрена проблема определения влияния материала емкости на наличие фталатов — сложных эфиров фталевой кислоты (ЭФК) и её изомерных соединений в составе исследуемых объектов. Цель работы — установление наличия фталатов у составе бутилированной питьевой воды, реализуемой на территории Украины в полимерной таре. Установление содержания ЭФК проводилось методом газовой хроматографии-масспектрометрии, также приведены ИК-спектры полимерных материалов ПЭТ-тары. Показано, что в составе любой питьевой воды из тех, что реализуются на отечественном рынке в ПЭТ таре, содержатся ЭФК. При этом исследуемый образец минеральной воды в стеклянной таре, а также дистиллированная, водопроводная вода, этиловый спирт, использованные в данной работе, ЭФК не содержали в пределах количественного определения. После выдержки указанных образцов дистиллированной воды и этилового спирта в ПЭТ таре было выявлено наличие фталатов. Результаты данной работы подтверждают известные мировые исследования по установлению возможности миграции ЭФК из материала тары в состав ее жидкого содержимого. Учитывая полученные результаты, нами даны рекомендации по упаковке жидких объектов исследования при направлении их на исследование с целью установления содержания ЭФК. Работа имеет актуальность у связи с отсутствием четких правил транспортировки объектов, которые предоставляются на криминалистическое исследование по установлению содержания фталатов. Выбор неверного полимерного материала для упаковки объектов может привести к попаданию ЭФК в состав исследуемого объекта и ложным в целом результатам исследования

    Influence of freezing down to 77.15 K on structure and antioxidant power of some proteins

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    The purpose of the present work was to investigate influence of different freeze-thawing protocols on structure and antioxidant properties of isolated proteins. In our experiments we have studied human serum albumin, human hemoglobin and cytochrome C derived from equine heart frozen down to 77.15 K with 1–2 deg/min and 300 deg/min rate with following thawing on a water bath at 293.15 K. Native proteins were assumed as a control. Influence of freeze-thawing protocols on protein structure was investigated using spectrophotometric and fluorescent assays. Antioxidant activities of isolated proteins were estimated by their ability to reduce ABTS ⁺ radical. It has been established that unfolding derived from freeze-thawing exposure leads to protein antioxidant activity increasing while decreasing of such an activity may be connected with macromolecule aggregation. Character of freeze-thawing influence on antioxidant activity of proteins depends on molecule structure peculiarities and freezing protocols

    Change in the Microviscosity of Erythrocyte Membranes and Proteins in Blood Plasma after Graphene Oxide Addition: The ESR Spectroscopy Study

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    The change in the microviscosity of erythrocyte membranes and the proteins in blood plasma after graphene oxide addition is studied by the ESR spectroscopy exploiting two spin probes with different lipophilic components in the structures. Experiments with charged spin probe 2 embedded into the erythrocyte membrane showed that the introduction of graphene oxide in small concentrations (∼70 μg/ml) into a suspension of erythrocytes did not lead to significant changes in the microviscosity of their membranes. Correlation times of hydrophobic spin probe 1 adsorbed to hydrophobic pockets of plasma proteins demonstrate a gradual slowdown at the graphene oxide injection into blood plasma that indicates a small deformation of the hydrophobic cavity of protein at the adsorption. However, this protein binding with graphene oxide does not cause the displacement of the spin probe from their hydrophobic cavities, which is evidence about small changes in the protein secondary structure. The obtained results indicate the insignificant cytotoxicity effect of small concentrations of graphene oxide for erythrocytes and blood plasma